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(3:47 PM) ScapeBot:
(3:47 PM) ScapeBot has logged in!
(3:47 PM) ScapeBot: Online HS, Finals
(3:47 PM) ScapeBot: chris perkins v. sir heroscape
(3:47 PM) ScapeBot: chris perkins has a lower diceoff win percentage, so they win the diceoff.
(3:47 PM) ScapeBot: chris perkins
(3:47 PM) ScapeBot: sir heroscape chooses who places first
(8:24 PM) Chris has logged in!
User Chris has left the chat session.
(9:18 PM) Chris has logged in!
User Chris has left the chat session.
(3:39 PM) Chris has logged in!
(4:05 PM) Sir Heroscape has logged in!
(4:05 PM) Sir Heroscape: howdy
(4:05 PM) Chris: hi
(4:07 PM) Sir Heroscape: I feel like I have to take Arktos and Swift here...
(4:07 PM) Sir Heroscape: so I will
(4:07 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(4:09 PM) Chris: Cultists x2
(4:11 PM) The turn/action of Chris is done.
(4:15 PM) Sir Heroscape: Wyvern, Spiders X1
(4:16 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(4:21 PM) Chris: Cultist + Himmel
(4:22 PM) The turn/action of Chris is done.
(4:22 PM) Sir Heroscape: so your draft is done yeah?
(4:22 PM) Sir Heroscape: okay
(4:22 PM) Chris: yep
(4:23 PM) Chris: unless a zero point figure shows up out of nowhere
(4:23 PM) Sir Heroscape: hahahah
(4:23 PM) Sir Heroscape: spiders X3
(4:26 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(4:27 PM) Chris: You're sitting a spider?
(4:27 PM) Sir Heroscape: oops
(4:28 PM) Sir Heroscape: ty
(4:28 PM) Chris: Just remember that later when you win with 1 spider left
(4:28 PM) Sir Heroscape: hahah
(4:28 PM) Sir Heroscape: will do
(4:28 PM)User Chris has set all Order Markers.
(4:29 PM) Chris: actually hang on
(4:29 PM) Chris: might make an OM change
(4:30 PM)User Chris reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Grey
1 OM on Cult
1 OM on Cult
1 OM on Grey

(4:30 PM) Chris rolled 5 for initiative
(4:30 PM) Chris: shoot
(4:30 PM) Chris: that's wrong
(4:30 PM) Chris: I was trying to change it
(4:31 PM)User Chris has set all Order Markers.
(4:31 PM) Sir Heroscape: no worries
(4:31 PM) Chris: I clicked the wrong button
(4:31 PM) Chris: So yeah, ignore all that
(4:32 PM)User Sir Heroscape has set all Order Markers.
(4:32 PM)User Chris reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Himmel
1 OM on Cult
1 OM on Cult
1 OM on Cult

(4:32 PM) Chris rolled 5 for initiative
(4:32 PM) Chris: gl
(4:32 PM)User Sir Heroscape reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Swiftfangs
1 OM on Spiders
1 OM on Swiftfangs
1 OM on Spiders

(4:32 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 13 for initiative
(4:33 PM) Chris: I like how my 5 stayed a 5
(4:33 PM) Sir Heroscape: yeah
(4:33 PM) Sir Heroscape: all is fair
(4:33 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 1 on Swiftfangs
(4:35 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(4:35 PM) Chris revealed OM 1 on Cult
(4:38 PM) The turn/action of Chris is done.
(4:39 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 2 on Spiders
(4:40 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(4:40 PM) Chris revealed OM 2 on Cult
(4:44 PM) The turn/action of Chris is done.
(4:45 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 3 on Swiftfangs
(4:48 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(4:49 PM) Chris rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(4:49 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(4:49 PM) Chris revealed OM 3 on Cult
(4:53 PM) Chris rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(4:53 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(4:53 PM) Chris rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(4:53 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(4:53 PM) Chris rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(4:53 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(4:53 PM) Chris rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(4:53 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 0 shields with 4 total dice
(4:53 PM) The turn/action of Chris is done.
(4:54 PM) The turn/action of Chris is done.
(4:54 PM) Chris has logged in!
(4:55 PM) Sir Heroscape: remember numbers for your OM's
(4:55 PM)User Chris has set all Order Markers.
(4:55 PM) Chris: yep
(4:55 PM)User Sir Heroscape has set all Order Markers.
(4:55 PM)User Chris reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Cult 2667
1 OM on Cult 9481
1 OM on Cult 1708
1 OM on Cult 1503

(4:55 PM) Chris rolled 6 for initiative
(4:55 PM)User Sir Heroscape reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Spiders
1 OM on Swiftfangs
1 OM on Spiders
1 OM on Spiders

(4:55 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 19 for initiative
(4:56 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 1 on Spiders
(4:57 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(4:57 PM) Chris rolled 0 shields with 3 total dice
(4:59 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 0 skulls with 2 total dice
(4:59 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 skulls with 2 total dice
(4:59 PM) Chris rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(4:59 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(4:59 PM) Chris rolled 0 shields with 3 total dice
(4:59 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(4:59 PM) Chris revealed OM 1 on Cult 1708
(5:02 PM) Chris rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(5:02 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 0 shields with 3 total dice
(5:02 PM) Chris rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(5:02 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 0 shields with 2 total dice
(5:02 PM) Chris rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(5:02 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 shields with 2 total dice
(5:02 PM) The turn/action of Chris is done.
(5:02 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 2 on Spiders
(5:04 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(5:04 PM) Chris rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(5:05 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(5:05 PM) Chris revealed OM 2 on Cult 2667
(5:09 PM) Chris rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(5:09 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 2 shields with 2 total dice
(5:09 PM) The turn/action of Chris is done.
(5:11 PM) Sir Heroscape: web
(5:11 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 19 on the d20
(5:11 PM) Sir Heroscape: 9481
(5:12 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 0 skulls with 2 total dice
(5:12 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(5:12 PM) Chris rolled 2 shields with 3 total dice
(5:12 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 3 on Spiders
(5:12 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(5:12 PM) Chris revealed OM 3 on Cult 9481
(5:12 PM) The turn/action of Chris is done.
(5:12 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 7 for Wannok
(5:12 PM)User Chris has set all Order Markers.
(5:13 PM)User Sir Heroscape has set all Order Markers.
(5:14 PM)User Chris reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Cult 3164
1 OM on Cult 2193
1 OM on Cult 4518
1 OM on Cult 4809

(5:14 PM) Chris rolled 16 for initiative
(5:14 PM)User Sir Heroscape reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Spiders
1 OM on Spiders
1 OM on Swiftfangs
1 OM on Spiders

(5:14 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 11 for initiative
(5:14 PM) Chris revealed OM 1 on Cult 4518
(5:18 PM) Chris rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(5:18 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 shields with 2 total dice
(5:18 PM) Chris rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(5:18 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 0 shields with 2 total dice
(5:18 PM) Chris rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(5:18 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 2 shields with 3 total dice
(5:18 PM) The turn/action of Chris is done.
(5:18 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 1 on Spiders
(5:20 PM) Sir Heroscape: 1LEA
(5:20 PM) Chris rolled 1 skulls with 1 total dice
(5:21 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 3 skulls with 4 total dice
(5:21 PM) Chris rolled 0 shields with 3 total dice
(5:22 PM) Sir Heroscape: web
(5:22 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 11 on the d20
(5:22 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 skulls with 2 total dice
(5:22 PM) Chris rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(5:22 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(5:22 PM) Chris rolled 2 shields with 3 total dice
(5:22 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(5:22 PM) Chris rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(5:22 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(5:22 PM) Chris revealed OM 2 on Cult 3164
(5:24 PM) Chris rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(5:24 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 2 shields with 3 total dice
(5:24 PM) Chris rolled 0 skulls with 3 total dice
(5:24 PM) Chris rolled 0 skulls with 1 total dice
(5:24 PM) Chris rolled 3 skulls with 3 total dice
(5:24 PM) Chris rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(5:24 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(5:24 PM) The turn/action of Chris is done.
(5:25 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 2 on Spiders
(5:25 PM) Chris: oh crap I missed 1 dice
(5:25 PM) Chris: my mistake. just saying it for the record
(5:25 PM) Sir Heroscape: oh ok
(5:25 PM) Chris: oh wait nvm
(5:25 PM) Chris: I can't reda
(5:25 PM) Chris: *read
(5:25 PM) Chris: I didn't miss it
(5:25 PM) Sir Heroscape: :)
(5:26 PM) Chris: I'm losing my mind over here. no idea what I'm thinking
(5:26 PM) Sir Heroscape: bahaha
(5:26 PM) Sir Heroscape: sall good
(5:27 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(5:27 PM) Chris rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(5:29 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 skulls with 2 total dice
(5:29 PM) Chris rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(5:29 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 skulls with 2 total dice
(5:29 PM) Chris rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(5:29 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(5:29 PM) Chris rolled 0 shields with 3 total dice
(5:29 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(5:29 PM) Chris revealed OM 3 on Cult 2193
(5:31 PM) Chris rolled 0 skulls with 3 total dice
(5:32 PM) Chris rolled 3 skulls with 4 total dice
(5:32 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 0 shields with 3 total dice
(5:32 PM) Chris rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(5:32 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 0 shields with 3 total dice
(5:32 PM) Chris rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(5:32 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 0 shields with 2 total dice
(5:32 PM) The turn/action of Chris is done.
(5:32 PM) Sir Heroscape: what a turn
(5:32 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 3 on Spiders
(5:33 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 3 skulls with 5 total dice
(5:33 PM) Chris rolled 3 shields with 3 total dice
(5:33 PM) Chris: oo
(5:33 PM) Sir Heroscape: geesh
(5:34 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 skulls with 2 total dice
(5:34 PM) Chris rolled 2 shields with 3 total dice
(5:34 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 2 skulls with 2 total dice
(5:34 PM) Chris rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(5:34 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 3 skulls with 3 total dice
(5:34 PM) Chris rolled 0 shields with 3 total dice
(5:34 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(5:34 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 2 for Wannok
(5:35 PM) Chris: gotta think about wannok
(5:35 PM) Sir Heroscape: yep
(5:37 PM) Chris: Himmel
(5:37 PM)User Chris has set all Order Markers.
(5:38 PM)User Sir Heroscape has set all Order Markers.
(5:38 PM)User Chris reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Cult 9541
1 OM on Grey 786
1 OM on Cult 1202
1 OM on Grey 8541

(5:38 PM) Chris rolled 7 for initiative
(5:38 PM)User Sir Heroscape reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Spiders
1 OM on Swiftfangs
1 OM on Spiders
1 OM on Spiders

(5:38 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 12 for initiative
(5:38 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 1 on Spiders
(5:39 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(5:39 PM) Chris rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(5:40 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 2 skulls with 2 total dice
(5:40 PM) Chris rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(5:40 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 0 skulls with 3 total dice
(5:40 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 2 skulls with 2 total dice
(5:40 PM) Chris rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(5:40 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(5:40 PM) Chris revealed OM 1 on Cult 1202
(5:41 PM) Chris rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(5:42 PM) Sir Heroscape: lol forgot you could do that
(5:42 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 0 shields with 4 total dice
(5:42 PM) The turn/action of Chris is done.
(5:42 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 2 on Spiders
(5:42 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(5:42 PM) Chris rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(5:43 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 0 skulls with 2 total dice
(5:43 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 skulls with 2 total dice
(5:43 PM) Chris rolled 3 shields with 3 total dice
(5:43 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(5:43 PM) Chris revealed OM 2 on Grey 8541
(5:45 PM) Chris: gonna need a min here
(5:45 PM) Sir Heroscape: yep
(5:49 PM) Chris: LoS?
(5:49 PM) Sir Heroscape: hmmm
(5:49 PM) Sir Heroscape: probably
(5:49 PM) Chris: k
(5:50 PM) Chris rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(5:50 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 shields with 2 total dice
(5:51 PM) Chris rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(5:51 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 0 shields with 2 total dice
(5:51 PM) The turn/action of Chris is done.
(5:51 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 3 on Spiders
(5:52 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(5:52 PM) Chris rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(5:52 PM) Chris: I love that cultist
(5:52 PM) Sir Heroscape: that nhah is gainng so much value
(5:52 PM) Chris: He's the leader of the cult
(5:52 PM) Sir Heroscape: more than the whole ary
(5:54 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 skulls with 2 total dice
(5:54 PM) Chris rolled 2 shields with 3 total dice
(5:54 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(5:54 PM) Chris revealed OM 3 on Grey 786
(5:58 PM) Chris rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(5:58 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 shields with 2 total dice
(5:58 PM) Chris rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(5:58 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 2 shields with 2 total dice
(5:58 PM) Chris rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(5:59 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 2 shields with 2 total dice
(5:59 PM) Chris rolled 3 skulls with 3 total dice
(5:59 PM) The turn/action of Chris is done.
(5:59 PM) Sir Heroscape: wow
(5:59 PM) Chris: he almost held
(5:59 PM) Sir Heroscape: youre attacks have been so timely with the greys
(5:59 PM) Sir Heroscape: everything that has had to happen so far for your endgame has happened
(6:00 PM) Chris: roll for wannok
(6:00 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 5 for Wannok
(6:00 PM) Chris: Himmel
(6:00 PM)User Chris has set all Order Markers.
(6:03 PM)User Sir Heroscape has set all Order Markers.
(6:03 PM)User Sir Heroscape reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Arktos
1 OM on Spiders
1 OM on Arktos
1 OM on Swiftfangs

(6:03 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 4 for initiative
(6:03 PM)User Chris reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Grey
1 OM on Grey
1 OM on Himmel
1 OM on Grey

(6:03 PM) Chris rolled 17 for initiative
(6:03 PM) Chris revealed OM 1 on Grey
(6:05 PM) Chris: ok
(6:05 PM) Chris rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(6:05 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(6:05 PM) Chris rolled 4 skulls with 4 total dice
(6:06 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(6:06 PM) Chris rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(6:06 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 shields with 2 total dice
(6:06 PM) The turn/action of Chris is done.
(6:06 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 1 on Swiftfangs
(6:06 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(6:06 PM) Chris revealed OM 2 on Grey
(6:06 PM) Chris rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(6:06 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 shields with 2 total dice
(6:06 PM) Chris rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(6:06 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 shields with 2 total dice
(6:07 PM) Chris rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(6:07 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(6:07 PM) Chris rolled 0 skulls with 3 total dice
(6:07 PM) The turn/action of Chris is done.
(6:07 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 2 on Arktos
(6:07 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 3 skulls with 4 total dice
(6:07 PM) Chris rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(6:07 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(6:07 PM) Chris revealed OM 3 on Grey
(6:08 PM) Chris rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(6:09 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 0 shields with 3 total dice
(6:09 PM) Chris rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(6:09 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 0 shields with 2 total dice
(6:09 PM) The turn/action of Chris is done.
(6:09 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 3 on Arktos
(6:09 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(6:09 PM) Chris rolled 3 shields with 3 total dice
(6:10 PM) Sir Heroscape: cmon man
(6:10 PM) Chris: yeah that round went well for me
(6:10 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(6:10 PM) Sir Heroscape: the last 2 rounds you mean
(6:10 PM) Sir Heroscape: ...
(6:10 PM)User Chris has set all Order Markers.
(6:10 PM)User Sir Heroscape has set all Order Markers.
(6:10 PM)User Sir Heroscape reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Arktos
1 OM on Arktos
1 OM on Arktos
1 OM on Arktos

(6:10 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 14 for initiative
(6:10 PM)User Chris reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Grey
1 OM on Himmel
1 OM on Himmel
1 OM on Grey

(6:10 PM) Chris rolled 8 for initiative
(6:10 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 1 on Arktos
(6:10 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 3 skulls with 4 total dice
(6:10 PM) Chris rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(6:10 PM) Chris revealed OM 1 on Himmel
(6:11 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(6:11 PM) The turn/action of Chris is done.
(6:11 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 2 on Arktos
(6:14 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(6:14 PM) Chris rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(6:14 PM) Chris revealed OM 2 on Grey
(6:14 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(6:15 PM) Chris rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(6:15 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 0 shields with 3 total dice
(6:15 PM) The turn/action of Chris is done.
(6:15 PM) Chris: hell of a game
(6:15 PM) Sir Heroscape: gg fitting ending
(6:15 PM) Sir Heroscape: yeah
(6:16 PM) Sir Heroscape: honestly I was in the drivers seat until that last nhah
(6:16 PM) Sir Heroscape: that misplacement by me killed all my position
(6:16 PM) Sir Heroscape: and advantage
(6:16 PM) Chris: that cultist was clutch yeah
(6:16 PM) Chris: he kept the wyvern busy for a round
(6:17 PM) Sir Heroscape: yeah...I felt like I played into the matchup well enough to win it...all until that point
(6:17 PM) Sir Heroscape: then taking 2 wounds so I can't disengage was so rouhg
(6:19 PM) Chris: I do think the draft played out correctly
(6:19 PM) Sir Heroscape: yeah I agree
(6:19 PM) Chris: I'm still not 100% sure if my army or yours has the edge on this map
(6:19 PM) Sir Heroscape: I was happy with the draft
(6:20 PM) Chris: But I think whomever takes first pick should end up with my army
(6:20 PM) Sir Heroscape: yeah I agree...it felt pretty balanced oveall
(6:20 PM) Chris: I did think about taking 2x spiders instead of 1x Cult with my final pick
(6:20 PM) Chris: Almost did
(6:20 PM) Chris: Makes my army a lot worse but blocks youers
(6:20 PM) Chris: *yours
(6:20 PM) Sir Heroscape: that would have been interesting
(6:20 PM) Sir Heroscape: yeah
(6:20 PM) Sir Heroscape: I actually do have to get going...but feel free to chat me on discord
(6:20 PM) Sir Heroscape: and I'll respond later
(6:21 PM) Sir Heroscape: again gg's
(6:21 PM) Sir Heroscape: wp
User Sir Heroscape has left the chat session.
User Chris has left the chat session.