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(11:49 AM) ScapeBot:
(11:49 AM) ScapeBot has logged in!
(11:49 AM) ScapeBot: Online HS, Round 4
(11:49 AM) ScapeBot: chris perkins v. grey waves
(11:49 AM) ScapeBot: This roll determines who wins the dice-off
(11:49 AM) ScapeBot: 1-10=chris perkins, 11-20=grey waves
(11:49 AM) ScapeBot rolled 13 on the d20
(11:49 AM) ScapeBot: grey waves
(11:49 AM) ScapeBot: chris perkins chooses who places first
(5:54 AM) Chris has logged in!
(5:55 AM) Grey Waves has logged in!
(5:56 AM) Grey Waves: Hey, how's it going?
(5:56 AM) Chris: Hey
(5:56 AM) Chris: Good morning / evening, respectively
(5:57 AM) Chris: I'll have you place first
(5:57 AM) Grey Waves: ok
(5:59 AM) The turn/action of Grey Waves is done.
(6:03 AM) The turn/action of Chris is done.
(6:04 AM) Chris: I haven't played Steamroller in forever
(6:04 AM) Grey Waves: oh yeah?
(6:04 AM) Grey Waves: it's not one of my favourite armies because of the low figure count
(6:04 AM) Chris: same
(6:04 AM) Grey Waves: but it does fit this format very well
(6:04 AM)User Chris has set all Order Markers.
(6:05 AM)User Grey Waves has set all Order Markers.
(6:05 AM) Grey Waves: gl hf
(6:05 AM) Chris: you too
(6:05 AM)User Grey Waves reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Marro Stingers
1 OM on Red Mantis Blade Dancers
1 OM on Red Mantis Blade Dancers
1 OM on Red Mantis Blade Dancers

(6:05 AM) Grey Waves rolled 2 for initiative
(6:05 AM)User Chris reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Gladiators
1 OM on Gladiators
1 OM on Gladiators
1 OM on Spartacus

(6:05 AM) Chris rolled 12 for initiative
(6:05 AM) Chris: it's nice to play a game with less stakes though
(6:05 AM) Chris: both making playoffs already
(6:05 AM) Chris revealed OM 1 on Gladiators
(6:05 AM) Grey Waves: definitely
(6:07 AM) The turn/action of Chris is done.
(6:07 AM) Grey Waves revealed OM 1 on Red Mantis Blade Dancers
(6:09 AM) The turn/action of Grey Waves is done.
(6:09 AM) Chris revealed OM 2 on Gladiators
(6:10 AM) Chris: Not sure if this is right or not
(6:10 AM) Chris: Curious about your thoughts after the game since you designed these
(6:10 AM) Chris rolled 2 skulls with 6 total dice
(6:10 AM) Grey Waves rolled 1 shields with 5 total dice
(6:10 AM) Grey Waves rolled 18 on the d20
(6:11 AM) Chris rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(6:11 AM) Grey Waves rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(6:11 AM) Grey Waves rolled 5 on the d20
(6:12 AM) The turn/action of Chris is done.
(6:12 AM) Grey Waves revealed OM 2 on Red Mantis Blade Dancers
(6:13 AM) Grey Waves rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(6:13 AM) Chris rolled 4 shields with 4 total dice
(6:13 AM) Grey Waves rolled 3 skulls with 4 total dice
(6:13 AM) Chris rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(6:13 AM) The turn/action of Grey Waves is done.
(6:13 AM) Chris revealed OM 3 on Gladiators
(6:13 AM) Chris rolled 5 skulls with 6 total dice
(6:13 AM) Grey Waves rolled 1 on the d20
(6:15 AM) Chris rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(6:15 AM) Grey Waves rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(6:15 AM) The turn/action of Chris is done.
(6:15 AM) Grey Waves revealed OM 3 on Red Mantis Blade Dancers
(6:17 AM) Grey Waves rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(6:17 AM) Chris rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(6:17 AM) Grey Waves rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(6:17 AM) Chris rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(6:17 AM) The turn/action of Grey Waves is done.
(6:17 AM) Chris rolled 6 for Wannok
(6:17 AM)User Chris has set all Order Markers.
(6:17 AM) Grey Waves rolled 5 on the d20
(6:17 AM) Grey Waves: Round 1 goes to you I think
(6:17 AM)User Chris reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Spartacus
1 OM on Gladiators
1 OM on Gladiators
1 OM on Gladiators

(6:17 AM) Chris rolled 1 for initiative
(6:17 AM)User Grey Waves has set all Order Markers.
(6:17 AM)User Grey Waves reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Red Mantis Blade Dancers
1 OM on Red Mantis Blade Dancers
1 OM on Marro Stingers
1 OM on Red Mantis Blade Dancers

(6:17 AM) Grey Waves rolled 15 for initiative
(6:18 AM) Grey Waves revealed OM 1 on Red Mantis Blade Dancers
(6:18 AM) Chris: yeah, I'll take that round 1
(6:18 AM) Chris: we'll see how it goes from here tho
(6:18 AM) Chris: I wasn't sure if you'd open Dancers or Stingers
(6:18 AM) Chris: obv my OMs don't change though so it's a bit easier
(6:21 AM) Grey Waves: just 1 attack this turn
(6:21 AM) Grey Waves rolled 3 skulls with 3 total dice
(6:21 AM) Chris rolled 2 shields with 5 total dice
(6:21 AM) The turn/action of Grey Waves is done.
(6:21 AM) Chris revealed OM 1 on Gladiators
(6:21 AM) Chris rolled 5 skulls with 7 total dice
(6:21 AM) Grey Waves rolled 13 on the d20
(6:21 AM) Chris: such of waste of the beautiful 5/7
(6:22 AM) Grey Waves: yeah haha
(6:22 AM) Chris rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(6:22 AM) Grey Waves: I like how stealth armour affects the probabilities like that
(6:22 AM) Grey Waves rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(6:22 AM) Grey Waves rolled 16 on the d20
(6:22 AM) Chris rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(6:22 AM) Grey Waves rolled 0 shields with 4 total dice
(6:22 AM) Grey Waves rolled 19 on the d20
(6:22 AM) The turn/action of Chris is done.
(6:22 AM) Grey Waves: one one hand, 3/3 is pretty good
(6:22 AM) Grey Waves revealed OM 2 on Red Mantis Blade Dancers
(6:23 AM) Chris: just a tad
(6:23 AM) Chris: 4/7 also pretty good
(6:23 AM) Grey Waves: on the other hand, on average I think I usually block one of those attacks anyway
(6:23 AM) Grey Waves: without needing to roll for it
(6:23 AM) Chris: also true
(6:23 AM) Chris: Live by the d20, die by the d20. I've had my share of good d20 luck lol
(6:24 AM) Grey Waves rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(6:24 AM) Chris rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(6:24 AM) Grey Waves rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(6:24 AM) Chris rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(6:24 AM) The turn/action of Grey Waves is done.
(6:24 AM) Chris revealed OM 2 on Gladiators
(6:24 AM) Chris rolled 5 skulls with 7 total dice
(6:24 AM) Grey Waves rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(6:24 AM) Grey Waves: oops
(6:24 AM) Grey Waves rolled 10 on the d20
(6:27 AM) Chris: those 3
(6:27 AM) Chris rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(6:27 AM) Grey Waves rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(6:27 AM) Chris rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(6:27 AM) Grey Waves rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(6:27 AM) The turn/action of Chris is done.
(6:28 AM) Grey Waves revealed OM 3 on Red Mantis Blade Dancers
(6:28 AM) Grey Waves: stealth leap
(6:28 AM) Chris: yep
(6:29 AM) Grey Waves: actually wait I won initiative so even if I kill that capuan on the glyph it won't change anything
(6:29 AM) Chris: yeah I can just replace him
(6:29 AM) Chris: staged the guy behind him
(6:29 AM) Grey Waves: ok
(6:29 AM) Grey Waves rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(6:30 AM) Chris rolled 0 shields with 4 total dice
(6:30 AM) Grey Waves rolled 3 skulls with 3 total dice
(6:30 AM) Chris rolled 0 shields with 4 total dice
(6:30 AM) The turn/action of Grey Waves is done.
(6:30 AM) Chris: on the other hand, 67% attack is good
(6:30 AM) Grey Waves: yeah
(6:30 AM) Chris revealed OM 3 on Gladiators
(6:30 AM) Chris rolled 1 skulls with 6 total dice
(6:30 AM) Grey Waves rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(6:31 AM) Chris rolled 0 skulls with 4 total dice
(6:31 AM) Chris rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(6:31 AM) Grey Waves rolled 0 shields with 4 total dice
(6:31 AM) Grey Waves rolled 12 on the d20
(6:31 AM) The turn/action of Chris is done.
(6:31 AM) Chris rolled 14 for Wannok
(6:31 AM)User Chris has set all Order Markers.
(6:31 AM) Grey Waves rolled 7 on the d20
(6:32 AM)User Grey Waves has set all Order Markers.
(6:32 AM)User Chris reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Gladiators
1 OM on Spartacus
1 OM on Gladiators
1 OM on Gladiators

(6:32 AM) Chris rolled 15 for initiative
(6:32 AM)User Grey Waves reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Marro Stingers
1 OM on Marro Stingers
1 OM on Red Mantis Blade Dancers
1 OM on Red Mantis Blade Dancers

(6:32 AM) Grey Waves rolled 8 for initiative
(6:32 AM) Chris revealed OM 1 on Gladiators
(6:32 AM) Chris rolled 3 skulls with 6 total dice
(6:33 AM) Grey Waves rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(6:33 AM) Grey Waves rolled 1 on the d20
(6:34 AM) Chris: think i have to risk it here
(6:34 AM) Chris rolled 3 skulls with 4 total dice
(6:34 AM) Grey Waves rolled 0 shields with 4 total dice
(6:34 AM) Grey Waves rolled 8 on the d20
(6:34 AM) Chris rolled 3 skulls with 4 total dice
(6:34 AM) Grey Waves rolled 0 shields with 4 total dice
(6:34 AM) Grey Waves rolled 14 on the d20
(6:34 AM) Chris rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(6:34 AM) Grey Waves rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(6:34 AM) The turn/action of Chris is done.
(6:34 AM) Chris: got the wrong kill
(6:34 AM) Grey Waves revealed OM 1 on Red Mantis Blade Dancers
(6:35 AM) Grey Waves: yeah
(6:35 AM) Grey Waves: I was honestly thinking you were going to develop one of the ones in your SZ instead
(6:35 AM) Chris: if you hadn't had 2 OMs on them I would have
(6:35 AM) Chris: but the chance to burn OM 1 was so tempting
(6:35 AM) Chris: I felt I was kinda behind overall so I went for it
(6:36 AM) Grey Waves: yeah it's a fair play
(6:36 AM) Grey Waves: not sure if I would have done the same
(6:36 AM) Chris: if it works I attack 4 stingers next turn
(6:36 AM) Grey Waves: but it's wasn't a bad option
(6:36 AM) Grey Waves rolled 3 skulls with 3 total dice
(6:36 AM) Chris: which one?
(6:36 AM) Chris rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(6:36 AM) Grey Waves: damn I'm on 70% attack atm
(6:36 AM) Grey Waves: sorry it was the top one
(6:37 AM) Grey Waves rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(6:37 AM) Chris rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(6:37 AM) The turn/action of Grey Waves is done.
(6:37 AM) Grey Waves: oof
(6:37 AM) Chris revealed OM 2 on Gladiators
(6:37 AM) Chris rolled 4 skulls with 6 total dice
(6:37 AM) Grey Waves rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(6:38 AM) Chris rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(6:38 AM) Grey Waves rolled 3 shields with 3 total dice
(6:38 AM) The turn/action of Chris is done.
(6:39 AM) Grey Waves revealed OM 2 on Marro Stingers
(6:40 AM) Grey Waves rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(6:40 AM) Chris rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(6:40 AM) Grey Waves rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(6:40 AM) Chris rolled 3 shields with 4 total dice
(6:40 AM) Grey Waves rolled 0 skulls with 3 total dice
(6:40 AM) Chris revealed OM 3 on Gladiators
(6:40 AM) The turn/action of Grey Waves is done.
(6:40 AM) Chris: yeah
(6:40 AM) Chris: he lived lol
(6:41 AM) Grey Waves: about time you got some luck lol
(6:41 AM) Chris: not used to that happening today :)
(6:41 AM) Chris rolled 2 skulls with 6 total dice
(6:41 AM) Grey Waves rolled 2 shields with 3 total dice
(6:42 AM) Chris rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(6:42 AM) Grey Waves rolled 2 shields with 3 total dice
(6:42 AM) The turn/action of Chris is done.
(6:42 AM) Grey Waves revealed OM 3 on Marro Stingers
(6:44 AM) Grey Waves rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(6:44 AM) Chris rolled 0 shields with 4 total dice
(6:44 AM) Grey Waves rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(6:44 AM) Chris rolled 0 shields with 4 total dice
(6:44 AM) Grey Waves rolled 3 skulls with 3 total dice
(6:44 AM) Chris rolled 1 shields with 5 total dice
(6:44 AM) Grey Waves: far out
(6:44 AM) Chris: that seems more apt for today
(6:44 AM) The turn/action of Grey Waves is done.
(6:45 AM)User Grey Waves has set all Order Markers.
(6:45 AM)User Chris has set all Order Markers.
(6:45 AM)User Chris reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Spartacus
1 OM on Gladiator
1 OM on Spartacus
1 OM on Gladiator

(6:45 AM) Chris rolled 18 for initiative
(6:45 AM)User Grey Waves reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Marro Stingers
1 OM on Marro Stingers
1 OM on Marro Stingers
1 OM on Red Mantis Blade Dancers

(6:45 AM) Grey Waves rolled 9 for initiative
(6:45 AM) Grey Waves revealed OM 1 on Marro Stingers
(6:45 AM) Chris revealed OM 1 on Gladiator
(6:45 AM) Grey Waves: oops
(6:45 AM) Grey Waves: sorry
(6:45 AM) Chris: all good
(6:45 AM) Chris: I figured it was there lol
(6:46 AM) Chris rolled 2 skulls with 6 total dice
(6:46 AM) Grey Waves rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(6:46 AM) Chris rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(6:46 AM) Grey Waves rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(6:46 AM) The turn/action of Chris is done.
(6:47 AM) Grey Waves rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(6:47 AM) Chris rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(6:47 AM) Grey Waves rolled 3 skulls with 3 total dice
(6:47 AM) Chris rolled 0 shields with 4 total dice
(6:47 AM) The turn/action of Grey Waves is done.
(6:47 AM) Chris revealed OM 2 on Gladiator
(6:47 AM) The turn/action of Chris is done.
(6:47 AM) Grey Waves: I'm probably going to roll like 25% attack in the quarter finals to make up for this lol
(6:47 AM) Chris: No
(6:47 AM) Chris: Save it for finals
(6:47 AM) Chris: When we re-match :)
(6:47 AM) Grey Waves: hahaha
(6:48 AM) Chris: My 2 is dead
(6:48 AM) Grey Waves: nah tbh I'd just be happy to have made it to the finals in an OHS season for the first time
(6:48 AM) Chris: you're turn
(6:48 AM) Grey Waves: oh thanks
(6:48 AM) Grey Waves revealed OM 2 on Marro Stingers
(6:48 AM) The turn/action of Grey Waves is done.
(6:48 AM) Chris revealed OM 3 on Spartacus
(6:48 AM) The turn/action of Chris is done.
(6:48 AM) Grey Waves revealed OM 3 on Marro Stingers
(6:49 AM) The turn/action of Grey Waves is done.
(6:49 AM) Grey Waves rolled 6 on the d20
(6:50 AM)User Grey Waves has set all Order Markers.
(6:50 AM)User Chris has set all Order Markers.
(6:50 AM)User Chris reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Spartacus
1 OM on Spartacus
1 OM on Marcu
1 OM on Spartacus

(6:50 AM) Chris rolled 18 for initiative
(6:50 AM)User Grey Waves reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Marro Stingers
1 OM on Marro Stingers
1 OM on Red Mantis Blade Dancers
1 OM on Marro Stingers

(6:50 AM) Grey Waves rolled 20 for initiative
(6:50 AM) Grey Waves: does Spartacus get the bonus if the OMs are all on him?
(6:50 AM) Chris: oh he does
(6:50 AM) Chris: you're right
(6:50 AM) Chris: wait no
(6:50 AM) Grey Waves: right
(6:51 AM) Chris: he never gets the bonus
(6:51 AM) Chris: lol
(6:51 AM) Chris: I'm confusing myself
(6:51 AM) Grey Waves: oh yeah
(6:51 AM) Chris: No bonus to be had anymore
(6:51 AM) Chris: The gladiators are the ones who get +3 init
(6:51 AM) Chris: But they all dead
(6:51 AM) Grey Waves rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(6:51 AM) Chris rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(6:51 AM) Grey Waves rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(6:52 AM) Chris rolled 3 shields with 4 total dice
(6:52 AM) Grey Waves rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(6:52 AM) Chris rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(6:52 AM) Chris revealed OM 1 on Spartacus
(6:52 AM) Grey Waves revealed OM 1 on Marro Stingers
(6:52 AM) The turn/action of Grey Waves is done.
(6:53 AM) Chris rolled 3 skulls with 6 total dice
(6:53 AM) Grey Waves rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(6:53 AM) The turn/action of Chris is done.
(6:54 AM) Grey Waves rolled 0 skulls with 3 total dice
(6:54 AM) Grey Waves rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(6:54 AM) Chris rolled 0 shields with 4 total dice
(6:54 AM) Grey Waves rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(6:54 AM) Chris rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(6:54 AM) Chris revealed OM 2 on Spartacus
(6:54 AM) Grey Waves revealed OM 2 on Marro Stingers
(6:54 AM) The turn/action of Grey Waves is done.
(6:55 AM) Chris rolled 3 skulls with 6 total dice
(6:55 AM) Grey Waves rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(6:55 AM) The turn/action of Chris is done.
(6:55 AM) Grey Waves revealed OM 3 on Marro Stingers
(6:55 AM) Grey Waves rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(6:56 AM) Chris rolled 3 shields with 4 total dice
(6:56 AM) Grey Waves rolled 3 skulls with 4 total dice
(6:56 AM) Chris rolled 2 shields with 5 total dice
(6:56 AM) Grey Waves rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(6:56 AM) Chris rolled 1 shields with 5 total dice
(6:56 AM) Chris revealed OM 3 on Spartacus
(6:56 AM) The turn/action of Grey Waves is done.
(6:56 AM) Chris rolled 3 skulls with 6 total dice
(6:56 AM) Grey Waves rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(6:56 AM) The turn/action of Chris is done.
(6:57 AM)User Grey Waves has set all Order Markers.
(6:57 AM)User Chris has set all Order Markers.
(6:57 AM)User Grey Waves reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Marro Stingers
1 OM on Red Mantis Blade Dancers
1 OM on Marro Stingers
1 OM on Marro Stingers

(6:57 AM) Grey Waves rolled 5 for initiative
(6:57 AM)User Chris reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Marcu
1 OM on Spartacus
1 OM on Marcu
1 OM on Spartacus

(6:57 AM) Chris rolled 18 for initiative
(6:57 AM) Chris revealed OM 1 on Spartacus
(6:57 AM) Chris rolled 1 skulls with 6 total dice
(6:57 AM) Grey Waves rolled 2 shields with 3 total dice
(6:57 AM) The turn/action of Chris is done.
(6:57 AM) Grey Waves revealed OM 1 on Marro Stingers
(6:58 AM) Grey Waves rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(6:59 AM) Chris rolled 1 shields with 5 total dice
(6:59 AM) Grey Waves rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(6:59 AM) Chris rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(6:59 AM) Grey Waves rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(6:59 AM) Chris rolled 0 shields with 1 total dice
(6:59 AM) The turn/action of Grey Waves is done.
(6:59 AM) Chris revealed OM 2 on Marcu
(6:59 AM) Chris rolled 18 on the d20
(6:59 AM) Chris: :(
(6:59 AM) Chris: I set it up so pretty
(6:59 AM) Chris: and he does me like that
(6:59 AM) Grey Waves: unfortunate timing for sure
(7:00 AM) The turn/action of Grey Waves is done.
(7:00 AM) Grey Waves: you can hit done on your OM
(7:00 AM) The turn/action of Chris is done.
(7:00 AM) Grey Waves revealed OM 2 on Marro Stingers
(7:01 AM) Grey Waves: I considered attacking Spartacus but decided that getting the height attacks was more important
(7:01 AM) Grey Waves: plus he heals a wound if he does kill Spartacus
(7:01 AM) Grey Waves rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(7:01 AM) Chris: lol
(7:01 AM) Chris rolled 1 shields with 1 total dice
(7:01 AM) Grey Waves rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(7:01 AM) Grey Waves: oops
(7:01 AM) Grey Waves: that should have been 3
(7:01 AM) Chris: just call that the one on the glyph
(7:01 AM) Grey Waves: ok
(7:01 AM) Chris rolled 1 shields with 1 total dice
(7:01 AM) Grey Waves rolled 3 skulls with 3 total dice
(7:02 AM) Chris rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(7:02 AM) The turn/action of Grey Waves is done.
(7:02 AM) Chris revealed OM 3 on Marcu
(7:02 AM) Chris rolled 13 on the d20
(7:02 AM) Chris rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(7:02 AM) Grey Waves rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(7:02 AM) The turn/action of Chris is done.
(7:02 AM) Grey Waves revealed OM 3 on Marro Stingers
(7:03 AM) Grey Waves rolled 0 skulls with 3 total dice
(7:03 AM) Grey Waves rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(7:03 AM) Chris rolled 0 shields with 1 total dice
(7:03 AM) The turn/action of Grey Waves is done.
(7:03 AM)User Chris has set all Order Markers.
(7:04 AM)User Grey Waves has set all Order Markers.
(7:04 AM)User Grey Waves reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Red Mantis Blade Dancers
1 OM on Marro Stingers
1 OM on Marro Stingers
1 OM on Marro Stingers

(7:04 AM) Grey Waves rolled 2 for initiative
(7:04 AM)User Chris reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Marcu
1 OM on Marcu
1 OM on Marcu
1 OM on Marcu

(7:04 AM) Chris rolled 3 for initiative
(7:04 AM) Chris revealed OM 1 on Marcu
(7:04 AM) Chris rolled 9 on the d20
(7:04 AM) Chris rolled 0 skulls with 4 total dice
(7:04 AM) The turn/action of Chris is done.
(7:04 AM) Grey Waves revealed OM 1 on Marro Stingers
(7:04 AM) Grey Waves rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(7:04 AM) Chris rolled 0 shields with 1 total dice
(7:04 AM) Grey Waves rolled 0 skulls with 3 total dice
(7:04 AM) Chris revealed OM 2 on Marcu
(7:04 AM) The turn/action of Grey Waves is done.
(7:04 AM) Chris rolled 9 on the d20
(7:05 AM) Chris rolled 3 skulls with 4 total dice
(7:05 AM) Grey Waves rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(7:05 AM) The turn/action of Chris is done.
(7:05 AM) Grey Waves revealed OM 2 on Marro Stingers
(7:05 AM) Grey Waves rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(7:05 AM) Chris rolled 0 shields with 1 total dice
(7:05 AM) Chris: gg
(7:05 AM) Grey Waves: gg
(7:05 AM) Chris: I actually had some chances to win in that lategame despite the 70
(7:05 AM) Grey Waves: yeah I was right in thinking that Marcu balances out these armies a bit
(7:05 AM) Chris: % early dice
(7:06 AM) Grey Waves: yes that's right
(7:06 AM) Chris: Sparty missed 1 attack and Marcu failed 2 chances to kill+heal
(7:06 AM) Chris: Wasn't an impossible endgame for sure
(7:06 AM) Chris: Though obv you're favored
(7:06 AM) Grey Waves: the attack dice basically evened out for me by the end of the game
(7:06 AM) Chris: yeah
(7:06 AM) Grey Waves: I'm on 53% now
(7:07 AM) Grey Waves: yeah slight advantage me but it definitely could have gone your way if a couple of things had gone differently
(7:07 AM) Chris: Wanok is such a bad glyph for your army
(7:07 AM) Chris: though the 40% to ignore it isn't bad
(7:07 AM) Grey Waves: eh
(7:07 AM) Grey Waves: it's 50% actually
(7:08 AM) Chris: oh 45% on top of the 5%
(7:08 AM) Grey Waves: yes
(7:08 AM) Chris: yeah 12 is 45% not 40% you're right
(7:09 AM) Grey Waves: what were your thoughts on picking the steamroller over Quahon?
(7:09 AM) Grey Waves: if I was in the reverse position I would have picked Quahon instead
(7:09 AM) Chris: I actually like Steamroller here better
(7:09 AM) Chris: I thought Blade Dancers leap could hit Quahon quite hard
(7:09 AM) Chris: Since the spiders don't do much screening there
(7:10 AM) Chris: and that 1 good turn from Stingers would just end Quahon
(7:10 AM) Chris: The map is a bit big for Estivara's aura also
(7:10 AM) Chris: Just thought it was too easy for you to get 3x4 from Stingers > Quahon
(7:10 AM) Chris: And you can spread out well on this map to avoid Quahon hitting more than 1-2 things at a time
(7:11 AM) Grey Waves: hmm
(7:11 AM) Grey Waves: I don't know how easily I can get 3 height attacks on Quahon
(7:11 AM) Chris: Quahon's SA into blade dancers is rough for Quahon too since they ignore it so often on top of her probably only hitting 1 per turn
(7:11 AM) Chris: Oh you can drain
(7:11 AM) Grey Waves: true that
(7:11 AM) Chris: I'm expecting some drains there tbh
(7:11 AM) Chris: Drain for the chance to kill Quahon is pretty good
(7:11 AM) Grey Waves: yeah dragons are one of the few matchups where you might actually use stinger drain sometimes
(7:12 AM) Grey Waves: yeah I wanted to play mantises into Quahon so I had the chance to run them into a top army
(7:13 AM) Grey Waves: they're one of my favourite units and I kind of want to prove to people that they're not as bad as they're often written off to be
(7:13 AM) Chris: Oh I thought they were good into Quahon specifically
(7:13 AM) Chris: They're quite bad into massed commons
(7:13 AM) Chris: But they can mitigate what Quahon does so well
(7:13 AM) Grey Waves: eh
(7:14 AM) Grey Waves: massed commons means lots of opportunities to get 4 attacks per turn of
(7:14 AM) Grey Waves: *off
(7:14 AM) Chris: if you opponent plays not well
(7:14 AM) Chris: I think you can mitigate the double attacks a lot even with massed commons
(7:14 AM) Chris: you've got to spread out a lot, that's for sure
(7:14 AM) Grey Waves: not without sometimes sacrificing your own attacks per turn
(7:14 AM) Grey Waves: I think their worst matchups are into big heroes, and Raelin
(7:14 AM) Chris: to some extend
(7:15 AM) Chris: sure
(7:15 AM) Grey Waves: they struggle to kill stuff so much more if Raelin is alive
(7:15 AM) Grey Waves: and 2 attacks of 3 is just painful into big heroes
(7:15 AM) Grey Waves: both of those reasons are why I like stingers as a pairing with them
(7:16 AM) Grey Waves: anyway, I should probably let you get on with your day
(7:16 AM) Chris: yeah, I should get to work
(7:17 AM) Chris: thanks for the game though
(7:17 AM) Chris: and congrats on 4-0
(7:17 AM) Grey Waves: thanks, hopefully see you in the finals
(7:17 AM) Chris: til next time
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User Grey Waves has left the chat session.