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Old March 24th, 2009, 06:37 PM
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Matt Helm Matt Helm is offline
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Matt Helm is a penguin with a machine gun Matt Helm is a penguin with a machine gun Matt Helm is a penguin with a machine gun Matt Helm is a penguin with a machine gun Matt Helm is a penguin with a machine gun Matt Helm is a penguin with a machine gun Matt Helm is a penguin with a machine gun Matt Helm is a penguin with a machine gun Matt Helm is a penguin with a machine gun Matt Helm is a penguin with a machine gun Matt Helm is a penguin with a machine gun Matt Helm is a penguin with a machine gun
Re: Matt Helm's Commission a Custom (UPDATE) Nessie, my firs

Garada - I'm good with the changes. Beast was pulled from official scape and "Sea Monster" seemed almost necessary but I really did consider plesiosaur and think you've hit it on the head. Go ahead and replace "Sea Monster" with "Plesiosaur" and then switch "Beast" to "Monster".

As for the Hellboy label on the card... of course you can. If you haven't noticed, I feel an attachment to your sudden addiction and wanted to assist you as much as a I can. Give me a Hellboy label.

On Snack Bite, I just thought that "Bite Sized Snack" didn't sound right for Heroscape so I changed the name. Then, I forgot to limit it to small and medium (my original intent). But now that I think about it, I'm torn. If you killed a huge figure by taking out a chunk, shouldn't that be the same as completely eating a smaller figure? But I'm OK if we limit it to small and medium figures if you think it's better... I'm really on the fence and can go either way.
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