(12:31 AM) ScapeBot: swarm chooses who places first
(11:08 AM) Swarm has logged in!
(11:08 AM)The turn/action of Swarm is done.
(11:08 AM) Swarm: placement done
(11:59 AM) Backcountry Gamer has logged in!
(12:03 PM) Backcountry Gamer: placement done
(4:50 PM) Swarm has logged in!
(4:51 PM) Backcountry Gamer: here
(4:51 PM) Swarm: ready!
(4:52 PM) Swarm: My gf is going to sleep so I won't be able to do voice unfortunately
(4:52 PM) Swarm: but nice to meet you!
(4:52 PM) Backcountry Gamer: No worries!
(4:52 PM) Backcountry Gamer: Valdor is move +2 right?
(4:52 PM) Swarm: yep!
(4:52 PM)User Backcountry Gamer has set all Order Markers.
(4:53 PM) Backcountry Gamer: GL HF!
(4:53 PM) Swarm: gL HF TO YOU TOO8
(4:53 PM) Swarm: Oooops caps
(4:53 PM) Backcountry Gamer: hjahahahahha
(4:53 PM)User Swarm has set all Order Markers.
(4:53 PM)User Swarm reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Agents 1 OM on Ewashia 1 OM on Ewashia 1 OM on Ewashia
(4:53 PM) Swarm rolled 20 for initiative
(4:53 PM)User Backcountry Gamer reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Frostclaws 1 OM on Zelrig 1 OM on Frostclaws 1 OM on Frostclaws
(4:53 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 16 for initiative
(4:54 PM) Swarm revealed OM 1 on Ewashia
(4:54 PM) Swarm: bonding with kita
(4:54 PM)The turn/action of Swarm is done.
(4:55 PM) Backcountry Gamer revealed OM 1 on Frostclaws
(4:55 PM) Backcountry Gamer: bond with eldgrim
(4:55 PM) Backcountry Gamer: overextend
(4:56 PM) Backcountry Gamer: run 3
(4:56 PM) Backcountry Gamer: total move of 8
(4:56 PM) Backcountry Gamer: and its by figure fro run 3 but i will use it on all of them this round
(4:56 PM) Swarm: sure
(4:59 PM)The turn/action of Backcountry Gamer is done.
(4:59 PM) Swarm revealed OM 2 on Ewashia
(5:00 PM) Swarm rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(5:00 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(5:01 PM) Swarm rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(5:01 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 3 shields with 4 total dice
(5:02 PM)The turn/action of Swarm is done.
(5:02 PM) Backcountry Gamer revealed OM 2 on Frostclaws
(5:04 PM) Swarm rolled 0 skulls with 1 total dice
(5:04 PM) Backcountry Gamer: LA on the last bear
(5:04 PM) Backcountry Gamer: looksl iek my text is lagging a few seconds, just a heads up
(5:04 PM) Backcountry Gamer: Can you see the figures highlighted?
(5:04 PM) Swarm: no worries
(5:05 PM) Swarm: currently no
(5:05 PM) Backcountry Gamer: okay, one sec.
(5:05 PM) Swarm: now I can
(5:05 PM) Backcountry Gamer: Okay
(5:05 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(5:05 PM) Swarm rolled 0 shields with 4 total dice
(5:06 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(5:06 PM) Swarm rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(5:06 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(5:06 PM) Swarm rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(5:07 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(5:07 PM) Swarm rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(5:07 PM)The turn/action of Backcountry Gamer is done.
(5:07 PM) Swarm revealed OM 3 on Agents
(5:09 PM) Swarm: LOS?
(5:09 PM) Backcountry Gamer: yea
(5:09 PM) Swarm rolled 1 skulls with 2 total dice
(5:09 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(5:09 PM) Swarm rolled 1 skulls with 2 total dice
(5:09 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 3 shields with 4 total dice
(5:10 PM) Swarm rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(5:10 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 1 shields with 2 total dice
(5:10 PM)The turn/action of Swarm is done.
(5:10 PM) Backcountry Gamer revealed OM 3 on Frostclaws
(5:10 PM) Swarm rolled 0 skulls with 1 total dice
(5:11 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(5:11 PM) Swarm rolled 3 shields with 4 total dice
(5:11 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(5:11 PM) Swarm rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(5:12 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 3 skulls with 4 total dice
(5:12 PM) Swarm rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(5:12 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(5:12 PM) Swarm rolled 3 shields with 4 total dice
(5:12 PM)The turn/action of Backcountry Gamer is done.
(5:12 PM)User Swarm has set all Order Markers.
(5:13 PM)User Backcountry Gamer has set all Order Markers.
(5:13 PM)User Swarm reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Ewashia 1 OM on Agents 1 OM on Agents 1 OM on Agents
(5:13 PM) Swarm rolled 10 for initiative
(5:13 PM)User Backcountry Gamer reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Dan 1 OM on Frostclaws 1 OM on Frostclaws 1 OM on Frostclaws
(5:13 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 8 for initiative
(5:13 PM) Swarm revealed OM 1 on Agents
(5:14 PM) Swarm rolled 1 skulls with 2 total dice
(5:15 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 2 shields with 5 total dice
(5:15 PM) Swarm rolled 1 skulls with 2 total dice
(5:15 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 2 shields with 5 total dice
(5:15 PM) Swarm rolled 1 skulls with 2 total dice
(5:15 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(5:15 PM)The turn/action of Swarm is done.
(5:15 PM) Backcountry Gamer revealed OM 1 on Frostclaws
(5:18 PM) Swarm rolled 0 skulls with 1 total dice
(5:18 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(5:19 PM) Swarm rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(5:19 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(5:19 PM) Swarm rolled 2 shields with 5 total dice
(5:19 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(5:19 PM) Swarm rolled 3 shields with 4 total dice
(5:19 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(5:19 PM) Swarm rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(5:19 PM)The turn/action of Backcountry Gamer is done.
(5:19 PM) Swarm revealed OM 2 on Agents
(5:21 PM) Swarm rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(5:21 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(5:21 PM) Swarm rolled 1 skulls with 2 total dice
(5:21 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 0 shields with 4 total dice
(5:21 PM) Swarm rolled 0 skulls with 2 total dice
(5:21 PM)The turn/action of Swarm is done.
(5:22 PM) Backcountry Gamer: the dot I made wont show, any idea to mark wound?
(5:22 PM) Swarm: we can color him
(5:22 PM) Backcountry Gamer: Cool! How did you do that?
(5:23 PM) Swarm: "format option"
(5:23 PM) Swarm: then "re-color"
(5:23 PM) Backcountry Gamer: Okay
(5:23 PM) Backcountry Gamer revealed OM 2 on Frostclaws
(5:24 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(5:24 PM) Swarm rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(5:24 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(5:24 PM) Swarm rolled 0 shields with 4 total dice
(5:24 PM)Swarm rolled 4 on the d20
(5:24 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 0 skulls with 4 total dice
(5:24 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 3 skulls with 4 total dice
(5:24 PM) Swarm rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(5:24 PM) Backcountry Gamer: ouch
(5:25 PM)The turn/action of Backcountry Gamer is done.
(5:25 PM) Swarm revealed OM 3 on Agents
(5:25 PM) Swarm rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(5:25 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 0 shields with 4 total dice
(5:25 PM) Swarm rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(5:26 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 2 shields with 5 total dice
(5:26 PM) Swarm rolled 2 skulls with 2 total dice
(5:26 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 2 shields with 5 total dice
(5:26 PM)The turn/action of Swarm is done.
(5:26 PM) Backcountry Gamer revealed OM 3 on Dan
(5:28 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 0 skulls with 1 total dice
(5:28 PM)The turn/action of Backcountry Gamer is done.
(5:28 PM)User Swarm has set all Order Markers.
(5:28 PM)User Backcountry Gamer has set all Order Markers.
(5:28 PM)User Backcountry Gamer reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Frostclaws 1 OM on Zelrig 1 OM on Dan 1 OM on Frostclaws
(5:28 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 20 for initiative
(5:28 PM)User Swarm reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Agents 1 OM on Agents 1 OM on Agents 1 OM on Agents
(5:28 PM) Swarm rolled 3 for initiative
(5:29 PM) Backcountry Gamer revealed OM 1 on Frostclaws
(5:29 PM) Backcountry Gamer: bond with eldgrim
(5:30 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 1 skulls with 2 total dice
(5:30 PM) Swarm rolled 2 shields with 5 total dice
(5:32 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 0 skulls with 3 total dice
(5:32 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(5:32 PM) Swarm rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(5:32 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(5:32 PM) Swarm rolled 2 shields with 3 total dice
(5:32 PM)The turn/action of Backcountry Gamer is done.
(5:32 PM) Swarm: this is a high defense game lol
(5:32 PM) Swarm revealed OM 1 on Agents
(5:32 PM) Backcountry Gamer: Yea...
(5:34 PM) Swarm rolled 3 skulls with 4 total dice
(5:34 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 0 shields with 2 total dice
(5:34 PM) Backcountry Gamer: on zelrig
(5:34 PM) Swarm: Ok
(5:34 PM) Swarm rolled 3 skulls with 4 total dice
(5:35 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(5:35 PM) Backcountry Gamer: Wait, hes dead
(5:35 PM) Swarm: he's dead
(5:35 PM) Swarm: yep
(5:35 PM) Swarm rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(5:35 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 2 shields with 5 total dice
(5:36 PM)The turn/action of Swarm is done.
(5:36 PM) Backcountry Gamer revealed OM 2 on Frostclaws
(5:36 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 0 skulls with 3 total dice
(5:37 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(5:37 PM) Swarm rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(5:37 PM)The turn/action of Backcountry Gamer is done.
(5:37 PM) Swarm revealed OM 2 on Agents
(5:39 PM) Swarm rolled 1 skulls with 2 total dice
(5:40 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(5:40 PM) Swarm rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(5:40 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 3 shields with 4 total dice
(5:40 PM) Swarm rolled 3 skulls with 4 total dice
(5:40 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 0 shields with 3 total dice
(5:40 PM) Swarm: oof
(5:40 PM) Backcountry Gamer: ouch
(5:40 PM)The turn/action of Swarm is done.
(5:40 PM) Backcountry Gamer revealed OM 3 on Dan
(5:40 PM)The turn/action of Backcountry Gamer is done.
(5:40 PM) Swarm: that's big
(5:40 PM) Swarm revealed OM 3 on Agents
(5:41 PM) Backcountry Gamer revealed OM X on Zelrig
(5:41 PM) Backcountry Gamer: miss click on the x om
(5:41 PM) Swarm rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(5:41 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 3 shields with 4 total dice
(5:41 PM) Swarm rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(5:41 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 0 shields with 4 total dice
(5:42 PM) Swarm rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(5:42 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(5:42 PM)The turn/action of Swarm is done.
(5:42 PM)User Swarm has set all Order Markers.
(5:42 PM)User Backcountry Gamer has set all Order Markers.
(5:42 PM)User Swarm reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Agents 1 OM on Agents 1 OM on Agents 1 OM on Agents
(5:42 PM) Swarm rolled 4 for initiative
(5:42 PM)User Backcountry Gamer reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Zelrig 1 OM on Zelrig 1 OM on Zelrig 1 OM on Frostclaws
(5:42 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 9 for initiative
(5:42 PM) Backcountry Gamer revealed OM 1 on Zelrig
(5:44 PM) Backcountry Gamer: Special
(5:44 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(5:44 PM) Swarm rolled 1 shields with 1 total dice
(5:44 PM)The turn/action of Backcountry Gamer is done.
(5:44 PM) Swarm revealed OM 1 on Agents
(5:45 PM) Swarm rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(5:45 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 3 shields with 4 total dice
(5:45 PM) Swarm rolled 3 skulls with 4 total dice
(5:45 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(5:46 PM) Swarm rolled 1 skulls with 2 total dice
(5:46 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(5:46 PM)The turn/action of Swarm is done.
(5:46 PM) Backcountry Gamer revealed OM 2 on Zelrig
(5:47 PM) Backcountry Gamer: Fit there?
(5:47 PM) Swarm: yeah probably
(5:47 PM) Backcountry Gamer: special on height
(5:47 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 0 skulls with 3 total dice
(5:47 PM)The turn/action of Backcountry Gamer is done.
(5:47 PM) Swarm revealed OM 2 on Agents
(5:47 PM) Swarm rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(5:47 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 3 shields with 4 total dice
(5:47 PM) Swarm rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(5:48 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 0 shields with 4 total dice
(5:48 PM) Swarm rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(5:48 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 0 shields with 4 total dice
(5:48 PM)The turn/action of Swarm is done.
(5:48 PM) Backcountry Gamer revealed OM 3 on Zelrig
(5:48 PM) Backcountry Gamer: special on height
(5:48 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 0 skulls with 3 total dice
(5:48 PM)The turn/action of Backcountry Gamer is done.
(5:48 PM) Swarm: :/
(5:48 PM) Swarm revealed OM 3 on Agents
(5:48 PM) Swarm rolled 3 skulls with 4 total dice
(5:48 PM) Backcountry Gamer: karma making up for all my high defense at the start
(5:49 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(5:49 PM) Backcountry Gamer: gg!
(5:49 PM) Swarm: ggs!
(5:49 PM) Swarm: yeah zelrig has a rough time against micros
(5:49 PM) Swarm: frostclaws had me scared there
(5:49 PM) Swarm: they are tanky
(5:50 PM) Backcountry Gamer: I still think I rush Ewashia but had I taken a few more agents with my bears that could have been the difference. Loosing dan in 1 blow was big. I was happy with the game.
(5:50 PM) Backcountry Gamer: thoughts?
(5:50 PM) Backcountry Gamer: This is a good map for agents too, lots of water
(5:51 PM) Swarm: Fun game ! I'm not sure if playing ewashing was a good thing, but he did keep your frostclaw engaged
(5:51 PM) Swarm: even tho you also succeeded all your las
(5:51 PM) Swarm: Yeah the map was pretty much in my favor
(5:51 PM) Swarm: I wa ssurprised you let me choose my SA
(5:51 PM) Swarm: SZ
(5:52 PM) Swarm: I think the high defence really played in my favor as I was able to slow roll the agents
(5:52 PM) Backcountry Gamer: I didnt even think of the water tbh. I wanted to see what you did so I could figure out if I was rushing with bears or zel first. A mistake but not what cost me the game.
(5:52 PM) Swarm: and you had absolutely no luck with zelrig, neither in defense or with the fire
(5:52 PM) Backcountry Gamer: You were spread out in prep for a zel bomb lol
(5:53 PM) Swarm: Yeah I mean it was must to keep everything spread
(5:53 PM) Swarm: I could take on zelrig as you can only kill 1/turn
(5:54 PM) Backcountry Gamer: Had you not killed the bear I was going to try and bomb him to hit the two on the pillars.
(5:54 PM) Backcountry Gamer: Anyways, ggs. gl the rest of the season!
(5:54 PM) Swarm: I would've done the same I think
(5:54 PM) Swarm: Good luck to you too, nice playing with you!