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Old June 12th, 2011, 09:11 PM
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Re: Heroscape Map Making Guide?

Another thing I forgot to mention about pathing and counting movement is distance to glyphs. It's not enough to have equidistant glyphs from each start zone. You need to consider what figures can reach the glyphs in the first, second, and third turn. In short - eleven and twelve spaces from start is a death zone for glyphs, because it allows rats to hit the glyphs on turn two, but anything with a move of four or five takes three turns. That's bad design unless it's compensated for by allowing start zones on the road or something like that to balance out the number of turns for four and five move squads.

I'm less concerned about four move squads than five, to be honest, because there just aren't that many of them without flying or some other movement-based special. dok just died a little bit inside, but in reality, it's tough to design a map around Zombies. Still for me the optimal glyph spacing is between eight and ten from the start zones, but at least seven for flyers. That's pretty anal, I admit, but glyph spacing is so important to get right. And my thinking on this has evolved over time, so I'm sure if I went through my map thread I'd find maps that violate these rules. Failed Negotiations, for example, is one that I think realistically just shouldn't have glyphs, and one of these days I'll get around to fixing it.
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