(10:36 AM) ScapeBot: backcountrygamer chooses who places first
(8:50 PM) Bert has logged in!
(8:55 PM) Backcountry Gamer has logged in!
(8:57 PM) Backcountry Gamer: test
(8:57 PM) Bert: You are good to place first.
(8:58 PM) Backcountry Gamer: Can you remind me what the glyphs are, please. Didnt get a chance to look it up.
(9:00 PM) Backcountry Gamer: I can see the names but cant find what they do, sorry being the noob.
(9:00 PM) Bert: Lodin is lucky 20 sides and Yngvild is disengage
(9:00 PM) Backcountry Gamer: Thanks
(9:02 PM)The turn/action of Backcountry Gamer is done.
(9:04 PM)The turn/action of Bert is done.
(9:04 PM)User Bert has set all Order Markers.
(9:04 PM) Bert: Good Luck
(9:04 PM)User Backcountry Gamer has set all Order Markers.
(9:04 PM) Backcountry Gamer: GL HF!
(9:04 PM)User Backcountry Gamer reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Axe 1 OM on Vulcan 1 OM on Eldgrim 1 OM on Axe
(9:04 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 18 for initiative
(9:05 PM)User Bert reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Gnids 1 OM on Horned Skull 1 OM on Gnids 1 OM on Gnids
(9:05 PM) Bert rolled 8 for initiative
(9:05 PM) Backcountry Gamer revealed OM 1 on Eldgrim
(9:05 PM) Backcountry Gamer: Overextend
(9:05 PM)The turn/action of Backcountry Gamer is done.
(9:05 PM) Bert revealed OM 1 on Gnids
(9:06 PM)The turn/action of Bert is done.
(9:06 PM) Backcountry Gamer revealed OM 2 on Vulcan
(9:08 PM) Backcountry Gamer: Can see my highlighted units? Some people had issues with that with my glitch
(9:08 PM) Bert: I can't
(9:08 PM) Backcountry Gamer: Now?
(9:09 PM) Bert: I can now
(9:09 PM) Backcountry Gamer: Perfect
(9:09 PM) Backcountry Gamer: Vulcan to Knid, you have height
(9:09 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(9:09 PM) Bert rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(9:09 PM)The turn/action of Backcountry Gamer is done.
(9:09 PM)The turn/action of Backcountry Gamer is done.
(9:10 PM) Bert revealed OM 2 on Gnids
(9:10 PM) Bert rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(9:11 PM) Bert: Gnid attack down on eldgrim
(9:11 PM) Backcountry Gamer: Is that to Eldgrim? I see very faint green highlighter yes?
(9:11 PM) Backcountry Gamer: okay
(9:11 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 1 shields with 2 total dice
(9:12 PM) Bert rolled 0 skulls with 3 total dice
(9:12 PM) Bert rolled 2 skulls with 2 total dice
(9:12 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(9:12 PM)The turn/action of Bert is done.
(9:12 PM) Backcountry Gamer revealed OM 3 on Axe
(9:13 PM) Backcountry Gamer: Bond
(9:14 PM) Backcountry Gamer: Axe to Gnid
(9:14 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(9:14 PM) Bert rolled 1 shields with 2 total dice
(9:14 PM)The turn/action of Backcountry Gamer is done.
(9:14 PM) Bert revealed OM 3 on Horned Skull
(9:15 PM) Bert: Barge into Battle
(9:15 PM) Bert rolled 1 skulls with 5 total dice
(9:16 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 1 shields with 2 total dice
(9:16 PM)The turn/action of Bert is done.
(9:16 PM)User Backcountry Gamer has set all Order Markers.
(9:16 PM) Bert: Eldgrim hanging tough. lol
(9:17 PM) Backcountry Gamer: His spirit wants to stay inside his body for now
(9:17 PM)User Bert has set all Order Markers.
(9:17 PM)User Backcountry Gamer reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Axe 1 OM on Vulcan 1 OM on Axe 1 OM on Vulcan
(9:17 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 4 for initiative
(9:17 PM)User Bert reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Gnids 1 OM on Gnids 1 OM on Horned Skull 1 OM on Horned Skull
(9:17 PM) Bert rolled 5 for initiative
(9:18 PM) Bert: lea
(9:18 PM) Bert revealed OM 1 on Gnids
(9:18 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 1 skulls with 1 total dice
(9:19 PM) Backcountry Gamer: looks like y ou bumped the board
(9:19 PM) Backcountry Gamer: I put it back
(9:19 PM) Bert: thanks
(9:19 PM) Bert rolled 0 skulls with 2 total dice
(9:19 PM)The turn/action of Bert is done.
(9:19 PM) Backcountry Gamer revealed OM 1 on Axe
(9:20 PM) Backcountry Gamer: No Bond
(9:22 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(9:22 PM) Bert rolled 0 shields with 2 total dice
(9:22 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(9:22 PM) Bert rolled 2 shields with 2 total dice
(9:22 PM)The turn/action of Backcountry Gamer is done.
(9:22 PM) Bert revealed OM 2 on Horned Skull
(9:23 PM) Bert rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(9:23 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 2 shields with 3 total dice
(9:24 PM) Bert rolled 3 skulls with 4 total dice
(9:24 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 2 shields with 3 total dice
(9:24 PM)The turn/action of Bert is done.
(9:24 PM) Backcountry Gamer revealed OM 2 on Axe
(9:24 PM) Backcountry Gamer: Bond
(9:26 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(9:26 PM) Bert rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(9:26 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(9:26 PM) Bert rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(9:27 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 4 skulls with 4 total dice
(9:27 PM)The turn/action of Backcountry Gamer is done.
(9:27 PM) Bert: Nice attacks.
(9:27 PM) Bert revealed OM 3 on Horned Skull
(9:27 PM) Backcountry Gamer: Yea, that was a big turn for me
(9:28 PM) Bert rolled 3 skulls with 5 total dice
(9:28 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 3 shields with 3 total dice
(9:28 PM) Backcountry Gamer: sheesh
(9:28 PM) Bert rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(9:28 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(9:29 PM)The turn/action of Bert is done.
(9:29 PM) Backcountry Gamer: valor blocks
(9:29 PM) Backcountry Gamer revealed OM 3 on Vulcan
(9:30 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(9:30 PM) Bert rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(9:30 PM) Backcountry Gamer: NA on all btw
(9:30 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 3 skulls with 4 total dice
(9:31 PM) Bert rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(9:31 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 0 skulls with 3 total dice
(9:31 PM)The turn/action of Backcountry Gamer is done.
(9:32 PM)User Backcountry Gamer has set all Order Markers.
(9:33 PM)User Bert has set all Order Markers.
(9:33 PM)User Backcountry Gamer reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Vulcan 1 OM on Axe 1 OM on Vulcan 1 OM on Axe
(9:33 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 3 for initiative
(9:33 PM)User Bert reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on swiftfangs 1 OM on Horned Skull 1 OM on Gnids 1 OM on Horned Skull
(9:33 PM) Bert rolled 2 for initiative
(9:33 PM) Bert: lol
(9:33 PM) Backcountry Gamer: lol
(9:33 PM) Backcountry Gamer revealed OM 1 on Axe
(9:33 PM) Backcountry Gamer: bond
(9:34 PM) Backcountry Gamer: wait
(9:34 PM) Backcountry Gamer: no bond
(9:36 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 0 skulls with 3 total dice
(9:36 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(9:36 PM) Bert rolled 0 shields with 4 total dice
(9:36 PM) Bert rolled 0 shields with 1 total dice
(9:37 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 0 skulls with 3 total dice
(9:37 PM)The turn/action of Backcountry Gamer is done.
(9:37 PM) Bert revealed OM 1 on Horned Skull
(9:37 PM) Bert: Barge into Battle
(9:37 PM) Bert rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(9:38 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 2 shields with 3 total dice
(9:38 PM) Bert rolled 1 skulls with 5 total dice
(9:38 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 0 shields with 3 total dice
(9:38 PM)The turn/action of Bert is done.
(9:38 PM) Backcountry Gamer revealed OM 2 on Axe
(9:39 PM) Backcountry Gamer: no bond
(9:40 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 3 skulls with 3 total dice
(9:40 PM) Bert rolled 2 shields with 5 total dice
(9:40 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 3 skulls with 3 total dice
(9:40 PM) Bert rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(9:40 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(9:40 PM) Bert rolled 1 shields with 2 total dice
(9:40 PM)The turn/action of Backcountry Gamer is done.
(9:40 PM) Bert revealed OM 2 on Horned Skull
(9:40 PM)The turn/action of Bert is done.
(9:41 PM) Backcountry Gamer revealed OM 3 on Vulcan
(9:42 PM) Backcountry Gamer: He can make that, right? I didnt miss count?
(9:42 PM) Bert: Yeah
(9:42 PM) Bert: He is good.
(9:43 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 3 skulls with 4 total dice
(9:44 PM)The turn/action of Backcountry Gamer is done.
(9:44 PM) Bert revealed OM 3 on swiftfangs
(9:44 PM) Bert: wolfpack
(9:45 PM) Bert rolled 3 skulls with 3 total dice
(9:45 PM) Bert: you should get 5
(9:46 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 2 shields with 5 total dice
(9:46 PM)The turn/action of Bert is done.
(9:46 PM)User Backcountry Gamer has set all Order Markers.
(9:46 PM)User Bert has set all Order Markers.
(9:46 PM)User Backcountry Gamer reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Vulcan 1 OM on Axe 1 OM on Axe 1 OM on Vulcan
(9:46 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 9 for initiative
(9:47 PM)User Bert reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Bahadur 1 OM on swiftfangs 1 OM on Brute Gruts 1 OM on swiftfangs
(9:47 PM) Bert rolled 10 for initiative
(9:47 PM) Bert revealed OM 1 on swiftfangs
(9:47 PM) Backcountry Gamer: weird rolls tonight
(9:47 PM) Bert: wolfpack
(9:48 PM) Bert rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(9:48 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(9:48 PM) Bert rolled 0 skulls with 4 total dice
(9:48 PM) Bert rolled 3 skulls with 5 total dice
(9:48 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(9:49 PM) Bert rolled 3 skulls with 5 total dice
(9:49 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 1 shields with 2 total dice
(9:49 PM)The turn/action of Bert is done.
(9:49 PM) Backcountry Gamer: eldgrim on ulfrid
(9:50 PM) Backcountry Gamer revealed OM 1 on Axe
(9:50 PM) Backcountry Gamer: bond
(9:50 PM) Bert: sound good
(9:50 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(9:51 PM) Bert rolled 3 shields with 3 total dice
(9:52 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 0 shields with 4 total dice
(9:52 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 0 skulls with 4 total dice
(9:52 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(9:52 PM) Bert rolled 0 shields with 3 total dice
(9:53 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(9:53 PM) Bert: This is the most zeroes I have ever seen rolled. lol
(9:53 PM) Bert rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(9:53 PM) Backcountry Gamer: yea ...
(9:53 PM)The turn/action of Backcountry Gamer is done.
(9:53 PM) Bert revealed OM 2 on swiftfangs
(9:53 PM) Bert: wolfpack
(9:54 PM) Bert: Bahadur gets to attack since you killed one of my fangs.
(9:54 PM) Bert rolled 2 skulls with 6 total dice
(9:55 PM) Backcountry Gamer: Sorry, dont see who is highlighted
(9:55 PM) Bert: hornwrangler
(9:55 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 0 shields with 4 total dice
(9:56 PM) Bert rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(9:56 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(9:56 PM) Bert rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(9:56 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(9:56 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 1 shields with 1 total dice
(9:56 PM) Bert rolled 0 skulls with 3 total dice
(9:56 PM)The turn/action of Bert is done.
(9:56 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(9:56 PM) Backcountry Gamer: didnt mean to click that last one
(9:56 PM) Backcountry Gamer revealed OM 2 on Axe
(9:57 PM) Backcountry Gamer: bond
(9:57 PM) Backcountry Gamer: SA
(9:58 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 3 skulls with 4 total dice
(9:58 PM) Bert rolled 0 shields with 3 total dice
(10:00 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 2 skulls with 5 total dice
(10:00 PM) Bert rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(10:00 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:00 PM) Bert rolled 2 shields with 3 total dice
(10:00 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:00 PM) Bert rolled 0 shields with 3 total dice
(10:01 PM)The turn/action of Backcountry Gamer is done.
(10:01 PM) Bert: Damn zero again. lol
(10:01 PM) Bert revealed OM 3 on Bahadur
(10:01 PM) Backcountry Gamer: Yea, not much to say but wow
(10:01 PM) Bert rolled 3 skulls with 6 total dice
(10:01 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(10:01 PM)The turn/action of Bert is done.
(10:01 PM) Backcountry Gamer: valor blocks
(10:01 PM) Backcountry Gamer revealed OM 3 on Vulcan
(10:02 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:02 PM) Bert rolled 0 shields with 4 total dice
(10:03 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:03 PM) Bert rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(10:03 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:03 PM) Bert rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(10:03 PM)The turn/action of Backcountry Gamer is done.
(10:04 PM)User Bert has set all Order Markers.
(10:04 PM)User Backcountry Gamer has set all Order Markers.
(10:04 PM)User Backcountry Gamer reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Vulcan 1 OM on Axe 1 OM on Axe 1 OM on Vulcan
(10:04 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 6 for initiative
(10:04 PM)User Bert reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Brute Gruts 1 OM on Bahadur 1 OM on Gnids 1 OM on swiftfangs
(10:04 PM) Bert rolled 18 for initiative
(10:05 PM) Bert revealed OM 1 on swiftfangs
(10:05 PM) Bert: lea
(10:05 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 1 skulls with 1 total dice
(10:05 PM) Bert rolled 3 skulls with 6 total dice
(10:05 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(10:05 PM) Bert rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:06 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 2 shields with 5 total dice
(10:06 PM)The turn/action of Bert is done.
(10:06 PM) Backcountry Gamer revealed OM 1 on Vulcan
(10:07 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:07 PM) Bert rolled 2 shields with 3 total dice
(10:07 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 0 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:07 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(10:07 PM) Bert rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(10:07 PM)The turn/action of Backcountry Gamer is done.
(10:07 PM) Bert revealed OM 2 on Bahadur
(10:07 PM) Bert rolled 4 skulls with 6 total dice
(10:08 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(10:08 PM)The turn/action of Bert is done.
(10:08 PM) Backcountry Gamer revealed OM 2 on Axe
(10:08 PM) Bert: That was on the vulcanmech
(10:09 PM) Backcountry Gamer: oops
(10:09 PM) Backcountry Gamer: okay, just saw the message
(10:09 PM) Backcountry Gamer: Redundant and did undo for the rest
(10:09 PM) Backcountry Gamer: sorry
(10:10 PM) Bert: you can roll 5 defense to see if you block.
(10:10 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 1 shields with 5 total dice
(10:10 PM) Backcountry Gamer: still redundant. sorry again. turn with axes now
(10:10 PM) Bert: no worries
(10:11 PM) Backcountry Gamer: bond
(10:12 PM) Backcountry Gamer: SA on Bad
(10:12 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 3 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:12 PM) Bert rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(10:13 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 0 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:13 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:13 PM) Bert rolled 3 shields with 3 total dice
(10:13 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 3 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:14 PM) Bert rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(10:14 PM)The turn/action of Backcountry Gamer is done.
(10:14 PM) Bert: I am putting Baha's Spirit on the brute gruts
(10:14 PM) Bert revealed OM 3 on Brute Gruts
(10:14 PM) Backcountry Gamer: okay
(10:15 PM)The turn/action of Bert is done.
(10:15 PM) Backcountry Gamer revealed OM 3 on Axe
(10:16 PM)The turn/action of Backcountry Gamer is done.
(10:17 PM)User Bert has set all Order Markers.
(10:17 PM)User Backcountry Gamer has set all Order Markers.
(10:17 PM)User Backcountry Gamer reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Axe 1 OM on Vulcan 1 OM on Vulcan 1 OM on Axe
(10:17 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 16 for initiative
(10:17 PM)User Bert reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Brute Gruts 1 OM on Brute Gruts 1 OM on Gnids 1 OM on Brute Gruts
(10:17 PM) Bert rolled 17 for initiative
(10:17 PM) Bert revealed OM 1 on Brute Gruts
(10:17 PM) Backcountry Gamer: lol
(10:18 PM) Bert: 5v4
(10:19 PM) Bert rolled 4 skulls with 5 total dice
(10:19 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(10:19 PM) Bert rolled 3 skulls with 5 total dice
(10:19 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(10:19 PM)The turn/action of Bert is done.
(10:19 PM) Backcountry Gamer revealed OM 1 on Axe
(10:19 PM) Backcountry Gamer: bond
(10:20 PM) Backcountry Gamer: SA
(10:20 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 3 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:20 PM) Bert rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(10:21 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:21 PM) Bert rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(10:21 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 0 skulls with 3 total dice
(10:21 PM)The turn/action of Backcountry Gamer is done.
(10:21 PM) Bert revealed OM 2 on Brute Gruts
(10:22 PM) Bert rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:22 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 0 shields with 3 total dice
(10:22 PM) Bert: Sorry I should have rolled 5: Common plus baha's bonus.
(10:22 PM) Bert rolled 5 skulls with 6 total dice
(10:23 PM) Backcountry Gamer: So I should re roll but it doesnt matter?
(10:23 PM) Backcountry Gamer: or was that your second roll now
(10:23 PM) Bert: That was my second roll. The guy with height on the grinder.
(10:24 PM) Bert: The 1st roll you rolled the right defense. I just rolled 4 attack instead of 5.
(10:24 PM) Bert: Sorry for the confusion.
(10:24 PM) Bert rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:25 PM) Backcountry Gamer: All good, just checking before I pulled figures.
(10:25 PM) Bert: That last attack is on Ulfrid.
(10:25 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 2 shields with 3 total dice
(10:25 PM)The turn/action of Bert is done.
(10:25 PM) Backcountry Gamer revealed OM 2 on Vulcan
(10:26 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:26 PM) Bert rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(10:27 PM) Backcountry Gamer: SA
(10:27 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 4 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:27 PM) Bert rolled 3 shields with 5 total dice
(10:27 PM) Bert rolled 1 shields with 5 total dice
(10:27 PM) Backcountry Gamer: into a crisp
(10:27 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:27 PM) Bert: Yeah. That has been the story of this game for me. lol
(10:27 PM) Bert rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(10:27 PM)The turn/action of Backcountry Gamer is done.
(10:27 PM) Bert revealed OM 3 on Brute Gruts
(10:28 PM) Bert rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:28 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 2 shields with 5 total dice
(10:28 PM)The turn/action of Bert is done.
(10:28 PM) Backcountry Gamer revealed OM 3 on Vulcan
(10:29 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:29 PM) Bert rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(10:29 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:29 PM) Bert rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(10:29 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:29 PM) Bert rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(10:29 PM) Backcountry Gamer: He tried to hold on
(10:29 PM)The turn/action of Backcountry Gamer is done.
(10:29 PM)User Bert has set all Order Markers.
(10:30 PM)User Backcountry Gamer has set all Order Markers.
(10:30 PM)User Backcountry Gamer reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Ulfrid 1 OM on Vulcan 1 OM on Vulcan 1 OM on Vulcan
(10:30 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 8 for initiative
(10:30 PM)User Bert reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Gnids 1 OM on Gnids 1 OM on Gnids 1 OM on Gnids
(10:30 PM) Bert rolled 10 for initiative
(10:30 PM) Bert revealed OM 1 on Gnids
(10:30 PM) Bert rolled 1 skulls with 2 total dice
(10:30 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(10:31 PM) Bert rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(10:31 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 0 shields with 4 total dice
(10:31 PM) Backcountry Gamer: Redundant
(10:31 PM) Bert: Gnids!!!
(10:31 PM)The turn/action of Bert is done.
(10:31 PM) Backcountry Gamer: HA!
(10:31 PM) Backcountry Gamer revealed OM 1 on Vulcan
(10:32 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(10:32 PM) Bert rolled 0 shields with 3 total dice
(10:32 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 4 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:32 PM)The turn/action of Backcountry Gamer is done.
(10:32 PM) Bert: Damn the Mechs are pissed. lol
(10:32 PM) Bert revealed OM 2 on Gnids
(10:33 PM) Bert rolled 0 skulls with 2 total dice
(10:33 PM)The turn/action of Bert is done.
(10:33 PM) Backcountry Gamer revealed OM 2 on Vulcan
(10:33 PM) Backcountry Gamer rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:33 PM) Bert rolled 0 shields with 2 total dice
(10:33 PM) Bert: gg
(10:33 PM) Backcountry Gamer: gg
(10:33 PM) Backcountry Gamer: crazy dice
(10:34 PM) Bert: My horned skulls just died too fast unfortunately.
(10:34 PM) Bert: It was a fun one though.
(10:34 PM) Backcountry Gamer: Yea, I new I had to get a wall of grinders out otherwise you would eat up my vulcans early and I was toast.Placement was a big part of this match
(10:35 PM) Backcountry Gamer: I g2g but thanks for the game! I took care of the report, feel free to talk more about it in Discord!
User Backcountry Gamer has left the chat session.
(10:35 PM) Bert: yeah. I felt my horned skull dieing so quickly made it hard to do much.