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Competitive Armies Discussion Discuss, critique, and build ideas for tournament-caliber armies.

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Old August 7th, 2007, 09:56 PM
Blackrock Blackrock is offline
Join Date: June 29, 2007
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400-Point Competitive Armies

Hey guys! I was thinking we should kick themes to the curb and just discuss 400-point teams in general. I've never competed or played against another collector, but I imagine that when building an army for a tournament you want to try and prepare for anything!
Have you a 400-point army that you swear by? It'll be most helpful to me if it doesn't use more than one of anything, but just post whatever you've come up with and we can all twist and adjust to fit our own collections. Here are some things I've come up with...

This first one is one I built last night for a casual game with my mom that may or may not happen this week, with all kinds of crap that keeps popping up.
Drake - 110
Raelin - 80
Syvarris - 100
Theracus - 40
Aubriens - 70
Total - 400

I built this one to work for a Soulrazor Canyon scenario, Lingering Spirits, but I think it could work in other situations as well. Drake and Raelin are generally good heroes, where Theracus can carry around the elves to gain the high ground quickly and they can all just shoot at things. This can help in boards such as Soulrazor Canyon with many high pinacles, and Drake can excell here as well by chasing the opponent's shooters with his grapple gun. Raelin, as usual, is there for support to keep everyone else alive longer, and jab baddies when needed.

Here's my current Viper/Frenzy idea, which I can't actually do yet as I only have 1 squad of Aubrien Archers and no Venoc Vipers but I'll try to get them eventually.
Venoc Warlord - 120
Theracus - 40
Venocs x2 - 80
Aubriens x2 - 140
Total - 380

I suppose this is a pretty common strategy, but I'd like to hear what more experienced players make of it. I don't know if it'd be the best idea for a tournament, as the vipers can be somewhat dependent on lots of water or smooth ground, but if there's enough LOS blockers, be it trees, glacier mountains, or just stacks of tiles, they can take cover as they zerg the opponent's forces.

Here's a soldier/warlord team, which I may be able to use by the end of the month if this new Dicehead store in town can get me another pack of Romans.
Marcus - 100
Ne-Gok-Sa - 90
Legos x2 - 100
Airborne - 110
Total - 400

This army is small and has a lot of synergy. Marcus and the legionairres can move out with Ne-Gok-Sa to start pounding at things, keeping as close as possible to get Marcus's attack enhancement while Ne-Gok-Sa can try to mindshackle and just slash at things. The AE will cover range support, or if they drop immediately they can fall in and pick off as many units as they can while Ne-Gok-Sa and the Romans hang back until it's time for clean-up.

Next, we have some orcs. Here's what I'd make if I had the figures...
Grimnak - 120
Heavy Gruts - 70
Blade Gruts x2 - 80
Arrow Gruts x2 - 80
Swog Rider - 25
Total - 375

This of course bases around the orcs functioning better in numbers, and their synergy works well. The Blades & Heavies swarm in with Grimnak, who can Chomp and enhance his warriors. The Arrow Gruts can provide range, but are weak if not on the high ground so the swog rider can hang back with them. A second swog rider would make it an even 400, but as-is this army needs 22 spaces in its starting zone to accomodate all the figures. It's likely one would not get that much space on each game, so I'm debating whether this really works. I could take out some squads and add in Tornak to further increase the deadliness of the warriors, but without archers they're at the mercy of anti-melee armies.

Now here's an army comprised entirely of undead horrors from Feylund that I'd love to make as soon as I can get my hands on Heroes of Elswin and Fiends & Vampires.
Cyprien - 150
Iskra - 50
Rechets - 50
Marcu - 20
Zombies x2 - 120
Total - 390

Now, this looks like a fun army but it's also risky, I wager. I love zombies, and I love the Esenweins even though I haven't gotten my hands on them yet. I wanted to fit Sonya in, but even if I replace Marcu I would overshoot 400 by 15 points. I can't have the Rechets without Iskra, and Iskra without the Rechets is pointless. I suppose Sonya is the most sacrificable, next to Marcu but Marcu will fit whereas she wouldn't. Zombies are no good as a single squad but I don't want to go without them. After all this, there is also no ranged support, though everything but the zombies flies with a move of 6+ so I suppose their speed and negligance of elevation could make up for a lack of shooters.
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