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(2:03 PM) ScapeBot:
(2:03 PM) ScapeBot has logged in!
(2:03 PM) ScapeBot: Online HS, Round 3
(2:03 PM) ScapeBot: sir heroscape v. arrow grut
(2:03 PM) ScapeBot: This roll determines who wins the dice-off
(2:03 PM) ScapeBot: 1-10=sir heroscape, 11-20=arrow grut
(2:03 PM) ScapeBot rolled 16 on the d20
(2:03 PM) ScapeBot: arrow grut
(2:03 PM) ScapeBot: sir heroscape chooses who places first
(7:18 PM) Arrow Grut has logged in!
(7:18 PM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(10:53 AM) Sir Heroscape has logged in!
(11:26 AM) Arrow Grut has logged in!
(11:26 AM) Arrow Grut: Hello Hello
(11:29 AM) Sir Heroscape: howdy
(11:29 AM) Arrow Grut: Sorry for the delay
(11:31 AM) Sir Heroscape: no worries
(11:31 AM) Sir Heroscape: I'm just doing livestream intros
(11:31 AM) Sir Heroscape: so I'm good to go now
(11:31 AM) Arrow Grut: Awesome. Excited to see how this goes!
(11:31 AM) Arrow Grut: Good luck have fun
(11:32 AM) Sir Heroscape: you as well!
(11:34 AM)User Arrow Grut has set all Order Markers.
(11:35 AM)User Sir Heroscape has set all Order Markers.
(11:35 AM)User Sir Heroscape reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Azurite
1 OM on Azurite
1 OM on Spiders
1 OM on Azurite

(11:35 AM) Sir Heroscape rolled 13 for initiative
(11:35 AM)User Arrow Grut reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Motley
1 OM on Spiders
1 OM on Himmel
1 OM on Eldgrim

(11:35 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 9 for initiative
(11:35 AM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 1 on Azurite
(11:37 AM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(11:37 AM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 1 on Spiders
(11:38 AM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(11:38 AM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 2 on Azurite
(11:39 AM) Sir Heroscape rolled 13 on the d20
(11:39 AM) Sir Heroscape rolled 16 on the d20
(11:39 AM) Arrow Grut: big bonk!
(11:40 AM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(11:40 AM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 2 on Eldgrim
(11:41 AM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(11:41 AM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 3 on Azurite
(11:44 AM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(11:44 AM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 3 on Himmel
(11:44 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 5 skulls with 5 total dice
(11:44 AM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(11:45 AM) Sir Heroscape: you gotta be kidding me
(11:45 AM) Arrow Grut: wow
(11:45 AM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(11:45 AM) Arrow Grut: thats unbelieveable
(11:45 AM) Arrow Grut revealed OM X on Motley
(11:45 AM) Sir Heroscape: lava
(11:45 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 skulls with 1 total dice
(11:46 AM)User Arrow Grut has set all Order Markers.
(11:47 AM)User Sir Heroscape has set all Order Markers.
(11:47 AM)User Sir Heroscape reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Spiders
1 OM on Azurite
1 OM on Spiders
1 OM on Azurite

(11:47 AM) Sir Heroscape rolled 17 for initiative
(11:47 AM)User Arrow Grut reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Spiders
1 OM on Himmel
1 OM on Eldgrim
1 OM on Spiders

(11:47 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 for initiative
(11:47 AM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 1 on Azurite
(11:48 AM) Sir Heroscape: staying on low ground
(11:48 AM) Sir Heroscape: wrath and bog glyph
(11:48 AM) Sir Heroscape: 9 attack dice
(11:48 AM) Sir Heroscape rolled 6 skulls with 9 total dice
(11:48 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(11:48 AM) Sir Heroscape: revenge....
(11:48 AM) Sir Heroscape: muahaha
(11:49 AM) Arrow Grut: ahahhahah
(11:49 AM) Arrow Grut: deserved honestly
(11:49 AM) Arrow Grut: my first attack being a 5 rip is insane
(11:49 AM) Sir Heroscape: yeah craaazy
(11:49 AM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(11:49 AM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 1 on Spiders
(11:50 AM) Arrow Grut: entangling
(11:50 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 4 on the d20
(11:50 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(11:50 AM) Sir Heroscape rolled 2 shields with 3 total dice
(11:50 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(11:51 AM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(11:51 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 skulls with 2 total dice
(11:51 AM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(11:51 AM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(11:51 AM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 2 on Spiders
(11:53 AM) Sir Heroscape rolled 12 on the d20
(11:53 AM) Sir Heroscape rolled 2 on the d20
(11:53 AM) Sir Heroscape: heroic rune
(11:53 AM) Arrow Grut: more attack
(11:55 AM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(11:56 AM) Arrow Grut: do u know how we highlight spiders
(11:56 AM) Arrow Grut: so they dont get confused
(11:56 AM) Arrow Grut: ah gotcha thanks
(11:56 AM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 2 on Spiders
(11:56 AM) Arrow Grut: disengage
(11:57 AM) Sir Heroscape rolled 0 skulls with 1 total dice
(11:57 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 skulls with 2 total dice
(11:57 AM) Sir Heroscape rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(11:57 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 0 skulls with 2 total dice
(11:57 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 0 skulls with 2 total dice
(11:58 AM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(11:58 AM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 3 on Spiders
(11:58 AM) Sir Heroscape rolled 4 skulls with 5 total dice
(11:59 AM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 skulls with 2 total dice
(11:59 AM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 shields with 2 total dice
(11:59 AM) Sir Heroscape rolled 0 skulls with 2 total dice
(11:59 AM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(11:59 AM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 3 on Eldgrim
(12:00 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 0 skulls with 2 total dice
(12:00 PM) Arrow Grut: overextend
(12:00 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(12:00 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 shields with 2 total dice
(12:00 PM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(12:01 PM) Arrow Grut revealed OM X on Himmel
(12:03 PM)User Arrow Grut has set all Order Markers.
(12:03 PM)User Sir Heroscape has set all Order Markers.
(12:03 PM)User Sir Heroscape reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Nhah
1 OM on Spiders
1 OM on Spiders
1 OM on Spiders

(12:03 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 20 for initiative
(12:03 PM)User Arrow Grut reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Kaemon
1 OM on Kaemon
1 OM on Eldgrim
1 OM on Motley

(12:03 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 19 for initiative
(12:03 PM) Arrow Grut: !!!
(12:03 PM) Arrow Grut: thats a 28
(12:03 PM) Sir Heroscape: crazy
(12:03 PM) Sir Heroscape: lol didn't need the glyph
(12:03 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 1 on Spiders
(12:03 PM) Arrow Grut: lol
(12:05 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 2 skulls with 5 total dice
(12:05 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 shields with 2 total dice
(12:06 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 skulls with 2 total dice
(12:06 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 0 shields with 2 total dice
(12:08 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(12:08 PM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 1 on Eldgrim
(12:09 PM) Arrow Grut: lea
(12:09 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 skulls with 1 total dice
(12:09 PM) Arrow Grut: lea
(12:11 PM) Sir Heroscape: I opt not to roll for it
(12:11 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 skulls with 2 total dice
(12:11 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(12:11 PM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(12:11 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 2 on Spiders
(12:14 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 2 skulls with 5 total dice
(12:14 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 shields with 2 total dice
(12:14 PM) Arrow Grut: on motley
(12:16 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(12:17 PM) Sir Heroscape: OM?
(12:17 PM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 2 on Motley
(12:17 PM) Arrow Grut: oops
(12:17 PM) Arrow Grut: grab
(12:17 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 7 on the d20
(12:18 PM) Arrow Grut: grab
(12:18 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 3 on the d20
(12:18 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 4 skulls with 5 total dice
(12:18 PM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(12:21 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 3 on Spiders
(12:25 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 4 skulls with 5 total dice
(12:25 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(12:25 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(12:25 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(12:25 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(12:25 PM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 3 on Kaemon
(12:25 PM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(12:25 PM) Arrow Grut revealed OM X on Kaemon
(12:26 PM)User Arrow Grut has set all Order Markers.
(12:26 PM) Arrow Grut has logged in!
(12:26 PM)User Sir Heroscape has set all Order Markers.
(12:26 PM)User Arrow Grut reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Motley
1 OM on Motley
1 OM on Motley
1 OM on Motley

(12:26 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 5 for initiative
(12:26 PM)User Sir Heroscape reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Azurite
1 OM on Spiders
1 OM on Spiders
1 OM on Spiders

(12:26 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 5 for initiative
(12:26 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 1 on Azurite
(12:27 PM) Sir Heroscape: ES
(12:27 PM) Arrow Grut: engagement strike
(12:27 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 20 on the d20
(12:27 PM) Sir Heroscape: lol of course
(12:27 PM) Arrow Grut: lol
(12:27 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(12:27 PM) Arrow Grut: i have to resubmit oms
(12:27 PM) Arrow Grut: its glitched
(12:27 PM)User Arrow Grut reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Motley
1 OM on Motley
1 OM on Motley
1 OM on Motley

(12:27 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 12 for initiative
(12:27 PM) Sir Heroscape: sall good
(12:28 PM)User Arrow Grut has set all Order Markers.
(12:28 PM)User Arrow Grut reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Motley
1 OM on Motley
1 OM on Motley
1 OM on Motley

(12:28 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 20 for initiative
(12:28 PM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 1 on Motley
(12:28 PM) Arrow Grut: there we go lol
(12:28 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 7 on the d20
(12:28 PM) Arrow Grut: oh its gotta be even ground
(12:29 PM) Arrow Grut: thats alright
(12:29 PM) Arrow Grut: your turn
(12:29 PM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(12:29 PM) Sir Heroscape: ok
(12:30 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 4 skulls with 5 total dice
(12:30 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(12:30 PM) Sir Heroscape: my wyvern attacks...
(12:30 PM) Sir Heroscape: have been nuts
(12:30 PM) Arrow Grut: if only you didnt take the glyph
(12:30 PM) Arrow Grut: LOL
(12:30 PM) Sir Heroscape: ES
(12:30 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 on the d20
(12:30 PM) Sir Heroscape: ES
(12:30 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 on the d20
(12:30 PM) Arrow Grut: LETS GO BABY WOOO
(12:31 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 skulls with 2 total dice
(12:31 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 0 skulls with 2 total dice
(12:31 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(12:31 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 2 on Spiders
(12:31 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(12:31 PM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 2 on Motley
(12:31 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 4 skulls with 6 total dice
(12:31 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 0 shields with 4 total dice
(12:31 PM) Sir Heroscape: F
(12:31 PM) Arrow Grut: !!!
(12:31 PM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(12:31 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 3 on Spiders
(12:32 PM) Sir Heroscape: ES
(12:32 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 12 on the d20
(12:32 PM) Sir Heroscape: forgot to drop the glyph
(12:32 PM) Arrow Grut: all g
(12:32 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 2 skulls with 2 total dice
(12:32 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 0 skulls with 2 total dice
(12:32 PM) Arrow Grut: roll for web?
(12:32 PM) Arrow Grut: you can keep the 2 hit
(12:32 PM) Sir Heroscape: can only web small/medium
(12:33 PM) Arrow Grut: OH
(12:33 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 3 shields with 4 total dice
(12:33 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(12:33 PM) Arrow Grut: forgot im a big guy
(12:33 PM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 3 on Motley
(12:33 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 3 skulls with 6 total dice
(12:33 PM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(12:33 PM) Arrow Grut revealed OM X on Motley
(12:34 PM) Sir Heroscape: lava
(12:34 PM) Arrow Grut: forgot it was EoR
(12:34 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 0 skulls with 1 total dice
(12:35 PM)User Arrow Grut has set all Order Markers.
(12:35 PM) Arrow Grut: my oms are very hard
(12:37 PM)User Sir Heroscape has set all Order Markers.
(12:37 PM)User Arrow Grut reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Motley
1 OM on Motley
1 OM on Motley
1 OM on Motley

(12:37 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 9 for initiative
(12:37 PM)User Sir Heroscape reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Spiders
1 OM on Nhah
1 OM on Spiders
1 OM on Spiders

(12:37 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 18 for initiative
(12:37 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 1 on Spiders
(12:37 PM) Sir Heroscape: ES
(12:37 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 17 on the d20
(12:37 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 2 skulls with 2 total dice
(12:37 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 2 skulls with 2 total dice
(12:37 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(12:37 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(12:37 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(12:38 PM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 1 on Motley
(12:38 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 3 skulls with 6 total dice
(12:38 PM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(12:38 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 2 on Spiders
(12:38 PM) Sir Heroscape: ES
(12:38 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 13 on the d20
(12:39 PM) Arrow Grut: missed by 1
(12:39 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 2 skulls with 2 total dice
(12:39 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 0 skulls with 2 total dice
(12:39 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 0 shields with 4 total dice
(12:39 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(12:39 PM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 2 on Motley
(12:40 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 skulls with 6 total dice
(12:40 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 shields with 2 total dice
(12:40 PM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(12:40 PM) Arrow Grut: i forgot im standing on kelda
(12:40 PM) Arrow Grut: oops
(12:40 PM) Arrow Grut: full heal
(12:40 PM) Sir Heroscape: bahah
(12:40 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 3 on Nhah
(12:42 PM) The turn/action of Sir Heroscape is done.
(12:42 PM) Arrow Grut revealed OM 3 on Motley
(12:42 PM) Arrow Grut: grab
(12:42 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 8 on the d20
(12:42 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 5 skulls with 5 total dice
(12:42 PM) Arrow Grut: didnt matter lol
(12:42 PM) The turn/action of Arrow Grut is done.
(12:42 PM) Sir Heroscape: bhaha
(12:42 PM) Arrow Grut revealed OM X on Motley
(12:42 PM)User Arrow Grut has set all Order Markers.
(12:42 PM) Sir Heroscape: you squashed the spider
(12:43 PM) Arrow Grut: hey i havent missed on one
(12:43 PM) Arrow Grut: i got that going for me
(12:43 PM) Arrow Grut: this game is crazy
(12:43 PM) Sir Heroscape: it is
(12:43 PM) Arrow Grut: i got hot rolls its winnable still
(12:43 PM) Arrow Grut: very well played
(12:44 PM) Arrow Grut: ill have to run quick after unfortunately so while i have a sec ill say that wyvern play was really good. Leading with azzy was a good move too. Think you beat me in the draft my last pick should have been azzy but
(12:44 PM)User Sir Heroscape has set all Order Markers.
(12:44 PM) Arrow Grut: himmel looked soo good into spiders
(12:45 PM)User Arrow Grut reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Motley
1 OM on Motley
1 OM on Motley
1 OM on Motley

(12:45 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 11 for initiative
(12:45 PM)User Sir Heroscape reveals Order Markers:
1 OM on Nhah
1 OM on Nhah
1 OM on Nhah
1 OM on Spiders

(12:45 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 16 for initiative
(12:45 PM) Sir Heroscape: I agree with your assessment
(12:45 PM) Sir Heroscape revealed OM 1 on Nhah
(12:45 PM) Sir Heroscape: ES
(12:45 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 3 on the d20
(12:46 PM) Sir Heroscape: ES
(12:46 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 10 on the d20
(12:46 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(12:46 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(12:46 PM) Sir Heroscape rolled 3 skulls with 3 total dice
(12:46 PM) Arrow Grut rolled 2 shields with 3 total dice
(12:46 PM) Sir Heroscape: gg's
(12:47 PM) Arrow Grut: crazy game!
(12:47 PM) Arrow Grut: gg
(12:47 PM) Sir Heroscape: indeed...what a game
(12:47 PM) Sir Heroscape: instakilling wyvern really scared me
(12:47 PM) Sir Heroscape: cause you can ES my whole army after that
(12:47 PM) Arrow Grut: yeah that made it close
(12:47 PM) Arrow Grut: it was definitely a dice off. if i hadnt gotten the 5/5 against azzy you would have been in a much better spot
(12:48 PM) Sir Heroscape: agreed
(12:48 PM) Arrow Grut: he would have been a pain and super risky to take down with any of my dudes
(12:48 PM) Sir Heroscape: I felt really good about opening with him
(12:48 PM) Sir Heroscape: but that attack freaked me out
(12:48 PM) Arrow Grut: yea definitely early game defining.
(12:48 PM) Arrow Grut: i gotta go, but I'll see you irl at the tournament!!
(12:49 PM) Arrow Grut: super pumped
(12:49 PM) Arrow Grut: ggs again man
(12:49 PM) Sir Heroscape: heck yeah
(12:49 PM) Sir Heroscape: same
(12:52 PM) arrow has logged in!
User Sir Heroscape has left the chat session.
(1:53 AM) arrow has logged in!