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(10:19 AM) ScapeBot:
(10:19 AM) ScapeBot has logged in!
(10:19 AM) ScapeBot: Online HS, Round 4
(10:19 AM) ScapeBot: arrow grut v. sir heroscape
(10:19 AM) ScapeBot: This roll determines who wins the dice-off
(10:19 AM) ScapeBot: 1-10=arrow grut, 11-20=sir heroscape
(10:19 AM) ScapeBot rolled 19 on the d20
(10:19 AM) ScapeBot: sir heroscape
(10:19 AM) ScapeBot: arrow grut chooses who places first
(8:50 PM) Arrow Grut has logged in!
(9:00 PM) Arrow Grut: Hello. Loaded in eighty percent of your army lol
(9:00 PM) Arrow Grut: you decide placement
(9:00 PM) Sir Heroscape has logged in!
(9:00 PM) Sir Heroscape: howdy
(9:00 PM) Sir Heroscape: go ahead and place first
(9:01 PM) Arrow Grut: is the grayscale alright? I can make the heroes different colors if that is easier
(9:01 PM) Sir Heroscape: nah that's fine
(9:03 PM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(9:03 PM) Arrow Grut: All placed. I am going to move to the couch with my charger
(9:03 PM) Arrow Grut: and grab a drink
(9:04 PM) Sir Heroscape: cool cool
(9:07 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 17 on the d20
(9:08 PM) Sir Heroscape: whoops
(9:08 PM) Sir Heroscape: lol not sure why I rolled
(9:08 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(9:08 PM) Arrow Grut: Okay i am back
(9:08 PM) Arrow Grut: that was to para stare your isamu?
(9:08 PM) Arrow Grut: jk
(9:08 PM) Arrow Grut: So if my MBS is destroyed I cannot mindshackle yours?
(9:08 PM)User Sir Heroscape has set all Order Markers.
(9:09 PM) Sir Heroscape: yeah so you can only mindshakle Mogrimms and the fillers
(9:09 PM) Sir Heroscape: I can only get azurite
(9:09 PM)User Arrow Grut has set all Order Markers.
(9:09 PM) Arrow Grut: ok wanted to clarify before it came up
(9:09 PM) Arrow Grut: GLHF
(9:09 PM) Sir Heroscape: even if destroyed
(9:09 PM) Sir Heroscape: I think...
(9:09 PM) Arrow Grut: makes sense
(9:09 PM) Sir Heroscape: we may want to confirm...but I'm pretty sure that's the rule
(9:10 PM)User Sir Heroscape has set all Order Markers.
(9:10 PM) Arrow Grut: I will grab the NGS book really fast
(9:10 PM) frog has logged in!
(9:11 PM) frog: that is indeed the rule
(9:11 PM) Arrow Grut: thank you
(9:11 PM) Arrow Grut: mr frog
(9:11 PM) Sir Heroscape: cool cool
(9:11 PM) Sir Heroscape: good luck
(9:11 PM)User Sir Heroscape reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Lego
1 OM on Lego
1 OM on Lego
1 OM on Lego

(9:11 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 10 for initiative
(9:11 PM) Arrow Grut: you too
(9:11 PM)User Arrow Grut reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Romans?
1 OM on Romans
1 OM on Romans
1 OM on Romans

(9:11 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 16 for initiative
(9:11 PM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 1 on Romans
(9:12 PM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(9:12 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 1 on Lego
(9:14 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(9:14 PM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 2 on Romans
(9:15 PM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(9:15 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 2 on Lego
(9:19 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(9:19 PM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 3 on Romans
(9:21 PM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(9:21 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 3 on Lego
(9:25 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(9:25 PM)User Arrow Grut has set all Order Markers.
(9:26 PM)User Sir Heroscape has set all Order Markers.
(9:26 PM)User Arrow Grut reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Romans
1 OM on Romans??
1 OM on Romans
1 OM on Romans

(9:26 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 for initiative
(9:26 PM)User Sir Heroscape reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Lego
1 OM on Lego
1 OM on Lego
1 OM on Lego

(9:26 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 5 for initiative
(9:26 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 1 on Lego
(9:30 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(9:30 PM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 1 on Romans
(9:32 PM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(9:34 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 2 on Lego
(9:37 PM) Sir Heroscape: LOS?
(9:37 PM) Arrow Grut: yes
(9:39 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 15 on the d20
(9:39 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(9:39 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 0 shields with 3 total dice
(9:40 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(9:40 PM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 2 on Romans
(9:40 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 4 skulls with 4 total dice
(9:41 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(9:41 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(9:42 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 0 shields with 3 total dice
(9:42 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(9:42 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 2 shields with 2 total dice
(9:42 PM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(9:42 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 3 on Lego
(9:45 PM) Sir Heroscape: CS
(9:45 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 9 on the d20
(9:45 PM) Arrow Grut: is that a 15?
(9:45 PM) Sir Heroscape: yeah
(9:45 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 2 skulls with 5 total dice
(9:45 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 shields with 6 total dice
(9:45 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(9:46 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(9:46 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(9:46 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(9:46 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(9:46 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(9:46 PM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 3 on Romans
(9:46 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(9:47 PM) Arrow Grut: lea
(9:47 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 skulls with 1 total dice
(9:47 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(9:47 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 0 shields with 3 total dice
(9:49 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 3 skulls with 3 total dice
(9:49 PM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(9:49 PM)User Arrow Grut has set all Order Markers.
(9:49 PM)User Sir Heroscape has set all Order Markers.
(9:49 PM)User Arrow Grut reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Romans
1 OM on Romans
1 OM on Romans
1 OM on Romans???

(9:49 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 12 for initiative
(9:49 PM)User Sir Heroscape reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Mogrimm
1 OM on Lego
1 OM on Lego
1 OM on Lego

(9:49 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 17 for initiative
(9:49 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 1 on Lego
(9:51 PM) Sir Heroscape: LOS?
(9:51 PM) Sir Heroscape: on both?
(9:51 PM) Arrow Grut: yes
(9:52 PM) Sir Heroscape: stare NGS
(9:52 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 8 on the d20
(9:52 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 3 skulls with 4 total dice
(9:52 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(9:53 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(9:54 PM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 1 on Romans
(9:55 PM) Arrow Grut: stare
(9:55 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 4 on the d20
(9:55 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(9:55 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(9:56 PM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(9:57 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 2 on Lego
(9:59 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 3 skulls with 4 total dice
(9:59 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 0 shields with 3 total dice
(10:00 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(10:00 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 0 shields with 3 total dice
(10:01 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(10:01 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 shields with 2 total dice
(10:01 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:01 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 shields with 6 total dice
(10:01 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(10:01 PM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 2 on Romans
(10:01 PM) Arrow Grut: lea
(10:01 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 skulls with 1 total dice
(10:01 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 0 skulls with 1 total dice
(10:01 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:02 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(10:02 PM) Arrow Grut: can i roll for shackle?
(10:02 PM) Arrow Grut: forgot
(10:02 PM) Sir Heroscape: i mean...
(10:02 PM) Arrow Grut: lol its okay
(10:02 PM) Sir Heroscape: okay fine
(10:02 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 11 on the d20
(10:02 PM) Arrow Grut: see lol
(10:03 PM) Sir Heroscape: banking on karma to come back and help me
(10:05 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(10:05 PM) Sir Heroscape: who are you targeting
(10:05 PM) Sir Heroscape: please highlight
(10:05 PM) Arrow Grut: roman
(10:05 PM) Arrow Grut: it is
(10:05 PM) Sir Heroscape: let me refresh my brownser
(10:05 PM) Sir Heroscape has logged in!
(10:06 PM) Arrow Grut: lmk if you need me to rehighlight
(10:06 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(10:06 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 3 skulls with 3 total dice
(10:06 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(10:06 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 3 skulls with 3 total dice
(10:06 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 0 shields with 3 total dice
(10:06 PM) Sir Heroscape: cmon man
(10:06 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 0 skulls with 3 total dice
(10:06 PM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(10:07 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 3 on Lego
(10:07 PM) Sir Heroscape: 3 LEA's with NGS
(10:08 PM) Arrow Grut: okay
(10:08 PM) Arrow Grut: want me to roll?
(10:08 PM) Sir Heroscape: yeah
(10:08 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 0 skulls with 1 total dice
(10:08 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 0 skulls with 1 total dice
(10:08 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 skulls with 1 total dice
(10:08 PM) Sir Heroscape: shackle
(10:08 PM) Arrow Grut: are you blessed by the frog
(10:08 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 2 on the d20
(10:08 PM) Sir Heroscape: I got 1 of the numbers
(10:08 PM) Arrow Grut: halfway
(10:09 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 4 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:09 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(10:11 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 3 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:11 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(10:11 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 shields with 6 total dice
(10:11 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:11 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 shields with 6 total dice
(10:12 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(10:12 PM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 3 on Romans
(10:12 PM) Arrow Grut: lea
(10:12 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 0 skulls with 1 total dice
(10:13 PM) Arrow Grut: boosting
(10:13 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 skulls with 7 total dice
(10:13 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 3 shields with 3 total dice
(10:13 PM) Sir Heroscape: he says no
(10:13 PM) Arrow Grut: lol
(10:14 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(10:14 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(10:14 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 3 skulls with 3 total dice
(10:15 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 shields with 7 total dice
(10:15 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(10:15 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 2 shields with 6 total dice
(10:15 PM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(10:15 PM) Arrow Grut revealed OM X on Romans???
(10:15 PM)User Arrow Grut has set all Order Markers.
(10:16 PM)User Sir Heroscape has set all Order Markers.
(10:16 PM)User Sir Heroscape reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on NGS
1 OM on Mogrimm
1 OM on Mogrimm
1 OM on Lego

(10:16 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 12 for initiative
(10:17 PM)User Arrow Grut reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Romans
1 OM on Romans
1 OM on Romans????
1 OM on Romans

(10:17 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 6 for initiative
(10:17 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 1 on Lego
(10:17 PM) Sir Heroscape: CS
(10:17 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 19 on the d20
(10:17 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 2 skulls with 5 total dice
(10:17 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 3 shields with 6 total dice
(10:17 PM) Arrow Grut: he said get that alien away from me!!!
(10:17 PM) Sir Heroscape: he's got 1 life
(10:18 PM) Arrow Grut: sorry
(10:18 PM) Arrow Grut: i changed yours
(10:18 PM) Sir Heroscape: other box
(10:18 PM) Arrow Grut: ty
(10:18 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 3 skulls with 3 total dice
(10:18 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 shields with 6 total dice
(10:18 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(10:18 PM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 1 on Romans
(10:19 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 3 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:19 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(10:20 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 shields with 6 total dice
(10:20 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(10:20 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 2 shields with 6 total dice
(10:20 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(10:20 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 0 shields with 2 total dice
(10:20 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 3 skulls with 3 total dice
(10:20 PM) Sir Heroscape: you can stop maxing out any time
(10:20 PM) Sir Heroscape: please
(10:21 PM) Sir Heroscape: I need to count how many 3/3 you've gotten
(10:21 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 3 shields with 4 total dice
(10:21 PM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(10:21 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 2 on Mogrimm
(10:21 PM) Sir Heroscape: CS
(10:21 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 2 on the d20
(10:22 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 3 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:22 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 shields with 3 total dice
(10:22 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(10:22 PM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 2 on Romans
(10:22 PM) Arrow Grut: para
(10:22 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 9 on the d20
(10:22 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:22 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 2 shields with 6 total dice
(10:23 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(10:23 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 4 shields with 6 total dice
(10:23 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(10:23 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 3 shields with 6 total dice
(10:23 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(10:23 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 4 shields with 7 total dice
(10:23 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(10:23 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(10:23 PM) Arrow Grut: its alright i came back to earth
(10:23 PM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(10:24 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 3 on Mogrimm
(10:24 PM) Sir Heroscape: CS
(10:24 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 17 on the d20
(10:24 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:24 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 0 shields with 3 total dice
(10:24 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(10:24 PM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 3 on Romans
(10:24 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 3 skulls with 7 total dice
(10:24 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 0 shields with 2 total dice
(10:25 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(10:25 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 3 shields with 7 total dice
(10:25 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 3 skulls with 3 total dice
(10:25 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 shields with 6 total dice
(10:25 PM) Sir Heroscape: f
(10:25 PM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(10:26 PM)User Arrow Grut has set all Order Markers.
(10:26 PM)User Sir Heroscape has set all Order Markers.
(10:26 PM)User Arrow Grut reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Romans
1 OM on Romans?????
1 OM on Romans
1 OM on Romans

(10:26 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 16 for initiative
(10:26 PM)User Sir Heroscape reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Mogrimm
1 OM on MBS
1 OM on Mogrimm
1 OM on Lego

(10:26 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 6 for initiative
(10:27 PM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 1 on Romans
(10:27 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 3 skulls with 7 total dice
(10:27 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 0 shields with 2 total dice
(10:27 PM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(10:28 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 1 on Mogrimm
(10:28 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:28 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(10:28 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(10:28 PM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 2 on Romans
(10:29 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 skulls with 7 total dice
(10:29 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 shields with 2 total dice
(10:30 PM) Sir Heroscape: finally mogrimm rolls a shield
(10:30 PM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(10:30 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 2 on Mogrimm
(10:31 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 3 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:31 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(10:31 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(10:31 PM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 3 on Romans
(10:31 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 4 skulls with 7 total dice
(10:31 PM) Sir Heroscape: I don't think you can use it right?
(10:31 PM) Arrow Grut: yes
(10:31 PM) frog has logged in!
(10:31 PM) Arrow Grut: it happens at the end of the turn
(10:31 PM) frog: He can use it
(10:31 PM) Arrow Grut: that i am wounded
(10:31 PM) Sir Heroscape: k
(10:32 PM) frog: Then he dies
(10:32 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 0 shields with 4 total dice
(10:32 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(10:32 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 0 shields with 2 total dice
(10:32 PM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(10:32 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 3 on MBS
(10:33 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(10:33 PM)User Arrow Grut has set all Order Markers.
(10:34 PM) Sir Heroscape: will you let me reposition bol?
(10:34 PM) Arrow Grut: yes
(10:34 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(10:35 PM)User Sir Heroscape has set all Order Markers.
(10:35 PM)User Sir Heroscape reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Isamu
1 OM on Lego
1 OM on Isamu
1 OM on Bol

(10:35 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 for initiative
(10:35 PM)User Arrow Grut reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Romans?????
1 OM on Romans
1 OM on Romans
1 OM on MBS

(10:35 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 20 for initiative
(10:35 PM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 1 on Romans
(10:35 PM) Sir Heroscape: wow
(10:36 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 on the d20
(10:36 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:36 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 2 shields with 3 total dice
(10:36 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:37 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 0 shields with 3 total dice
(10:37 PM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(10:37 PM) Sir Heroscape: so many blanks at crucial times
(10:37 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 1 on Bol
(10:37 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(10:37 PM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 2 on Romans
(10:37 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 13 on the d20
(10:37 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 0 skulls with 3 total dice
(10:38 PM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(10:38 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 2 on Lego
(10:38 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 3 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:38 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(10:38 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(10:38 PM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 3 on MBS
(10:38 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 on the d20
(10:38 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(10:38 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 shields with 2 total dice
(10:38 PM) Arrow Grut: GG
(10:38 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 3 on Isamu
(10:38 PM) Sir Heroscape: how so?
(10:39 PM) frog: chat box mvp
(10:39 PM) Arrow Grut: oops he was off my screen
(10:39 PM) Sir Heroscape: lol
(10:39 PM) Sir Heroscape: isamu still kickin
(10:39 PM) frog: in my game with kevin he lost a brigand behind the chat box
(10:39 PM) Arrow Grut: it is quite large
(10:39 PM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(10:40 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(10:40 PM)User Sir Heroscape has set all Order Markers.
(10:40 PM)User Sir Heroscape reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Isamu
1 OM on Isamu
1 OM on Isamu
1 OM on Isamu

(10:40 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 17 for initiative
(10:40 PM)User Arrow Grut has set all Order Markers.
(10:40 PM)User Arrow Grut reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on MBS
1 OM on Romans
1 OM on MBS
1 OM on Romans?????

(10:40 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 9 for initiative
(10:40 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 1 on Isamu
(10:41 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(10:41 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 shields with 3 total dice
(10:42 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(10:42 PM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 1 on Romans
(10:42 PM) Arrow Grut: lea
(10:42 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 skulls with 1 total dice
(10:42 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 11 on the d20
(10:42 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(10:42 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 15 on the d20
(10:42 PM) Arrow Grut: it begins
(10:44 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(10:44 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(10:44 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 13 on the d20
(10:44 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(10:44 PM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(10:44 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 2 on Isamu
(10:44 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(10:44 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 shields with 3 total dice
(10:44 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(10:44 PM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 2 on MBS
(10:45 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 11 on the d20
(10:45 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 3 skulls with 3 total dice
(10:45 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 2 on the d20
(10:45 PM) Sir Heroscape: how fitting
(10:45 PM) Arrow Grut: good game
(10:45 PM) Sir Heroscape: ended me on a max attack
(10:45 PM) Sir Heroscape: gg's
(10:45 PM) frog: gg guys
(10:45 PM) Arrow Grut: Isamu scared me
(10:45 PM) Arrow Grut: very real chance there.
(10:45 PM) frog: dok will handle the reporting
(10:46 PM) Arrow Grut: ok thank you
(10:46 PM) Sir Heroscape: yeah...feels bad when I can only get 1/3 on attacks
(10:46 PM) Sir Heroscape: honestly the game was that 1 turn where you killed 4 Legos
(10:46 PM) Sir Heroscape: in the same turn
(10:46 PM) Sir Heroscape: it was even up till that point, but then I had to start playing hyper risky plays to get back in it
(10:46 PM) Arrow Grut: i kept pushing because you won if we slogged it out
(10:46 PM) Sir Heroscape: rough coulple of turns where you got wounds/kills on low rolls
(10:46 PM) Arrow Grut: with commanders strike
(10:47 PM) Arrow Grut: losing init so many times in a row helped me too.
(10:47 PM) Arrow Grut: i never had to worry about you getting a double turn
(10:47 PM) Sir Heroscape: yeah I was really hoping for a switch
(10:48 PM) Sir Heroscape: it was annoying
(10:48 PM) Arrow Grut: well ggs, i got to get to bed
(10:48 PM) Arrow Grut: fun game
(10:49 PM) Sir Heroscape: yeah thanks
User frog has left the chat session.
User Sir Heroscape has left the chat session.