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Old February 12th, 2020, 06:00 PM
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Re: Frostgrave, Halo Ground Command and other tabletop minis

Originally Posted by Hahma View Post
Yeah, the core set of Fallout is enough to play with. The only issue, as with any core set for miniatures games, is that you'll find that you will want more options. You can equip the characters differently to add more variety and you don't need a ton of models per side.

That said, I like having more options for list building. Different characters/units can change of how games feel, as besides different stats, there are some cool abilities that are character specific. And certain scenarios may also require more lockpicking or computer hacking the firepower.

I have a lot of the survivors/settlers models, as well as Super Mutants, Brotherhood of Steel and more recently, a bunch of Raiders. I've also got Radscorpions, and Radroaches. 3 Assaultrons, 2 Protectrons, a Sentry Bot and Eyebot round out my robots.

There are also the machine gun turrets and laser turrets. There are even rules for vehicles and having them explode.

Lots of cool stuff.

I'm almost done painting my 2nd set of Imperial Scouts. Should be getting my Imperial and Rebel unit upgrade sets soon, as well as operative Luke and Vader, and the Escape Pod set with R2D2 and C3PO.

While I don't get to play Legion near as much as you do @TREX , I do enjoy painting the models.

I've been playing a lot of Marvel Champions LCG, about 55 games in so far. Eating away at my hobby time I am also running a demo of Fallout Wasteland Warfare at a local convention at the end of the month, so I've been working on playtesting a scenario for it.
Been getting super excited for the latest releases of legion. They are switching to the hard plastic sprues for all their new stuff. While it looks pretty nice, the prices are jumping up quite a bit. I still plan on buying at least one box of each set, I'll for sure be supplementing it with models off my printer. I have pretty big armies of all 4 factions now. I need to do another big batch painting to knock them out in anticipation of new stuff coming out. The Arc Troopers they just showed are hands down some of my favorite characters in the star wars universe. I plan on investing in a decent amount of resin once I get regularly printing. Its cool that your gaming thing is supporting veterans with the proceeds. Its great to see what stuff you have going on with fallout. I've been trying to prioritize what I paint first by what game is getting played the most. I had started painting more of my Zombicide Models, but my brother and brother in law started showing a ton more interest in Legion. So that is priority one right now. Too much fun stuff to be had for sure. I think I may start putting pictures of all my different paint jobs and battlefields into a thread and linking it to this one. Should be fun.
Here are some links to the new stuff.

Check out my ebay where you can find my custom dice trays and dicetowers:
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