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Old December 2nd, 2018, 12:08 PM
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Re: The New York City Gang Of Four


CHAS TEAM "A Viking Wintry Mix"
Frost Giant 140
Ice Elemental 130
Valguard 110
Pel The Hill Giant 90
Nerak The Glacial Swog Rider 50
Guilty McCreech 30
DreadGul Raiders x3 195
TOTAL: 635

Braxas 210
Tandros Kreel 120
Raelin 80
Microcorp Troopers x3 240

Major Q10 180
Fen Hydra x2 240
Black Wrymlings x2 60
Death Reavers x4 160

This second game played out completely differently, and went the full 10 Game Turns. All three Glyphs were owned for points at the end. I played very strategically, and my original plan actually worked! I first sent out Nerak to grab a glyph and bring it far back to my Start Zone. Meanwhile, on top of the bridge, SD's Braxas was tied down by both of QC's Black Wrymlings, we joked about the mama dragon spanking its babies.

Avoiding most of the fighting going on on top of the bridge. I had my only shooter, Guilty, take four shots at Braxas as it was weakened but only took out one of the baby black dragons, but I did not hit and my own shooter was killed. I sent some Dreadguls to clear the way, who encountered Tandros Kreel at the central stairway, but eventually he was off the board. Then I snuck Valguard under it to grab the central glyph. There was a Hydra there on the other side close to the glyph to attack me, although it couldn't grab the glyph itself. But since the glyph turned out to be the Mesmer Mirror, I rolled randomly to see which Hydra I could take control of, and it turned out to be this near one, the second being still in QCs Start Zone. I was then able to get Valguard back to my side of the bridge, away from all of SDs squad shooters, although he did take out the last of my Dreadgul's there, as they battled some of QCs "rats."

SD, now without any Heroes to get glyphs, played spoiler, hurting my Hydra from the bridge (I was to lose him) and then traveling far down near my end zone, where they actually took out Nerak, who dropped his glyph. But I defeated his squaddies, and sent the hitherto undamaged Frost Giant to pick up the Glyph.

My strategy had to play keep away, so as to end the game with most of my army intact for its points, which worked out. I also killed Raelin and squad of rats and Microcorp Troopers for a few points. Then I got 500 points for the two glyphs.

Final Score
Chas 1,175
Quizcode 555
Sherman Davies 445

Oddly enough, this Game Day closely mirrored that of the previous Saturday for my personal adventure, when we'd played two games of Cry Havoc. During the first I'd also placed a poor third of three players. But I won the second close game on a tie breaker, for one initial loss but a second game win!

Last edited by chas; December 2nd, 2018 at 02:40 PM.
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