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Old November 29th, 2020, 11:51 AM
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Re: [Pod 0] Pod 0 (Main Thread)

Hello Pod 0!

The other day I was thinking about the Power +1 and Toughness +1 glyphs and how they will be incorporated into the Master Set. I believe that at this point the plan is to just make them identical to the glyphs of Astrid and Gerda (+1 Attack and Defense). While I think that direction works, I was wondering if there was something more unique that could be done with them. How about adding an automatic skull/shield to a figure's attack or defense roll, with the restriction that it could only be used once per turn?

The once per turn restriction would make the attack glyph more helpful for heroes than squad figures, and the defense glyph would be more useful when defending against heroes than against squad figures. I think the automatic skull or shield would still be very powerful, but with the once per turn restriction, probably not quite as powerful in most scenarios overall as Astrid or Gerda? Especially if the rules were worded in such a way that you had to decide whether or not to use the glyph before rolling your attack or defense.

I also really like how this direction ties in nicely to the names printed on the glyphs, as an automatic shield fits the name of "Toughness +1" by corresponding to the Tough power in classic heroscape.

The other advantage to creating new glyphs instead of reusing Astrid and Gerda is that this will give both veteran and new players more options when creating competitive scenarios. Both Astrid and Gerda are two of the more gamewarping glyphs in heroscape and aren't typically very well suited for competitive play. My hope is that with the once per turn restriction, the new glyphs would be scaled down in power sufficiently to be more widely usable in scenario creation.
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