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(11:41 PM) ScapeBot:
(11:41 PM) ScapeBot has logged in!
(11:41 PM) ScapeBot: Online HS, Round 4
(11:41 PM) ScapeBot: ryguy266 v. arrow grut
(11:41 PM) ScapeBot: This roll determines who wins the dice-off
(11:41 PM) ScapeBot: 1-10=ryguy266, 11-20=arrow grut
(11:41 PM) ScapeBot rolled 6 on the d20
(11:41 PM) ScapeBot: ryguy266
(11:41 PM) ScapeBot: arrow grut chooses who places first
(10:08 AM) ryguy has logged in!
(10:10 AM) ryguy: I'll take Sgt. Drake for my first pick
(10:43 AM) Arrow Grut has logged in!
(10:43 AM) Arrow Grut: Really sorry
(10:44 AM) Arrow Grut: do you still have time to play? my day got derailed and i wasnt able to text
(10:44 AM) Arrow Grut: I'll take wyrmling x2
(10:47 AM) ryguy: Hey all good, I can still play
(10:47 AM) Arrow Grut: ok aweseome thank you for your patience
(10:47 AM) ryguy: Yeah no worries
(10:47 AM) ryguy: I was late too lol
(10:48 AM) Arrow Grut: lol
(10:49 AM) ryguy: I'll take Krav and Marcu
(10:52 AM) Arrow Grut: I'll take wyrmling and Azurite
(10:53 AM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(10:53 AM) ryguy: I'll take Skahen and play 40 points under lol
(10:55 AM) Arrow Grut: I'll take motley and kelda
(10:57 AM) ryguy: Do you prefer voice?
(10:57 AM) Arrow Grut: yeah i could do voice
(10:57 AM) ryguy: Is that you in VC1?
(10:58 AM) Arrow Grut: yes
(10:59 AM)User ryguy has set all Order Markers.
(11:01 AM)User Arrow Grut has set all Order Markers.
(11:02 AM)User ryguy reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Sgt. Drake
1 OM on Krav
1 OM on Krav
1 OM on Krav

(11:02 AM) ryguy rolled 16 for initiative
(11:02 AM)User Arrow Grut reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Azuirite
1 OM on Black Wyrm
1 OM on Black Wyrm
1 OM on Azuiture

(11:02 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 11 for initiative
(11:02 AM) ryguy revealed OM 1 on Krav
(11:04 AM) ryguy rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(11:04 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 3 shields with 3 total dice
(11:04 AM) ryguy rolled 3 skulls with 4 total dice
(11:04 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(11:05 AM) ryguy rolled 3 skulls with 4 total dice
(11:05 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 shields with 3 total dice
(11:05 AM) The turn/action of ryguy is done.
(11:05 AM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 1 on Azuiture
(11:05 AM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(11:05 AM) ryguy revealed OM 2 on Krav
(11:08 AM) ryguy rolled 3 skulls with 4 total dice
(11:08 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 0 shields with 3 total dice
(11:08 AM) ryguy rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(11:08 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(11:10 AM) ryguy rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(11:10 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 shields with 3 total dice
(11:10 AM) The turn/action of ryguy is done.
(11:10 AM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 2 on Black Wyrm
(11:10 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 6 on the d20
(11:10 AM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(11:11 AM) ryguy revealed OM 3 on Krav
(11:12 AM) ryguy rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(11:12 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(11:12 AM) ryguy rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(11:12 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(11:12 AM) ryguy rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(11:12 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 0 shields with 4 total dice
(11:12 AM) The turn/action of ryguy is done.
(11:12 AM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 3 on Azuirite
(11:13 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 on the d20
(11:13 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 skulls with 1 total dice
(11:13 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 skulls with 7 total dice
(11:13 AM) ryguy rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(11:14 AM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(11:14 AM) Arrow Grut revealed OM X on Black Wyrm
(11:16 AM)User ryguy has set all Order Markers.
(11:16 AM)User Arrow Grut has set all Order Markers.
(11:16 AM)User Arrow Grut reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Kelda
1 OM on Azurite
1 OM on Motley
1 OM on Kelda

(11:16 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 19 for initiative
(11:16 AM)User ryguy reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Krav
1 OM on Krav
1 OM on Krav
1 OM on Skahen

(11:16 AM) ryguy rolled 2 for initiative
(11:16 AM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 1 on Kelda
(11:16 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 11 on the d20
(11:16 AM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(11:17 AM) ryguy revealed OM 1 on Krav
(11:17 AM) ryguy rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(11:17 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 0 shields with 3 total dice
(11:17 AM) ryguy rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(11:17 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 0 shields with 3 total dice
(11:17 AM) ryguy rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(11:18 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 shields with 3 total dice
(11:18 AM) The turn/action of ryguy is done.
(11:18 AM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 2 on Motley
(11:18 AM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(11:19 AM) ryguy rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(11:19 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 shields with 3 total dice
(11:19 AM) ryguy rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(11:19 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 3 shields with 3 total dice
(11:19 AM) ryguy rolled 3 skulls with 4 total dice
(11:19 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(11:19 AM) ryguy revealed OM 2 on Krav
(11:19 AM) The turn/action of ryguy is done.
(11:19 AM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 3 on Kelda
(11:20 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 11 on the d20
(11:20 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 skulls with 2 total dice
(11:20 AM) ryguy rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(11:20 AM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(11:20 AM) ryguy revealed OM 3 on Skahen
(11:21 AM) ryguy rolled 0 skulls with 3 total dice
(11:21 AM) ryguy rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(11:21 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(11:21 AM) The turn/action of ryguy is done.
(11:21 AM) Arrow Grut revealed OM X on Azurite
(11:22 AM)User Arrow Grut has set all Order Markers.
(11:22 AM)User ryguy has set all Order Markers.
(11:22 AM)User ryguy reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Sgt. Drake
1 OM on Krav
1 OM on Krav
1 OM on Krav

(11:22 AM) ryguy rolled 1 for initiative
(11:22 AM)User Arrow Grut reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Azurite
1 OM on Motley
1 OM on Kelda
1 OM on Motley

(11:22 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 15 for initiative
(11:23 AM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 1 on Motley
(11:23 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 6 on the d20
(11:23 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 15 on the d20
(11:23 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 5 on the d20
(11:23 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 3 on the d20
(11:24 AM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(11:24 AM) ryguy revealed OM 1 on Krav
(11:25 AM) ryguy rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(11:25 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(11:26 AM) ryguy rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(11:26 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 shields with 3 total dice
(11:26 AM) ryguy rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(11:26 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(11:26 AM) The turn/action of ryguy is done.
(11:26 AM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 2 on Motley
(11:26 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 18 on the d20
(11:26 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 8 on the d20
(11:27 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 7 on the d20
(11:27 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 19 on the d20
(11:27 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 4 skulls with 5 total dice
(11:27 AM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(11:27 AM) ryguy revealed OM 2 on Krav
(11:28 AM) ryguy rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(11:28 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 shields with 3 total dice
(11:28 AM) The turn/action of ryguy is done.
(11:28 AM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 3 on Kelda
(11:28 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 18 on the d20
(11:28 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 skulls with 2 total dice
(11:28 AM) ryguy rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(11:28 AM) ryguy revealed OM 3 on Sgt. Drake
(11:28 AM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(11:28 AM) Arrow Grut revealed OM X on Azurite
(11:29 AM) ryguy rolled 3 skulls with 3 total dice
(11:29 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(11:29 AM) The turn/action of ryguy is done.
(11:29 AM)User ryguy has set all Order Markers.
(11:30 AM)User Arrow Grut has set all Order Markers.
(11:30 AM)User ryguy reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Sgt. Drake
1 OM on Sgt. Drake
1 OM on Krav
1 OM on Sgt. Drake

(11:30 AM) ryguy rolled 16 for initiative
(11:30 AM)User Arrow Grut reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Azuiture
1 OM on Motley
1 OM on Kelda
1 OM on Azurite

(11:30 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 18 for initiative
(11:30 AM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 1 on Azuiture
(11:31 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 4 skulls with 7 total dice
(11:31 AM) ryguy rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(11:31 AM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(11:31 AM) ryguy revealed OM 1 on Sgt. Drake
(11:32 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 0 skulls with 1 total dice
(11:32 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 12 on the d20
(11:33 AM) ryguy rolled 2 skulls with 7 total dice
(11:33 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(11:33 AM) The turn/action of ryguy is done.
(11:33 AM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 2 on Kelda
(11:34 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 3 on the d20
(11:34 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 0 skulls with 2 total dice
(11:34 AM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(11:34 AM) ryguy revealed OM 2 on Sgt. Drake
(11:35 AM) ryguy rolled 3 skulls with 7 total dice
(11:35 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 3 shields with 4 total dice
(11:35 AM) The turn/action of ryguy is done.
(11:35 AM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 3 on Motley
(11:35 AM) ryguy rolled 0 skulls with 1 total dice
(11:36 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 16 on the d20
(11:36 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 4 skulls with 7 total dice
(11:36 AM) ryguy rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(11:36 AM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(11:36 AM) ryguy revealed OM 3 on Sgt. Drake
(11:36 AM) ryguy rolled 3 skulls with 6 total dice
(11:36 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 3 shields with 3 total dice
(11:36 AM) The turn/action of ryguy is done.
(11:37 AM) Arrow Grut revealed OM X on Azurite
(11:38 AM)User Arrow Grut has set all Order Markers.
(11:38 AM)User ryguy has set all Order Markers.
(11:38 AM)User ryguy reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Sgt. Drake
1 OM on Sgt. Drake
1 OM on Skahen
1 OM on Marcu

(11:38 AM) ryguy rolled 14 for initiative
(11:38 AM)User Arrow Grut reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Kelda
1 OM on Azuiture
1 OM on Motley
1 OM on Azuiture

(11:38 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 5 for initiative
(11:38 AM) ryguy revealed OM 1 on Sgt. Drake
(11:39 AM) ryguy rolled 3 skulls with 6 total dice
(11:39 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 0 shields with 3 total dice
(11:39 AM) The turn/action of ryguy is done.
(11:39 AM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 1 on Azuiture
(11:39 AM) ryguy rolled 1 skulls with 1 total dice
(11:39 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 5 skulls with 7 total dice
(11:39 AM) ryguy revealed OM 2 on Sgt. Drake
(11:39 AM) The turn/action of ryguy is done.
(11:39 AM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(11:39 AM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 2 on Azuiture
(11:40 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(11:40 AM) ryguy rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(11:40 AM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(11:40 AM) ryguy revealed OM 3 on Skahen
(11:40 AM) ryguy rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(11:40 AM) ryguy rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(11:40 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 shields with 3 total dice
(11:40 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 shields with 3 total dice
(11:40 AM) The turn/action of ryguy is done.
(11:41 AM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 3 on Kelda
(11:41 AM) ryguy rolled 1 skulls with 1 total dice
(11:41 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 19 on the d20
(11:41 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 skulls with 2 total dice
(11:41 AM) ryguy rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(11:42 AM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(11:43 AM)User ryguy has set all Order Markers.
(11:43 AM)User Arrow Grut has set all Order Markers.
(11:43 AM)User Arrow Grut reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Kelda
1 OM on Azuiture
1 OM on Azuiture
1 OM on Motley

(11:43 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 for initiative
(11:43 AM)User ryguy reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Krav
1 OM on Marcu
1 OM on Skahen
1 OM on Marcu

(11:43 AM) ryguy rolled 12 for initiative
(11:43 AM) ryguy revealed OM 1 on Skahen
(11:44 AM) ryguy rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(11:44 AM) ryguy rolled 0 skulls with 3 total dice
(11:44 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(11:44 AM) The turn/action of ryguy is done.
(11:44 AM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 1 on Azuiture
(11:44 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 skulls with 7 total dice
(11:44 AM) ryguy rolled 0 shields with 4 total dice
(11:44 AM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(11:44 AM) ryguy revealed OM 2 on Marcu
(11:44 AM) ryguy rolled 11 on the d20
(11:45 AM) ryguy rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(11:45 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 18 on the d20
(11:45 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 0 shields with 3 total dice
(11:45 AM) The turn/action of ryguy is done.
(11:45 AM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 2 on Kelda
(11:45 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 4 on the d20
(11:45 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 skulls with 2 total dice
(11:45 AM) ryguy rolled 3 shields with 5 total dice
(11:46 AM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(11:46 AM) ryguy revealed OM 3 on Marcu
(11:46 AM) ryguy rolled 3 on the d20
(11:46 AM) ryguy rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(11:46 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 0 shields with 3 total dice
(11:46 AM) The turn/action of ryguy is done.
(11:46 AM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 3 on Azuiture
(11:47 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 skulls with 7 total dice
(11:47 AM) ryguy rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(11:47 AM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(11:48 AM)User ryguy has set all Order Markers.
(11:48 AM)User Arrow Grut has set all Order Markers.
(11:48 AM)User ryguy reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Marcu
1 OM on Krav
1 OM on Marcu
1 OM on Skahen

(11:48 AM) ryguy rolled 6 for initiative
(11:48 AM)User Arrow Grut reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Kelda
1 OM on Azuiture
1 OM on Azuiture
1 OM on Kelda

(11:48 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 for initiative
(11:48 AM) ryguy revealed OM 1 on Skahen
(11:48 AM) ryguy rolled 3 skulls with 4 total dice
(11:48 AM) ryguy rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(11:48 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 shields with 3 total dice
(11:48 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 shields with 3 total dice
(11:48 AM) The turn/action of ryguy is done.
(11:48 AM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 1 on Kelda
(11:48 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 12 on the d20
(11:49 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 skulls with 2 total dice
(11:49 AM) ryguy rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(11:49 AM) ryguy revealed OM 2 on Marcu
(11:49 AM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(11:49 AM) ryguy rolled 8 on the d20
(11:49 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 0 skulls with 1 total dice
(11:49 AM) ryguy rolled 4 skulls with 5 total dice
(11:49 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(11:49 AM) The turn/action of ryguy is done.
(11:49 AM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 2 on Azuiture
(11:49 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 3 skulls with 7 total dice
(11:50 AM) ryguy rolled 0 shields with 4 total dice
(11:50 AM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(11:50 AM) ryguy revealed OM 3 on Krav
(11:50 AM) ryguy rolled 3 skulls with 4 total dice
(11:50 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 3 shields with 4 total dice
(11:50 AM) The turn/action of ryguy is done.
(11:50 AM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 3 on Kelda
(11:50 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 3 on the d20
(11:50 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 0 skulls with 2 total dice
(11:51 AM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(11:51 AM) Arrow Grut revealed OM X on Azuiture
(11:51 AM)User ryguy has set all Order Markers.
(11:51 AM)User Arrow Grut has set all Order Markers.
(11:51 AM)User Arrow Grut reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Azu
1 OM on Kelda
1 OM on Azu
1 OM on Azu

(11:51 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 6 for initiative
(11:51 AM)User ryguy reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Marcu
1 OM on Krav
1 OM on Marcu
1 OM on Marcu

(11:51 AM) ryguy rolled 16 for initiative
(11:51 AM) ryguy revealed OM 1 on Marcu
(11:51 AM) ryguy rolled 1 on the d20
(11:51 AM) ryguy rolled 4 skulls with 5 total dice
(11:51 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(11:52 AM) The turn/action of ryguy is done.
(11:52 AM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 1 on Azu
(11:52 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 skulls with 7 total dice
(11:52 AM) ryguy rolled 0 shields with 2 total dice
(11:53 AM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(11:53 AM) ryguy revealed OM 2 on Marcu
(11:53 AM) ryguy rolled 8 on the d20
(11:53 AM) ryguy rolled 3 skulls with 5 total dice
(11:53 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(11:53 AM) The turn/action of ryguy is done.
(11:53 AM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 2 on Azu
(11:54 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 skulls with 1 total dice
(11:54 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 4 skulls with 7 total dice
(11:54 AM) ryguy rolled 0 shields with 2 total dice
(11:54 AM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(11:54 AM) ryguy revealed OM 3 on Marcu
(11:54 AM) ryguy rolled 18 on the d20
(11:55 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 3 skulls with 4 total dice
(11:55 AM) ryguy rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(11:55 AM) The turn/action of ryguy is done.
(11:55 AM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 3 on Azu
(11:55 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 3 skulls with 7 total dice
(11:58 AM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(11:58 AM) Arrow Grut revealed OM X on Kelda