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Old August 10th, 2007, 12:32 PM
Elginb Elginb is offline
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Mixed Marvel/Heroscape Self-Run Tourney

I like to do self-run tournaments in which I have to draft as many teams as possible using all the figures I have and then pitting them against each other NCAA tournament style for 5 rounds.

I drafted 28 600-point teams, all having to fit into a 24-space start zone. I picked them by giving the unique heroes I considered over-priced first dibs, just to even out the odds a bit. (Note: I don't have Wave 7, the EOV, or any of the convention exclusives, but I otherwise have one set of unique units and 3 sets of common units from each of the other waves). I tried to use a different map each round: 1st round was one of my own devising using a little bit of all terrain, the 2nd round used Forgotten Waters, the 3rd round used the Road to the Forgotton Forest, and the 4th and 5th rounds (I got lazy for the final) used the map from the Tundra set.

The Final 4 teams were the following:

Thanos, Microcorps Agents, Venoc VipersX3....580 pts

Sir Gilbert, Thorgrim, MacDirk Warriors, James Murphy, KoW, 4th Mass, Izumi Samurai, Tarn Vikings....590 pts

Alistair MacDirk, Sentinels, Finn, MacDirk WarriorsX2, Dzu-teh, Armoc Vipers...600 pts

Captian America, Microcorps Agents, Einar ImperiumX2...600 pts

Sir Gilbert's team suprisingly ended up besting Thanos' team (which had looked unstoppable in earlier rounds) and Captain America's team less surprisingly beat Alistair MacDirk's team, which was lucky to have survived as long as it did. In the end, Captain America's team ended up just barely knocking off Sir Gilbert's.


Dund got the first army built around him with Doctor Doom, Agent Carr, Gladiatrons and Blastatrons for 595 points-- they lost in the first round. As did teams with the Hulk (he took a deep whiff of Braxas' acid breath) and The Silver Surfer (admittedly, he was taken out by Thanos' team-- he'd probably have lasted longer otherwise).

A team built around 3 sets of Roman Archers made it 3-rounds deep. Their special attack was really useful in knocking off Marvel Heroes - they took out Dr. Doom's team and Iron Man's team before losing to the squad-heavy team of Alistair MacDirk.

Venom was teamed up with 2 sets of Shades, and his team was looking unstoppable for a couple rounds, too. He just kept taking over his opponent's heroes. But his luck ran out against the squad-heavy team of Sir Gilbert.

The Red Skull had a team that consisted of him, Braxas, DW8000 and Shotgun Sullivan. Red Skull is a very good general, and was dominating the competition with their versatility. They knocked off the Hulk in the first round, and knocked off a squad-heavy team in the second round. Unfortunately, Thanos took out the team entirely on his own in the 3rd round.

Sir Gilbert's team was a big surprise to me, just because it was such a hodge-podge. But his team still somehow managed to be the fastest team in the tournament. Sir Gilbert and the Knights would march forward while the 4th Mass, Tarn and MacDirk Warriors crept up from behind. Once the knights had clogged up the opponent's team, and Gilbert had a couple wounds, the MacDirks would be strong enough to wipe out any big heroes they encountered. Thorgrim would travel along with them to give 'em a little staying power, then when he got shot down, he'd turn the Izumi Samurai into a great group of closers.

Thanos' team was looking like the team to beat for a while. Basically, he'd head out as a one man killing machine and dare the opposition to kill him. And if they did, the Vipers' frenzy activated enough to bring him back fairly quickly. I've been long thinking that the best tactic against Thanos is to basically ignore him and take out his compadres first, but that's easier said than done. He's so powerful, that the opposing team is likely to have only one or two units powerful enough to be a real threat to him. So if Thanos goes forward and concentrates on those threatening units, then he's very hard to ignore, indeed. Still, that tactic finally worked when Sir Gilbert's team was able to throw enough small squad members at Thanos each turn that he was unable to attack who he really wanted to attack. Once his cohorts were demolished, enough of the big guns remained to take out Thanos, with no fear of ressurrection. It didn't hurt that the Tundra map was relatively flat, or that the snow did limit Thanos' ability to fly somewhat. In previous rounds, it was difficult to get him engaged.

Captain America's team was fun to play. Cap is tough enough to send into the heart of any battle, forcing the opposing army to pay attention to him. Then the Imperium would swoop up beside him and, with the Tactician bonuses, mop the floor with the opposition. Actually, I'm gaining new respect for the Imperium, just because Cap got killed quickly in some of the early rounds, but the Kyrie squad still managed to wipe out the rest of the armies virtually on their own. I was surprised that, in this army, the Microcorps Agents were usually on clean-up duty, and they didn't need to be used half the time.

The final battle between Captain America and Sir Gilbert was great. Cap rushed out like he always does, but he was quickly met by Sir Gilbert and a band of knights. I think I made a big mistake early with Sir Gilbert, in that I had him throw a punch at Cap and he whiffed-- then ended up with 5 wounds from Cap's counterstrike. I was hoping to get a couple wounds, because I was going to have the MacDirk's take Cap out, but Sir Gilbert ended up getting knocked off too quickly. Still, he lasted long enough to advance the Knights and Tarn far into enemy territory and take out the Microcorps Agents and several of the Imperium. But the Imperium then took down those front-runners pretty quickly.

Cap was able to take out the 4th Mass and James Murphy very quickly (they couldn't escape up into the Tundra fast enough), leaving only Thorgrim, the MacDirks and Izumi Samurai to fight. Thorgrim attacked Cap straight-up and died quickly to counter-strikes, but put some wounds on him before dying. Then the MacDirk's did a suicide run against him, and quickly died without doing any damage. That left the Izumi Samurai to close, and they took out the remaining Imperium pretty quickly (double-attack against Thorgrim-enchanced counter-strike only killed them quicker).

Finally, it came down to 2 Izumi Samurai against Captain America. Cap foolishly decided to attack one with his 6 attack, but ended up only suffering from their counter-strike, such that he had only one wound marker left-- from then on, he would only use his sheild special attack. Without the chance to take Cap down with counterstrike, the Samurai were forced to attack Cap in the hopes that their measley 2 attack could take him down (they only needed one hit, after all, so it seemed possible). But it was not to be. 2 attacks followed by 2 counterstrikes took down the Samurai. The good Captain wins it all!
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Old August 10th, 2007, 02:19 PM
Ted Ted is offline
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WOW what a battle, and what a mouthfull. very nice and there is some stratagy in there to learn from as well.
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Old August 10th, 2007, 07:12 PM
graywolf42 graywolf42 is offline
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No surprise to me that Cap won the whole thing. The Star Spangeled Avenger rules! I guess we can't really call him the Living Legend of WWII any more, but he lives on in Scape. Scapers Assemble!!!!

Micky is a mouse, Pluto is a dog, WTF is Goofy?

With your shield or on it!
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Old August 10th, 2007, 09:10 PM
hakysak hakysak is offline
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As far as mixing the two games go, CA is the best to use. I found that out in my self-tests also. He's already pretty impressive, and all that bonding and such that he can do that other marvels can't. Yeah!
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