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Old June 21st, 2022, 05:45 PM
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NecroBlade NecroBlade is offline
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Re: Soldiers of Valhalla - nominations and discussion

As far as responses to the Green Wyrmling:

1) Sequence of events. It's the exact same thing as Master of the Hunt's Mortal Strike (except on defense), and I've never heard any complaints about that sequence of events. There's also Sujoah/Estivara and other similar precedents.

2) Lacking the simplicity of full Counter Strike. The only way to make a fledgling version if CS is to change it, be it this version or one that only hits small/medium, or Commons, or what have you. However, I also believe this stems at least in part from the way the power was reworded. Here it is re-aligned with CS's wording (thanks to @Captain Stupendous ):
When rolling defense dice against a normal attack from an adjacent attacking figure, for each excess shield that was rolled by this Green Wyrmling, roll one unblockable attack die against the attacking figure.
Honestly this is also something I would've expected more of a "we'll handle it in editing" response to.

3) Complexity. Given the above, literally the only difference between FCS and CS is rewording the last phrase (much like a Common-only version would be a simple rewording of CS found on a Samurai). Finally, the Drow Assassin which received 6 yeas is a much wordier and more complex card, yet here we are.*

If you don't like the Green Wyrmling, fine, but so far downvotes have been cast with, IMO, pretty flimsy reasons.

*Since I brought it up, I'll go ahead and say I dislike Shadow Shift being "before or after" moving, since it vastly increases the number of possible outcomes a player must consider every single time they want to move one. Pick one and prevent a lot of analysis paralysis.

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