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Old September 17th, 2008, 01:55 AM
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DrLivingston DrLivingston is offline
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Join Date: May 22, 2006
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DrLivingston wears ripped pants of awesomeness DrLivingston wears ripped pants of awesomeness DrLivingston wears ripped pants of awesomeness DrLivingston wears ripped pants of awesomeness DrLivingston wears ripped pants of awesomeness DrLivingston wears ripped pants of awesomeness DrLivingston wears ripped pants of awesomeness
Tuesday Nights At Dignan's-New Pictures w./Amusing Captions!

Here's some pictures I took at last week's Tuesday Night at Dignan's:
(By the way, I have no idea why all the fonts turned green and big. I made all the fonts normal sized again but was unable to turn them back to black. Whatever.)

Rym vs AnubianWolf88:

Here you see rym with his game face on as he prepares to battle AnubianWolf123 on Dignan's new lava map. It was a pretty blah map by Dignan's standards.

Rym loses

Rym in full pout mode. I don't know what he expected bringing a random army of crap that included Ornak, DW8K, Zettians, and some other "I want to have fun and lose" units. AnubianWolf96 was ecstatic as he celebrates his first ever victory at Dignan's house. Apparently that Minion really helped him out.

Dignan's map

Here's the map Dignan and I played on. It's 3 hexes deep of start zone highground that drop into a pretty flat area that looks like a dry riverbed. Sounds horrible and made for camping but there is a glyph of Thorian hidden between those ruins. So unless you've got Laglor, you need to send folks into the middle.

knights rock

My knights have all 3 glyphs at this point and are just pasting Dignan's zombies. I think I lost 1 knight the whole battle. I was rolling so well I thought Dignan might cry. He eventually conceded. It was AWESOME!

Subakna vs Subakna

This is Dignan and Rym playing on the blah lava map. Both brought SuBakNa. But rym just got smacked around by Dignan. Rym is now 0-2 at this point.

R˙chean vs Podwest

Rychan is just in love with those harbequos guys. He uses them all the time. I don't think they will ever take the place of his beloved agents, but being able to bring lots of squads of 4 range attacks for very cheap seems to work. He used them here to smack around Podwest's snipers. A case of quantity triumphing over quality. Or maybe R˙chean's just a waaaaaay better player than Podwest. One of those.

all the folks

Here you have Podwest and rym in the back and R˙chean and Aboobianwolf76 in the front. Rym lost. Again. R˙chean took a monk/woo army and got crushed by Anubianwolfsomenumber's Minions. So that's TWO victories for previously winless Anubianwhiff69! Look out! I am particularly proud of how Podwest came out in this picture.

Viper's army's bane

If you squint you can just make out Plordigian's Q-9 behind the Minions. I eventually lost this game. My all viper army just ran out of vipers really really fast once Q-9 decided to become involved. Plordigian (who has a name almost annoying to type as Anubianwolf88 was pretty pumped as my vipers wiped the floor with him last week.

Aboobianwolf45 vs Podwest

Podwest ended Anubianwolf###'s win streak with some pretty stellar play with Zelrig. The map is an old one of Dignan's that has the cool feature of falling ruins every time the table is bumped. Super fun!

R˙chean thinks

Here is an example of R˙chean famous analysis paralysis. It's even more exciting in person.

handsome devil

Here I am wearing green for St.Patrick's day about to have my *** handed to me by Plordigian. That is not my first beer.

Dignan pisses me off

This is not a posed picture. This is candid shot by taken by Podwest as I react to a memory of Dignan really pissing me off. You would have reacted the same way I am sure. Dignan can be quite the ******.

Well there you go, the faces behind the battle reports.

--New Tuesday--01/06/08---------------

Well I obviously have gotten slower and slower at posting these things and I think I've figured out why.

Last week R˙chean said, "Read the Tuesday night thing. Not funny."

And it wasn't.

Same tired jokes.

Dignan is a ****. But "WOW!" he makes great maps.

Podwest cheats. And he makes you want to smack him.

R˙chean is crying about being kicked out of the BOV. Totally made up--he resigned. (I actually thought that one was kind of funny...)

I drink a lot.

But the biggest problem is:

I can't drink enough because my annoying athletic **** of a BroInLaw has been off losing (and losing quite badly) at softball instead of designated driving my drunk *** home.

And the whole reason I started this was to stop posting drunk when I got home Tuesday nights.

And I haven't been drunk.

And when you have 2 little boys who are going to wake you up every day without need of an alarm clock, it's hard to get home at 10:00 and get sloshed.

"But can't you be funny with out drinking?" I hear you shout, "You don't need drugs to be funny, Dr Livingston!"


Yes, I do.

Last problem is that everyone is just so
nice lately.

I mean I'm always nice.

But Dignan and Podwest have been a bunch of swell guys lately.

And nice is definitely
not funny.

Here, let me show you...

So every Tuesday I go to Dignan's to play Heroscape.

The Players:

Dignan: Dignan is the greatest! Every Tuesday night he lets anybody that wants to come to his house to play Heroscape. He is such a great map maker that he was nominated and quickly confirmed as a BOV judge. He has thrown 2 tournaments in less than a year--both of which were a hoot to attend. Finally he's a really amazing player winning 4 of the last 7 Heroscape tournament he's attended--including DFW's NHSD. (Of course two of those tournaments were the ones Dignan put on himself, but I'm sure that's just coincidence...) And he also wails on Guitar Hero.
(Man just typing this makes me hate him all over again. ***er. ****, I'm failing at this nice **** already!)

Podwest: Podwest has been on quite a roll lately. He doesn't cheat anymore and his play has just gotten better and better since I met him. He's won every game he's played the last 2 months except for that team game he lost to R˙chean and wisinger. Also Podwest doesn't drink alcohol. More for me!R˙chean: R˙chean is so ****ing fun to play with. He's self depreciatingly hilarious. He knows everything, but in a good way.

R˙chean: "...And the Nakitas won't get engagement strike because you're figure is large. But you already knew that." Big charming smile.

As opposed to:

"15! You're dead ****er!"

Also R˙chean was a BOV judge and has been in charge of map selection for Gen Con (and the Heroscape Championship) for the last 2 years. He was a pioneer for Heroscape here in DFW (back when DFW was the place to be for Heroscape. (**** you, TreeTown Open, **** you! 60+ participants, my ***!) Also he knows a lot about beer. And beer is cool.

Me(DrLivingston): I don't drive drunk? I laugh really loud? I have a high tolerance for annoying people?

So, I got there and had completely forgotten my camera and the pencil&paper I had meant to bring to help me remember all the shinanigans that went on.

Dignan very nicely got me a piece of paper and a red pen.

I'm looking at it now and wondering what the **** half the things mean:

"Look who's being a Dignan!"


"3! Yeah rape his corpse!"

Okay, I think I know what that was about...

"Compensatory sweating--Ball sweat!"

Oh, R˙chean, you card! It's all coming back to me now...

Last week Dignan had gotten flack for his Bridge on the River Stupid map...



Try again...

After listening to the constructive criticism he received on his Snow Bridge map, Dignan changed it up and just really knocked it out of the park. It still had a bridge, but now the bridge was horizontal instead of vertical on the map. There were roads everywhere and no heavy snow/slippery ice to slow movement. And Nilfheim had plenty of space to park his fat white *** any where he wanted.

I wanted to be on Podwest's team because I wanted to win. Like I said, the guy was on a roll.

Also I did not want to be on Dignan's team because he's a controlling **** and I didn't want to spend the game slapping his hand away from my figures.


Also I didn't want to be on Dignan's team because he's just too good for me. I'm afraid I cannot live up to his expectations as a team mate.


So everyone else had their army and I was running around desperately trying to figure out a 270 point army before Dignan and Podwest yelled at me, "To get my *** in gear, ****wit." politely reminded me that I was holding up the game.

When R˙chean suggested I take SotM Drake and Krav.

Sweet! I love SotM Drake--grapple is super fun--and it's hard to eff up the krav.

I was set.

330 Minions of Utgar x 3

170 SotM Drake Alexander
100 Krav Maga

120 Krug
180 Stingers x 3

120 Nakitas
180 Gorillanators x 2

Looking at these armies, you're probably thinking, "Wow, R˙chean really ****ed himself by suggesting Drake and Krav."

And you'd be right.

There were 3 set glyphs on this map:
Defense + 1 on the left, Attack + 1 under the bridge, and Move + 2 on the right.

The attack + 1 under the bridge can fit height 6 and under figures. About.

Perfect for the Krav...

R˙chean's Gorillanators flew out and grabbed the move and defense glyph on his second turn. Dignan was doing something with his Stingers. Podwest was threatening the Gorillinators and the glyphs with his Minions. My Krav moved up and my Drake grappled close to the bridge and took a potshot at the Gorilanator on the move glyph.


Dead monkey!

And that's pretty much how the game went for poor R˙chean. Drake took out 2 Nakitas and 2-3 Gorillanators.

Because tough and smoke powder don't work against special attacks?


Because some ****ing lucky **** playtester kicked *** with the Nakitas and Gorillanators and somehow won all the ****ing time, so Craig said, "****! Better make these guys cost a whole lot! And not be effective against special attacks!" Man, I'd love to *****slap that playtesting genius that whipped his mates so consistently with the Gorillanators that they are now forever ****ed...

Because playtesters decided that Tough and Smokepowder were too powerful to be allowed to be effective against special attacks. And really, who are we to argue?

Podwest was a defense rolling juggernaut and our army just rolled over poor Dignan and R˙chean.

At the very end, Dignan finally "juiced it" with his last stinger.

And rolled a 4.


That roll pretty much summed up the fight.

R˙chean: I think we may lose this one.

Dignan: We lost as soon as you picked the Gorillanators.

I think they lost as soon as R˙chean picked my army for me...

Next up was Dignan's 3rd or 4th try at a swamp map for the DFW Team Tourney in February.

It had lot of jungle trees with minimal (1 hex high) elevation in the middle with about a 3-4 hex wide strip of sand along either side that gained elevation as it reached the middle. The high sand was bisected by 2 rivers that fed into the middle swamp area. The high sand had its LOS blocked into the middle area by ruins.

There was a defense + 1 glyph in the center of the map.

80 RotV Raelin
240 Stingers x 4

120 Venoc Warlord
160 Venoc Vipers x 4

So, again, Dignan takes a
***** *** competitive army and R˙chean takes a fun one.

105 Gilbert
210 Knights of Weston x 3

80 Raelin
180 Major Q-9

No, I did not know R˙chean was bringing Venocs before I picked Q-9.

Yes I am a **** of the utmost ****ingness for taking Raelin and Q-9. I can only plead that my brain was fried and I was unable to think of cool army combos that night.

(Does anyone else limit their army selection for games & tournaments based on things like "I'll slit my throat if I see Q-9 again?")

Podwest's knights were my idea. I'd seen these effers rip through too many armies lately and have completely jumped on the Mathias bandwagon. 4 attacks of 3 with 4 defense are awesome.

Also I (and Podwest) beat Dignan's Ultimate ****** *** army of evil with knights the last time we played together and I was still riding that high.

You should know I was wearing a green and black horizontal long sleeve shirt that night and you should also have some working knowledge of Spider-Man before continuing.

Podwest moved his knights up the left sand path and R˙chean slithered his Vipers head-on into that tin can cuiseanart. Dignan moved his Stingers towards some of the 1 hex high ground of the swamp area. His Raelin followed soon after to provide maximum coverage for the Stingers.

I moved Q-9 towards the middle of the board closer to this awesome swamp 2 hex space high ground perch next to a jungle tree. Perfect for Q-9.

I moved Raelin on my 2nd turn so that she was by a jungle tree and covered Q-9 now as well as when he (hopefully) reached that sweet high spot by a jungle tree.

And it was around now that Podwest and I had a complete breakdown in communication.

I pointed at Podwest's knight, that was sitting on the the perch I had already mentally claimed for Q-9 and told him he needed to be off of there when I needed him to be.

He looked at me like I was
stupid some one in need of some tactical advice.

I clarified by pointing at Q-9. Who was, at the time, standing pretty close to Raelin.

Podwest nodded knowingly and said, "No problem."

It was around now that R˙chean told us the story of the girl with the sweat gland issue and operations that could lead to compensatory sweating in the groin area. The story, his comments, and hand signals, were a hoot, and if you ever bump into him at a tournament, I highly recommend you get him to tell it to you.

So R˙chean was frenzying once a round and rolling ridiculous defense for his Venocs. Defense he received from jungle trees and his occupation of the defense glyph in the middle of the board.

Podwest's knights and R˙cheans Vipers were in a tight race to see who would become extinct first. Dignan's Raelin jungle tree protected stingers were trading shots with my Raelin jungle tree protected Q-9.

And Podwest was heroically trying to get some of his knights across the middle of the swamp area to engage and take out Raelin.

And I was cheering him on, except he kept leaving knights on my desired Q-9 perch.

And he'd lost a lot of knights.

And he'd been completely unable to kill some glyph enhanced 1 defense Venocs with his knights.

And he was feeling the pressure.

So when I said, "Dude! Don't put your knight there! Remember!?!"

Podwest was completely justified in flying off the handle and yelling:

"Remember How we won the last game?!? Remember how I was running the show?!?! Let me quarterback this one!!!"

Now I don't remember Podwest "running the show" in our last victory.

And I stood up and yelled a bit.

(And here's where knowledge of my shirt and Spider-Man would come in handy...)

And Digan's eyes got big and then he grinned and then he said, "Sandman's getting pissed!"

And then to make matters worse, Dignan decides to point and laugh at me and say, "Look who's being a Dignan!"

I guess because it appeared like I was telling Podwest what to do.

But really I was trying to remind his amnesic *** of what we had talked about before.

Finally after much soul searching, Podwest and I were able to reconcile.

It seems that when I had pointed at Q-9 to indicate why I wanted Podwest gone from that piece of high ground, Podwest thought I was pointing at Raelin. So he saw no problem with sharing that 2 hex perch with my 1 hex Raelin, little knowing I wanted said perch for my 2 hex Q-9.

So after Podwest moved his ****ing knight I moved my Q-9 and was sitting pretty with a 10 defense insane attacking machine.

And it was insane attacking.

I was rolling 8 out of 9 Q-9 attack dice, no problem.

I think I whiffed twice with Q-9 that night, but I never rolled 1 skull unless I had only rolled one die and was trying to kill Venocs.

That's right.

I rolled 2 or 3 skulls every time. Except twice.

Or when I rolled 3 out of 3.

I was really lucky.

Finally Gilbert made it across the map and was threatening R˙chean's Warlord. Podwest had maybe 2 knights left at this point.

R˙chean disengaged from a knight and engaged Gilbert. Gilbert stayed strong and rolled all skulls against the Warlord.

R˙chean rolls 3 shields!

R˙chean says, " I need all skulls!"

And rolls all skulls and Gilbert is D E A D dead.

There was a lot of cheering.

So now there's 4 Stingers, Dignan's Raelin, and a Venoc Warlord trying to kill my Raelin and Q-9.

The ridiculously lucky Warlord engages Q-9, but doesn't dent my defense. He then disengages and attacks Raelin, who barely hangs on.

Then Q-9 kills R˙chean's Warlord and Dignan's Raelin.

Bullets (or whatever stingers shoot) bounce harmlessly off Q-9's armor.

Dignan curses.

I kill 3 stingers in 1 round with another 8 out of 9 skully roll!

More cursing from Dignan.

I kill another Stinger and victory!

Woo hoo!
Quarterback that, Podwest! Couldn't have done it without you, Podwest!

Dignan's That's What She Said Comment of the Night:

Someone: "It's got to pop up eventually..."
(Discussing R˙chean's ability to roll frenzies with his Venocs.)

Dignan(smiling his **** eaten grin): "That's what she said."

So there you go. Nice = not funny.

Either I will be smashed and driven home by my BroInLaw and I will post again.

Or I won't.

And I'm thinking I'm done.

Really I only (finally) did this one for Podwest so he has something to read at his Dilbert job.

And for those folks who rep me week in and week out whether I'm funny or not.

So MUCH thanks, nyys and R˙chean and rym. You guys and the alcohol really kept me going at this thing.

ARTOR1US, thanks for the rep and
ho hoe spelling lesson. SouthAfricanDude, sorry about all the Douches and *s.

CheddarLimbo, I'd have been beaten silly by a geriatric hillbilly at that Hooters if it wasn't for you.

Gamebear, I think you repped me once. Thanks. ****, even if you didn't, wtf, your a great name to drop.

Stubobj, thank you and look at why I edited this ridiculously long post.

Jexik, glad you read it once.

And thanks everybody else that repped me or commented, even you Dignan.

Yes, even you.

But I think that's it for Tuesday's.

Unless a lot of people post and cry about how they can't go on with out this amazing thread and I get so much rep I go waaaay past rym and show Rev what green really
looks like...

But probably I'm done.

--Old Tuesday--12/16/08----------------

After promising wisinger for 5 weeks, R˙chean finally delivered!

To mark the awesome return of wisinger to a DFW Heroscape event (I think it's been more than a year..?), I will try to relate this battle report as much as I possibly can to wisinger.

Wonder how that's going to play out...

So every Tuesday I go to Dignan's to play Heroscape.

The Players:

wisinger: Wisinger is really nice and polite and thus completely different than the usual crowd at Dignan's. Wisinger's armies often include little respected figures and unusual combinations. He won a NHSD in DFW with the Zettian guards. And snipers. And 3 squads of rats. Which is, according to wisinger, the correct number of rat squads. He was the subject of one of Truth's first ever "scapetalk Podcasts. Here's the link if you have not already heard it:

Okay. I can't find any 'Scapetalk episodes before #17 where they started the new format. Which is too bad because #2 was pretty funny. As a small consolation prize, here is the link to the discussion of the 'Scapetalk Podcast feturing wisinger and his family.


R˙chean: R˙chean has known wisinger for quite a while. They are good friends, but apparently not that good. I mean it took 5 weeks of begging to get wisinger to show up. (Wisinger probably only came because he felt bad that R˙chean had been kicked out of his BOV Judge's position...) R˙chean is also very jealous that UPC takes wisinger camping where they stay up late playing fun games in a tent. R˙chean has never been invited.

Podwest: Podwest and wisinger are a study in contrasts. Podwest cheats (though not as often as he used to) and wisinger is an honorable player who always plays it straight. Podwest will taunt you and laugh at your misfortune and wisinger is a charming and polite. Podwest will cry about how the only reason he lost is his horrible rolling and your lucky rolling and throw a tantrum and walk away from the game. Wait, no it's Dignan that does that. Oops.


One thing that Podwest and wisinger do have in common is that before tonight they had both beaten me at Heroscape. Wisinger the only time I played him in a tournament and Podwest all the freakin' time over the past month and a half. It was really starting to shake my confidence.

Me(DrLivingston): At the NHSD that Wisinger walked away a champion, I saw him taunt his final opponent, markwars, by lifting up his shirt to reveal his nipple rings and yelling--well I don't want to misquote anyone, but whatever he yelled had quite a disconcerting effect on markwars.

Despite witnessing this, I stayed to watch the final outcome of the match.

Also I'm a drunk and I only win at Heroscape when I get lucky. And I'm loud and clumsy. But somehow endearing just the same.

Dignan: Dignan is the host. And if I can be serious here for a moment, he is a great host. In that he lets me and whoever else show up weekly at his house. And I could be anyone! I mean imagine if I was some lush that came over every week and drank too much and tracked dog **** into his house and smashed a hole in his wall and scraped the paint off another wall with the back of a chair or wrote about every embarrassing thing he ever did on the internet every week.


I don't think Dignan ever met wisinger before tonight, but he sure did meet his wife at NHSD 2007. Swarm of the Marro had just come out and 'lilwis had Major Q10 in her army. And some sort of discussion came up over how many time Major Q10 had fired his 4 attacks of 2.

I had a wonderful time playing 'lilwis at NHSD. She made me laugh the whole game, even when she took out my Braxas with a rat.

So when I got there Podwest was playing a game against R˙chean and wisinger. Podwest was pretending to be 2 people so they could try out a map for the DFW team tourney. It was a really pretty looking map of Dignan's that had heavy snow. There was a river/canyon thing dividing the map with a really innovative lone bridge crossing the water in the exact middle of the map.

And when I say innovative I am being as sarcastic as you can be on the internet.

Podwest had a bunch of Stingers and Subakna in one army and a bunch of Anubian Wolves in the other.

Podwest told me he had picked a Subakna/Stinger army to show me the right way to play them. He certainly couldn't have played them worse than I had the week before. When you've killed more of your stingers than your opponent has, things are not going well.

Well I wished him lots of luck. All bad. And looked to see who I'd be playing.

Dignan. On a BOV submitted map. And he brought the douchebag army from hell.


180 Major Q9
100 Krav
80 Raelin
120 Rats x 3
20 Marcu
total = 500

This is Dignan's default ultra competitive tournament range test army for the BOV. It's a beast. I hate it. I have yet to beat him when he uses it. I decided to be inspired by that Knights of Weston Advocate Mathias, and took:

110 AE
105 Gilbert
280 Knights x 4

I figured the AE would somehow take out Q9 and everyone has been wailing on me with knights lately (Thank you Dignan and rym), so I had one of those if you can't beat them join them moments.

Well the AE dropped first round. I put them all on high ground and all (after moving) in range of Q9.

I won iniative--this was starting to look good! I had all my order markers on the AE. They got within range of Q-9 and let him have it.

WTF!?! you scream! You idiot! you yell! What were you thinking!?!
you demand!

Well I really don't know. I should have shot Raelin. Instead I shot at Q9 until I was engaged with rats and then I said, "Hey I should have shot Raelin!"

And Dignan said, "No ****, dumb***."

Oh it was going to be bad. Q-9 still alive rats all over the high ground. Rats engaging my 2 surviving AE. Rats all the way on the high ground borders of my start zone with height on my knights.

It sucked. Worse, it sucked because I suck. Always kill Raelin first! Arrrgh!

So with a heavy hand I picked up all those Valkyrie dice and started moving knights.

And started kicking ***!

Yeah that's right! I took advantage of one of Dignan's few mistakes and was able to get by some rats and engage 2 of his krav. Which meant 2 dead krav!

When Podwest had finished losing to R˙chean and wisinger, I had a little more than 2 squads of knights, A healthy Sir Gilbert and 1 AE. I had killed a **** ton of rats and 2 Kravs. The last Krav was engaged to my last AE who was holding out against all odds. But the best was that I had again slipped through the rat screen and engaged Q9.

And boy did I have momentum.

But I really wanted to play a game with wisinger so I tagged out with Podwest. He took over my game and I played a game with wisinger on another BOV map canidate.

130 Deathwalker 8000
110 AE
180 Marreden Hounds x 2
80 Raelin

This army looked like it had the potential to really put the hurt on the army I had in mind, but unlike Podwest I don't change my army after seeing what the other guy is bringing, so I stuck with:

150 Ulginesh
100 Johrdawn
90 Chardris
80 Emirroon
50 Arkmer
20 Kyntela Gwyn
10 Isamu

I love playing with these guys. Morsbane makes them even more fun. DW 8K could be a problem with all that defense 2 though...

The AE don't drop and I win initiative. Whew! I move up Kyntela and Emirroon. Emirroon summons 3 elves up: Arkmer, Chadris, and Jorhdawn. Everyone still in range of Ulginesh and all the elves I summoned are on the high ground. Pretty good round!

Wisinger moves out with the Hounds. And only gets to move 4. This happens again on his next turn. Luckily they're close enough for Johrdawn to fire bomb and kill 2 of them!

Deathwalker moves up and kills no one. AE don't drop. I win initiative and Arkmer puts 4 skulls on DW 8K. BOOM! I have all my elves on high ground. DW8K is gone and the Hounds have barely limped out of the start zone. Things could not have gone better if I scripted the thing.

It was somewhere in here that wisinger said something and Dignan said "That's what she said," and it was a really really good one, but I can't remember it for the life of me. Next time I'll bring a paper and pen with me.

Man, I wish I remembered what it was.

Darn you memory fuzzying alcohol!

So the shelacking of wisinger continued. By the time the AE dropped there was just Raelin left alive. I still had all the elves and Arkmer and Chadris cleaned up Raelin and the AE no problem.

So I felt bad. That feeling you get when you just wail on someone, but it's really all dice and nothing went right for your opponent and everything went right for you.

If it had been Podwest or Dignan I would have been jumping up and down screaming gleeful obscenities. But it was nice guy wisinger in his first visit.

So we decided to play the same map with the same armies again.

Oh boy.

The AE dropped and wisinger won initiative and after some very nice skully machine gun rolling Ulginesh was dead. And so was Kyntela Gwyn. and all 3 of my order markers were toast.

Wisinger very nicely asked if I wanted to start a new game.

**** that! Maybe I could turn it around with Isamu!

Well Isamu did manage to take out the AE. But only after the AE took out the rest of my army. Though I got smacked pretty hard, it was still a bunch of fun.

I forget what it's like playing nice people sometimes.

And I wish we had had time to play again. It was really interesting how swingy the two separate games had been, even though it was the same armies on the same maps.

Meanwhile Podwest had done a great job of mopping up Dignan's Ultimate Douchebag Army of Evil. Sweet! The knights are my new favorites!

Dignan and R˙chean played another game on the same map and this time Dignan took a Gilbert/knight themed army.

R˙chean had his usual mix of agents and Q10.

Dignan won, despite some truly appalling Jandar's Dispatch rolls.

The knights were the army that night! Mathias would be proud.

And now I need to go back in time to when Podwest had just lost the team match to R˙chean and wisinger--thus ending a record winning streak for Podwest stretching back to the week before the Texas Shoot Out.

Dignan asked for opinions on the map and everyone let him have it! I don't know how a map can look so good and play so bad.

My favorite comments were:

R˙chean: Too much predetermined pathing!

I don't even know what that means! Probably using some secret BOV judge language so he can feel like he's still a part of all that again.

Poor guy.

Wisinger: I didn't care for the map. Hard to move anywhere and nowhere for Nilfheim to land.

Dignan: There's actually 6 places he could land.

Wisinger: Well I found two.

I don't know what it says about me that I take glee in Dignan's map getting flamed, but I was definitely smiling.

Poor Dignan.


Well it was a great night, and hopefully wisinger will show up again sometime.

If all goes well I'll actually have tonight's Tuesday posted by late late tonight.

Don't forget to rep me--I'm nipping at rym's heels now!

--Old Tuesday--12/09/08----------

Last week Dignan became a member of the Battlefields of Vahalla Judging committee.

These guys look over nominated maps and decide if they would make really really good tournament maps. They only take the best of the best in order to make a high quality, highly functional resource for tournament directors.

Dignan becomes a judge and I'm thinking this'll be great for me! Every week I'll get to play on the best of the best maps ever. This is going to be a blast.

So I get there and walk upstairs and see the maps we're going to be playing on.

And I realize something.

I'm not going to be playing on the best of the best maps. I'm going to be playing on what some yahoo nominated because they thought they were really cool. If only 1% of the maps get into the BOV, then 99% of the time I'm going to play on spares.

And it gets worse.

To properly test a map Dignan's got to play competitive armies.

I've known Dignan for about a year, and in that year he's won 4 different tournaments.

He's pretty good with competitive armies.

I'm pretty good at talking **** and drinking. And losing to Dignan.

Pretty much I get to look forward to getting my *** kicked on crap maps every week...

So Every Tuesday I go to Dignan's to play Heroscape.

The Players:

Me(DrLivingston): I drink, I'm too loud, nobody likes me, I play Heroscape about as well as a 12 year old. No, wait, NOT as well as a 12 year old as I've been beaten by the 12 and under crowd twice in tournaments. I am devastatingly handsome though, so I got that going for me...

Dignan: Dignan is the host. He makes amazing maps. Maps I am already missing. He is MUCH meaner and sarcastic than he appears to be on the forum here. Which is why I laugh out loud every time I read a post of his that seems nice and sincere.

R˙chean: R˙chean had a hot date and couldn't make it to Dignan's tonight. Come on, man! Bros before Hos! Bros before Hos!

So there were two maps set up and I picked the one that seemed less crappy.

The glyphs we played with were: wound, initiative, move, +1d20, defense +1, and healer.

Dignan brought this army:

180 Major Q9
120 Rats x 3
100 Krav
80 Raelin
20 Marcu
total = 500

It was such a beast. I tried to be competitive but broke down and brought SuBakNa anyway:

160 SuBakNa
300 Stingers x 5
30 Nagrubs x 1
10 Isamu

Okay 5 squads of stingers is fairly evil. My plan was to go against conventional wisdom and juice it up because I had SuBakNA. I mean what are the odds I'd roll a 1,2, or 3?

The glyphs that came up were movement and defense +1.

I lost initiative and despaired of ever taking a glyph. Darn you rats, darn you! Still with Attack 4 stingers (remember I'm juicing every time), I should be able to take out Q-9.


Wrong. R˙chean and funrun and Revdyer and Dignan and everyone else out there that very sanctimoniously declares, "I never juice it up. Never ever ever ever!" Well, you might be right about that after all.

At one point in the game I had killed 4 of my own stingers by "Juicing It".

At that same point, Dignan had only killed 3 of my stingers.

Thats just silly.

So Dignan won pretty handedly with his defense 11 Q9.

There was one brief shining moment when Subakna attacked Q9 3 times in a row before finally being shredded by the Krav. But 6 dice out of 21 is not going to bring down that evil evil robot.

It was quite the slaughter. I think I ended up with 6 dead stinger to juicing it.

Did I learn my lesson? Let's see...

Even though there were other maps to play on, we played the same map again. 'Cuz we had to really test it out. (This BOV stuff just gets better and better...)

Dignan brought:
185 Nilfheim
105 Sir Gilbert
210 Knights of Weston x 3

I brought the same army.

I figured I'd rolled so many 1s,2s, and 3s last time, what were the odds of it happening again?

Apparently pretty good.

This game could have gone either way. The big pear shaped moment for me was when I had just won initiative, had height on 2 knights and was able to grab the defense glyph, I decided to juice it.

So catastrophically horrible. 2 guys on height--dead. Guy on the glyph--dead. My dreams of winning a game tonight--dead, dead, dead.

I did so bad with the stingers that Podwest PM'd me and offered to give me lessons. Podwest is notorious for never rolling below a 5 with the juice roll. Podwest, not even there Tuesday night, and still annoying.

I had one bright shining round after that. Subakna disengaged from a wounded Nifheim, landed on the heal glyph, and then killed a knight. Then I won initiative (I did that a lot. I wouldn't have minded losing initiative and getting some juice rolls...), got a successful juice, and killed Nilfheim and got 2 free turns. In those free turns I whittled Dignan's army down to 2 knights and Gilbert with 4 life remaining.

And then those 3 fellas from Weston went berserk and killed 2 stingers and Isamu. Dignan won initive and killed SuBakNa, and 2 more stingers. So I had 1 stinger left that killed no one (not even himself!). Gilbert dispatched (HA!--get it? "dispatched"?) the last stinger and that was it.


Last game on the same map. Having sworn off stingers I try something more fun:

330 Sentinels of Jandar x 3
80 Raelin
80 rats x 2
10 Isamu

I have been awesome with the sentinels forever. I always (well almost) roll 2-3 shields with the help of height and Raelin. It gives people fits. I figured rats to get glyphs and engage some range and then 9 beefcakes for the beat down!

Dignan brought:
80 Raelin
240 Gladiatrons x 3
180 Blastatrons x 3

This was a competitive army for testing purposes. Whatever. Dignan loves these robots. Any army with 4 squad figures and lots of movement decisions is right up his alley. I think he likes to move the figures back and forth until his opponent just despairs of knowing which figures have moved and which haven't. That's definitely me.

The glyphs were movement and defense. I won initiative and grabbed them both.

And that was about it for me.

There was one turn if my sentinel on the defense glyph could have held out one more time, but no. This one was never really close.

I do want a rematch against those 'trons. I have definitely learned a lot in getting drubbed by them twice (once at NHSD and once tonight). I got some ideas...

So there you have it. It was kind of a nice night. One on one, Dignan is much nicer. It's pleasent to have 1/2way serious discussions about maps and armies and such every once in a while.

Not as much fun to read about as the usual viper pit hill billy circus that Tuesday nights usually are, but a nice night for me all the same.

So I have learned that being a BOV judge is a **** job, but being a friend who plays with a BOV judge is an even more **** experience.

--Old Tuesday--12/02/08----------

I had a freakin' blast tonight.

And I was totally ready to say that it just wasn't fun anymore and it had become a chore and after the grind of posting these battle reports for soooo long that, despite the wonderful service I have given to this community, I was going to have to retire and in a secret hidden forum name my successor. I was going to let you PM me ideas on who could possibly replace me on this amazing thread, but really I was just going to give it to my buddy, Podwest.


Dodged a bullet there, eh?*1

But I had so much fun tonight, I feel the need to post. Also I'm a little intoxicated. So thank you rym and nyys and CheddarLimbo and R˙chean and Gamebear and yes, even Podwest, for all the encouragement and kind words. Dignan, much like the 99% of the folks who NEVER posted their predictions or who complained about asterisks, you can go ******** a ******.*2

No more pandering with pictures!


So every Tuesday I go to Dignan's house and play Heroscape.

Here's what happened.


Dignan: He's the host. He was actually fairly tame and almost human tonight. R˙chean was over tonight, though, and he is a calming influence.

So, as it's boring to say, "What a great host! He makes awasome*3 maps. He sure can dance up a storm!"

I'll say, "Boy am I glad I never played street football with this *****."

One time Podwest and Dignan And I are playing a
3 way 3 on 3 3 player map and Dignan is just getting pounded beat very badly wailed on.

In fact he has just one sniper left.*4

And as Podwest and I start up with our order markers, Dignan picks up his sniper.

And walks away!

"WTF!" I yell. Dignan mutters something about us ganging up on him and waaah waah waah.

And that was it.

No amount of taco naming or pansy calling would bring him back.

The man took his ball and went home.

And then I destroyed Podwest.

So that was okay, then.

Podwest: Podwest is okay.

When you first meet him you will think he's a cheating *****.

Then you will think he's a no talent ****.

Next you will understand he's just Dignan's *** puppet.

Finally, like me, you'll think he's an alright guy.*5


I still won't tell him my army 'til he's picked his.

R˙chean: I, unfortunately have nothing bad to say about this guy.

Bad is funny.

Good player, self depreciating, and witty sounds like I'm a kiss ***.

And why would I kiss R˙chean's ***?

Guy's a has been.*6

At GenCon he placed what?

And retiring his BOV judgeship--need I say more?

He can't even get wisinger to show up to a game, let alone UPC or Grungebob.

And he actually likes Queensryche?

Party on, Garth...

Me(DrLivingston): I am sitting in front of the biggest POS*7 Mac ever, drinking a CROWN and sprite while my wife watches a movie about Jane Austen*8.

I am too cheap to buy a good computer, drink too much, and have a well read wife.

I am fair to middling at Heroscape.

I have
beaten bested Grungebob at a NHSD.

I have also lost to a 12 year old that brought 7 squads of zombies to NHSD.

(I ran out of time.)

(Also, I was drunk).

(Certainly wasn't my fault...)

Which brings me to...

CheddarLimbo: CL (all his friends call him that) is thin, has a pony tail, a fair amount of facial hair, and a wife that sells art on line.

This make him sound like a bit of a prat.

But he is very cool and wise.

Because, once, in a Hooters(which is apparently a family restaurant! WTF!?!?), he stopped me from getting beat up by saying:

"Drunk people always think they need to apologize to the people they've ****ed off. What drunk people need to realize, is that people don't want an apology. They want drunk people to go the **** away."*9

Cool and wise.

Like a lanky Yoda.

So I walked in with this ***** *** army for the North Texas Shoot Out.

(Which apparently more people from South Texas than North Texas are coming to...)

Here's the link:


It has the best system for multi-player scape I've seen.

So I had this great army for the 'Shoot Out:

200 Marro Drones x 4
90 NeGokSa
20 Marcus

So sweet! All the commons worth only 12 points a shot and Marcu to grab a glyph or soak up Wound Glyph hits (depending on the map) and no one wants to waste an attack on the uber tank that is NeGokSa!

So sweet.

But apparently Dignan is taking his position as map czar of the Texas Team Tournament seriously, because all that was set up was 2 two player maps.

A pretty spiffy road map and an ugly looking swamp/jungle trees map.

Well ************!

So much for that cool as **** army.

And no effing way I was going to be Dignan's partner!


I had had a blast playing the elf wizards against my BroInLaw over the holidays*10 and thought that with all the elves friendly wizard powering up that Dignan's annoying Herocape figure movement talent might come in handy.

Except that the elves are figures that you control, not friendly figures.

WTF Grungebob(and WotC)?

You must have some crazy ********ing lucky guys in playtesting to come up 3 Defense Templars, all figures adjacent and on the same level volleying Roman Archers, and, did you know, special attacks ruin Gorillanators!?!?

Yeah, I said it.

Special attacks ruin Gorillanators.

(best sculpts ever just hosed*1 for no reason...)

Anyway, as the elves were deemed too powerful to affect friendly figures I was stuck--voluntarily I might add--with Satan himself as my partner.

So, I looked at his spreadsheet*11 of ideas for armies and picked:

240 Wolves of Badru x 3
75 Khosumet the Dark Lord
220 Minion of Utgar x 2
60 Zettacron

While Podwest and R˙chean came up with:

185 Nilfheim
120 Stingers x 2
110 Alastair MacDirk
30 Eldgrim
140 Knight x 2

I figured it was my job to grab glyphs and **** **** up a bit with the pounce.

Also I should position Khosumet the "Big Shield for No Reason" adjacent to my partner's minions to give them that insane 3 double skull relentless assault attack.

Dignan was supposed to kill heroes and soak up fire/annoy with an astounding 6 defense,

It was R˙chean and Podwest's job to roll over like a *****.

The map we played on had low starting zones, a lot of road and LOS pine tree blockers in the middle, with two high ground bridges on the perimeter. Bridges that were confounded by the aforementioned LOS blocking pine trees.

The glyphs were healing and Lodin.

And after I *****ed and moaned, the glyphs were Move+2 and Initiative+8.

What do you think happened?

Post your guesses now!*13

The Super Secret Predict the Victor Results:

Podwest and R˙chean totally won because Podwest rolled Dragon Attack Dice like a Tsunami and my partner, Dignan, rolled Minion Shield Dice like an *** Clown.

Definitely NOT my fault....

Well I killed a bunch of knights, Alastair, Eldgrim, and quite a few stingers.

My partner Deathwalker whiffed the first 3 of his Minion defense rolls.

Podwest overcame the pansy defense rolling R˙chean's knights abysmal failure to help do anything by rolling 3 out of 4 special attack dice with his dragon more times than than should be scientifically possible.

So I lost.

I think the turning point was really when I took the Initiative glyph(pretty important in those team games) and rolled an 10+8 for 18 initiative.

R˙chean rolled a natural 18.

But before R˙chean and I could have a dramatic roll off--which I would of course, ultimately win,

Dignan rolled a 19.

What a *******.

So Dignan moved some Minions around, R˙chean killed 2 minions with Alastair and a knight, Podwest rained **** on everything with his Dragon of Doom, and I was too late to help save the day.*14

So Dignan ****s.

Well, duh.

So next we move to the most blah mud map ever.

Low start zones moving up to one hex high 7 hex rounds with nothing on them to the high ground on the sides that benefits from being adjacent to a jungle tree and a glyph. In the middle are two 3 hex equal high ground pieces separated by a small ruins.

It just looked bad and boring.

I think we all, even Dignan, agreed on its ugliness.

Really, yuck.*15

Dignan decided to team up with R˙chean, so he could finally win a game.

You know, since Dignan and R˙chean are such bad *****.

So I was stuck with Podwest. Which was actually cool since he had been rolling so hot, I thought we might have a chance.

We (finally) took (after 10 minutes of completely stupid fumbling on my part):

50 Iskra
250 Marro Drones x 5
60 Zettacron
240 Stingers x 4


Iskra can fly, took up one starting zone space, and was 50 points.

YeHess, in hindsight we probably should have combined those 3 start zones and 110 opoints of Zettacron and Iskra into a single hex bad*** hero, but it was on the fly and I was taking waaaaaay too long to get organized.

So there.

The "skilled" players took a number off of Dignan's spreadsheet that had, you guessed it, agents on it.

Poor predictable R˙chean.*16

100 Krav
120 Nakitas
50 Marro Warriors(Didn't see that coming, did you?)
10 Otonashi
180 Sujoah
120 Spiders x 3
10 Isamu


What do you think happened?

Post your guesses now!*13

The Super Secret Predict the Victor Results:

We totally won! It was awasome! I actaully high tenned Podwest like 5 times! It was that good!


I won iniative and flew Iskra out 7 spaces to grab the glyph of Lodin (+1d20).


Iskra doesn't move 7?

I'm an idiot?



I moved Iskra out 6 spaces to "cleverly" grab the high jungle ground side bit by the glyph.

Dignan pounced on Iskra with Sujoah, caused a wound, and...nothing.


R˙chean did some stuf and Podwest shot at his stuff with Zetacron

And then I rolled 18 for the Marro Drones!

And moved 9 Marro Drones!

I even attacked sujoah once and caused a wound!

It was so cool moving 9 drones at the same time!

Rodriquez is totally right! All starting zone limitations need to be removed from tournaments and Marro Drones rule!

And then my Drones were shot up by agents and eaten by spiders quicker than you can say "DrLivinston rolls like a ***** ***** with *********!"

The good bit was that my dumb move with Iskra actually ended up awasome as it tied up Sujoah long enough to get smacked by Podwest's Stingers.

So after some stuff I have 3 Drones and a wounded 3 times Iskra.

Podwest has 2 and a bit squads of stingers.

R˙chean has a full squad of unkillable Krav (believe me, I'd been trying with the Drones!), Otonashi, and a lone Nakita.

Dignan has some spiders and that **** Isamu.

Dignan is insane with Isamu, so he and R˙chean have it in the bag at this point.

But then Pow! Pow! My last 2 Marro Drones kick *** and take out the last 2 Krav! (Podwest helped out a little by taking out the first Krav.)

So Isamu kills my vampire and both my drones.

I am just cheerleading like Raelin at this point.

(Dignan and R˙chean obviously took out the bigger threat first...)

Next Otonashi and the last Nakita are stung by the stingers--who have been juicing it up ever since they got the Glyph of Lodin.

And suffered not one ill effect.

Which cheesed R˙chean no end.


So now it's Dignan's Isamu against a butt load of stingers (5 I think), and it's a testament to what an effer Dignan is with Isamu that we're still worried.

But no, the red ninja goes down and Podwest and I totally kick ***!

Whooo Hoo!

Podwest & I high ten it again and R˙chean & Dignan cry like little girls.

Dignan was pretty well behaved tonight, so no Total Bastard Moments.

Instead, I bring you:

Quotes from R˙chean That Are More Fun Completely Taken Out Of Context!

#1 "I really like the action in this box!"

#2 "There's no greater feeling than cheating and getting away with it."

#3 (To Dignan) "Your box is for sale!?!"

*1--It's okay that I say "eh" as I actually know some Canadians.

Two surfers and a lumberjack.

Whassup Rob and Paul and Mark?


*2--See, I really do just type in a random number of asterisk marks.

It's your dirty minds that's the problem here...


*3--Not a misspelling. Heroscape humor. Get it? Awasome? Eh? Kaemon Awa? Awasome?

(Jandar, your so wave 9, you newb...)

*4--On height, even! (Yeah, this is getting annoying, eh?)

*5--I was, admittedly, a little more accurate with the asterisks this time...

Now Jexlik... There's a man to be reckoned with...

*7--Pieces of Silver? Ponies of Sumatra? Who knows?

*8--Any one else have a wife that rereads Pride and Prejudice every
year six months.

*9--This was, as you may have guessed, directed at me. Also, I added the **** bit.

*10--Do NOT tell him that Morsbane's Negation Wand only works on uniques. I (unknowingly cheated and) negated his zombies--pretty much taking him from winning to losing. I also negated Cyprien! It was awasome!

*11--There's a lot of people ruining our economy doing this! Instead of working all day like they should, folks like Dignan, R˙chean, and UPC (to name just a few), make pages and page of spreadsheets of army ideas.

Do you do this?

Get back to work, Dilbert!

*13--No one EVER posts their guesses!

It is SO lame and SO disappointing.

I hate you all.

(Don't forget to rep me!)

*14--A reasonable person might point out that I just had to roll more than a 10 and Dignan's 19 would have been a funny thing to chuckel about on our way to victory.

*** that!

The only time Dignan rolled well that entire game was that one initiative roll.

He totally ************s!

*15--The map ended up playing really well. I mean we only played on it once, but folks were all over it, and it seemed to work.

Really ugly though.

*16--I actually saw R˙chean take an army that didn't have agents in it once.

It didn't even have Kaemon Awa!

It had squads and squads of plague hounds.

Which were hosed by Dignan's squads and squads of Minions and Stingers.

Not funny, really.

*17--While Dignan's bastardness with Isamu is well documented (the lucky *******), they did not have it in the bag.

In fact they were going down like this glass of Canadian Whiskey.

Ahhh, Crown.

I don't even keep the purple bags anymore...

*18--Well at least cry like 2 guys who thought they were going to win for 5 seconds at the beginning, but then lost lost lost!


Old Tuesday Nights are archived on my blog which can be found here:

(Did you know posts have a 70,000 character limit?)

Last edited by DrLivingston; March 23rd, 2009 at 06:34 PM. Reason: Mickey's 40 oz are the Drunk's answer to these tough economic times!
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Old September 17th, 2008, 08:30 AM
podwest podwest is offline
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Re: Tuesday Nights at Dignan's (9/16/08)

well. . . there's 20 minutes of my life I can't get back. . . if it took me that long to read it. . . how long did it take you to WRITE that thing. . I think Dr. L is still a little bitter about how Marcu came in and save the day. I also noticed that you didn't mention that I really killed (2) Braxis's after you got the healer, kinda of an important detail. I'd also like to note that I would have probably won the 3rd game if it wasn't a 2-1 situation. . just my thoughts. .

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Old September 17th, 2008, 09:33 AM
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Re: Tuesday Nights at Dignan's (9/16/08)

Nice battle report, DrL. But I don't always bring Cyprien.

There was that one time...oh, wait...no, there was that other time when...no, Cyprien was there, too...What about the time...hmmm....yeah, maybe I do bring him too much.

But that's only because I know how much it deflates you to see him in my army!

But just for you, to show the love, I'm stating it here first: Cyprien will be retired for NHSD 2008*

*Unless I, too, cannot figure out a way to deal with the Stingers, in which case the Eisenwein Liege may need to be unretired to deal with those Marro bee-yotches, 'cause what I've come up with so far ain't working.

"Chewie should move 6, lumbering or not. He's got long-ass legs"-
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Old September 17th, 2008, 11:05 AM
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Re: Tuesday Nights at Dignan's (9/16/08)

Normally I find battle reports boring to read, not this one... high on the entertainment scale.

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Old September 17th, 2008, 11:11 AM
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Re: Tuesday Nights at Dignan's (9/16/08)

This was edited for brevity? I'd hate to see the novella you originally submitted.

Anyway, great Battle Report, Dr. L. It makes me wish I could join you guys more often. Your brother in law really likes to play Grimnak...

I do have one problem, though...

Originally Posted by DrLivingston View Post
And CheddarLimbo is cool, considerate, and laughs at Dignan's "jokes" too much.
This makes me sound like the fat girl nobody will date.

"So, CheddarLimbo plays Heroscape? What's he like?"

"Oh, well...you know...he's got a great personality! He's really considerate!"

But it's cool, man. I'll just have to Nagrub your ass a few more times and we'll see who's considerate.

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Old September 17th, 2008, 11:25 AM
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Re: Tuesday Nights at Dignan's (9/16/08)

Dr. Livingston, you must have been very drunk when you wrote this piece. You are much nicer and more of a gentleman when you are sober (except that you make weird noises when you play, which you failed to mention here) !!!

L...o....n......g.....H...e.....r....o.....S....c....a....p...e......r .....
Heroscape Brief Card for Beginners.
How to share your maps with the world.
VirtualScape 101.
My map thread.

Last edited by LongHeroscaper; September 17th, 2008 at 11:43 AM.
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Old September 17th, 2008, 11:30 AM
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Re: Tuesday Nights at Dignan's (9/16/08)

He also runs from across the room toward the dice tower on those very important Krav rolls. It doesn't help, most times...

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Old September 17th, 2008, 11:30 AM
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Re: Tuesday Nights at Dignan's (9/16/08)

Funny report DrL.

Dignan playing stingers? I am pretty shocked by that! I bet there are reavers involved too. Oh, whatever will we do!

Originally Posted by podwest View Post
I think Dr. L is still a little bitter.
Always bitter...As I told Rym in the NHSD thread:
Originally Posted by R˙chean View Post
Even worse, you could end up like DrL who is always left with nothing but excuses.
On a differnt note, I am curious about experiences on Hide & Seek and Frozen Spires. These are some cramp little maps. They are necessary but I was wanting to know what you guys thought about them.

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Last edited by R˙chean; September 17th, 2008 at 11:44 AM.
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Old September 17th, 2008, 12:50 PM
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Re: Tuesday Nights at Dignan's (9/16/08)

Originally Posted by R˙chean View Post
On a differnt note, I am curious about experiences on Hide & Seek and Frozen Spires. These are some cramp little maps. They are necessary but I was wanting to know what you guys thought about them.
Well, they are alright. Having played on them, I think there might be some grumbles about these two. Frozen Spires is absolutely murder on two based non-fliers (especially melee). The amount of elevation changes gimped their movement like crazy. This map is also pretty easy on range. The elevation changes keep melee at bay and the small map means that anything with a decent threat range can target half the map.

Hide and Seek will bring out the grumblers on the range side. Here, the small map works against range as they are easily boxed in and tied down. Brandon's orcs were neigh unbeatable on that puppy. I haven't seen anyone using a ton of rats on these (at most we've seen two squads in the handful of games we've played on them), but I could see there being a large problem of cloggining (especially if both armies have them).

All that said, they are still good maps. Very economical use of hexes (though a pain to build). I think that the games on these maps will end about 15 minutes ahead of the average game.
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Old September 17th, 2008, 01:13 PM
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Re: Tuesday Nights at Dignan's (9/16/08)

Thanks Dignan, I appreciate the feedback. I was already contemplating replacing or just removing Frozen Spires. I am still thinking about it. If I do change it or remove I will post the update by the end of this week.

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Old September 24th, 2008, 01:53 AM
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Re: Tuesday Nights at Dignan's (9/23/08)

Bumped for new Tuesday (edited into the first post).
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Old September 24th, 2008, 06:53 AM
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Re: Tuesday Nights at Dignan's (9/23/08)

Ok, you are really taking some liberties with our dialogue. I mean, I am a douche, but I'm not that bad. Some of the "quotes" you have are complete fabrications. Although I did yeah over the phone at your mom that we were hanging out with hookers.

Anyway, it's too bad that my illegal army is illegal. It was really working. Oh well, I guess I'll have to dig up a different army.
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