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Old October 29th, 2007, 10:27 AM
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AgentX-127 AgentX-127 is offline
Join Date: May 10, 2006
Location: Door Space #4.
Posts: 1,235
AgentX-127 Woo who?
I see that you have a lot of the common squads listed.
It would help us to know how many sets you have of each.
(Unless your group allows proxies for common squads.)

Because if I suggest 6X Deathreavers + Sonlen and you have only 1 set of Deathreavers, I won't be much help!

Let us know.

So, not knowing that, I'll respond with this:

Considering that you love Sonlen so much (and I don't blame you,) think about how you will keep him safe. Raelin (the 8 point) is always good start.
Consider taking Eldgrim, adding his spirit to Sonlen.
Take Q10 to help you with the swarms.
(Kaemon Awa is a great choice, too.)

Then just add as many Deathreavers as you can!

Good luck!
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