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Old February 10th, 2021, 12:33 PM
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Re: [Pod 2] Durnipia (Kiora, the Rising Tide) - Design?

My preferences are:

1: B Mutant/Atlantean from Earth 2210 or 2220
This and Feylund are relatively close together for me. However, we already have an abundance of designs which come from Feylund compared to the relatively unexplored setting of Earth 2210, despite it being a source of inspiration for official units (the Microcorp Agents). I find the idea of fleshing out the world of Earth 2210 to be extremely interesting, especially because it is currently a relatively blank slate (the original game of Risk 2210 was fairly light on official lore, instead providing a map of the world with altered territory names that were thematically evocative while remaining open to interpretation). The Earth 2210 setting is fairly unique from most of what we've seen in Heroscape so far, while remaining grounded in the official Heroscape lore and canon.

In response to Skinderella's observations above, it's worth noting that Motley is from Earth 2220 AD, which is 10 years after the Risk 2210 war. Even though 4 areas are chosen to be nuclear wastelands at the start of a game of Risk 2210, there is also a deck of nuclear cards which can be used to attack other territories throughout the game, so its likely that Motley comes from an even more apocalyptic version of the world set after the widespread destruction of the war.

Also, the part in the interview mentioning underwater cities wasn't referring to New Atlantis specifically so much as explaining why underwater cities in general were originally founded. New Atlantis is just one of 13 underwater cities, (Microcorp is actually another underwater city) so it would make sense to me if different cities had different technological focuses.

2: A Nymph or other mythological creature from Feylund
I think that Nymph as a species is a good fit for the sculpt and powers and would be fine to see this figure originating from Feylund, even if its a slightly less interesting choice than Earth 2210/2220. If we do settle on Nymph as a species, I'm less sure about using Priestess as a class, since when I think of Priestess I picture the Priest/Priestess as humans communicating with the Nymphs/mythological creatures, not the other way around. I think Priestess would be a much better fit if we made her a random alien priestess from Arctorus. Which brings me to my third choice,

3: D Random Alien Priestess from Arctorus.
I think this is also a potentially strong direction, and after thinking about it more might even prefer it over option A. My one reservation would be that Arctorus as a planet seems to be somewhat lacking in overall identity to me, so I'm less interested in designing customs from there until c3v has solidified a stronger overall aesthetic for the setting. However, given what we do know, and with the upcoming addition of more cthulu-like aliens that are likely from Arctorus, I think an alien priestess would fit right in with the pulp sci-fi/horror themes.

4: C Alien race from Marr.
I just don't see it. This is the one direction that I would be actively opposed to, as has been mentioned before she seems far more humanoid than any other race we have seen from Marr yet. I suppose one could say that Marro are relatively humanoid, but to me her design is so different from Marro that making her be from the same planet as them just feels wrong. I could elaborate more on why this option doesn't sit well with me, but it already seems to be one of the least popular options anyway.

Last edited by Captain Stupendous; February 10th, 2021 at 03:52 PM.
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