• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

Search results

  1. land.scape

    Need to find missing roman legion figs

    I just discovered three squads of my roman legion are missing the same figure. Not sure why but I need to find replacements because I want the sets back to being complete. I'm looking for the figure where the guy is holding a sword straight up, not at an angle. If anyone has 1-3 copies of this...
  2. land.scape

    Oswego (Western Chicagoland) gaming days

    The next get together will be on Saturday, November 29th at Comic Connections, downtown Oswego. These gaming days are usually held every two weeks, though the schedule has to be adjusted as the need arises. So call the store to confirm that a gaming day is still a go. Come on out and join us...
  3. land.scape

    LOTR meets Star Trek

    If you like Hobbits and Vulcans... well I'm sorry but this will ruin both for you! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFR-8NVjw-k
  4. land.scape


    Who is the distributor for all things Heroscape? I'd love to get my wife's bookstore (well, it's not HER store) to carry it. They already carry toys. Her first question was who distributes it. The store has wanted to carry other stuff, like legos, but the terms weren't small independent...
  5. land.scape

    Bad link

    I noticed that the Events link at the top of the page generates an error. Didn't know where to send this, so ....