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(5:27 AM) ScapeBot:
(5:27 AM) ScapeBot has logged in!
(5:27 AM) ScapeBot: Online HS, Round 2
(5:27 AM) ScapeBot: chris perkins v. cor7770
(5:27 AM) ScapeBot: This roll determines who wins the dice-off
(5:27 AM) ScapeBot: 1-10=chris perkins, 11-20=cor7770
(5:27 AM) ScapeBot rolled 9 on the d20
(5:27 AM) ScapeBot: chris perkins
(5:27 AM) ScapeBot: cor7770 chooses who places first
(9:06 PM) Chris has logged in!
(9:13 PM) cor7770 has logged in!
(9:14 PM) Chris: Hi
(9:14 PM) Chris: Did you want to use discord voice, or stick with text chat
(9:14 PM) Chris: ?
(9:17 PM) cor7770 has logged in!
(9:17 PM) cor7770: up to you
(9:17 PM) Chris: Discord voice is good
User cor7770 has left the chat session.
(9:22 PM) Chris has logged in!
(9:23 PM) Chris: moved game to a different link because cor didn't have edit permission for this one
(9:23 PM) Chris: fyi
(9:23 PM) Chris: if anyone wants new link PM me on discord
User Chris has left the chat session.