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Old November 2nd, 2010, 09:17 AM
Wild_Imagination Wild_Imagination is offline
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Re: A Vydar Elemental for Kurrok to summon....

Originally Posted by dok View Post
3 defense + tough is way too strong, in my opinion, for a common figure. That would be the toughest common figure in existence. 2 base defense would be better. (Alternatively, I would suggest giving them 3 or 4 defense, and 1 auto-shield that only works on specials - this would fit nicely with the metal tough theme that the Iron Golem has.)
At first I thought automatic shields against Special Attacks ... what a joke! But, after looking at all of the attacks that can hit multiples ... about 90% of them are all Special Attacks. Still think auto-shields against Spec. Atks isn't great, but it helps when targeted by area and multiple attacks. So you want a bunch with the ability for the best use of the auto-shields. I will up the defense to 4 and give the MEW the auto-shield against Spec. Atks. // Still don't know why the Earth Elemental doesn't have a defense 4 ... would have made it more interesting & thematic....
Since the Metal Elemental Wall isn't iron, I'll just call it Metal Tough....
When rolling for defense against a special attack, Metal Elemental Walls always add one automatic shield.

Originally Posted by dok View Post
Mystical Metal seems reasonable, but I don't see why they need to be huge, in stead of large, and I don't see why they should get a climbing bonus. Actually, I like a simpler version of the power. Howe about "Metal Elemental Walls are considered large when targeted by opposing figures". This has the side effect of giving Axegrinders a bonus attack die against them, but hey, Dwarves know how to find the flaw in a chunk of metal, right?
I think there was some D20 power or some snag that hit Large, but I'm not finding it. I'm fairly certain that the Axegrinders get an extra defense die against Large and Huge figures ... not attack. To make it so that Sir Denrick and the Axegrinders special abilities kick in ... it doesn't seem to be good that Denrick gets a +2 attack for the MEW. I would prefer to keep it as is. Easy to move down into battle, and able to block many until now unblockable special powers (that somehow are not special nor normal attacks).

Unless I missed something for climbing (which I very easily could have). Height has nothing to do with how easily you climb elevation levels. It does affect how high of a elevation jump you can climb, but with a 5 move and the figure is height 4 (maybe should be 5) normally it can only go up a maximum of 4 elevation levels (4 elevation + 1 for the ending space = 5 movement). So climbing isn't changed. What it would affect would be decending/falling distance. Changing the figure's height while moving would allow it to get down into the fray easier. I will probably change the movement & D20 perceived height to be x2 Large and make the figure a Medium 5. This would make it a perceived height of 10 (Large) for movement and D20 attacks.

Originally Posted by dok View Post
My real beef with this figure is wall protection. That power is straight-up broken as currently worded. Giving any ranged figure next to one of these guys an autoshield is insanely powerful. It means Krav are literally immune to ranged attacks. Basically, any power that stacks with other defense-boosts is going to be very hard to balance, but that one is way over the line.

I thought a bit about how to get the sort of effect you're going for without creating the potential for so much broken-ness. I think a re-cast version of smoke powder is your best bet:

Wall Protection
When a friendly figure adjacent to a Metal Elemental Wall is targeted for an attack, and the minimum number of spaces between the attacker and the targeted figure is higher than the minimum number of spaces between the attacker and the Metal Elemental Wall, you may roll the 20-sided die. If you roll a 13 or higher, the attacking figure must target the Metal Elemental Wall in stead, if possible.
Thank you! I had completely over looked the units with the one-shield defense. I agree that would have been ugly and broken... It actually made me consider the one shield defense for the MEW, but an auto-shield even just for special attacks is still better (especially since a number of cannot roll defense die attacks are special and that way you still get one shield). 13 is a good cutoff for a power that completely remove the hit-zones for normal attacks, but the Wall Protection wouldn't completely block the attack ... just protect the figure trying to use the MEW as a shield. So how about:
If an adjacent small, medium, or large figure is targeted by a ranged attack and a Metal Elemental Wall is closer to the attacker, roll a D20. If the roll is 8+ the attack still occurs, but the Metal Elemental wall is the target.

This way area & multiple attacks will still happen, just prevent 65% of the time (if the die rolled statistically true) from being able to target adjacent figures that aren't as close as the MEW to the ranged attacker. Multiple attacks that can't attack any figure more than once will only get the one attack unless the D20 rolls a 1-7. Of course you would roll for each figure separately this way. Area attacks and Multiple attacks that can attack the same figure more than once will most likely repeatedly attack the wall and the MEW would get it's defense roll & 1 auto-shield for the special attacks. I guess that if 3 figures + the MEW are hit with an area attack, and say the MEW is destroyed on the 2nd targeted figure's salvo ... the 3rd figure wouldn't get the D20 roll and would get hit by the area attack.

So the stats would be:
Life: 1
Movement: 5
Range: 2
Attack: 2
Defense: 4
Cost: 35

For reference, I noted the ranged Area & Multiple attacks:
Deathwalker 9000 : Explosion Special Attack (affects figures adjacent to target)
Syvarris : Double Attack (attacks 2 times)
Airborne Elite : Grenade Special Attack (one use)
Major Q10 : Machine Pistol Special Attack (attacks 4 times)
Major Q10 : Wrist Rocket Special Attack (attacks 2 times)
Erevan Sunshadow : Fire Blast Special Attack (potential multiple attack does not have to target the same figure)
Othkurik the Black Dragon : Acid Spray Special Attack (affect figures adjacent to target)
Pelloth : Lolth's Wrath Special Attack (affects potentially three targets, do not have to be adjacent)
Johnny "Shotgun" Sullivan : Shotgun Blast Special Attack
Aubrien Archers : Frenzy (potentially multiple turns)
James Murphy : Shotgun Blast Special Attack (affects figures adjacent to target)
Jorhdawn : Rain of Flame Special Attack (affects figures adjacent to target)
Deathwalker 8000 : Rapid Fire Special Attack (potential multiple attack, does not have to target the same figure)
Major Q9 : Queglix Gun Special Attack (3 - 9 attacks)
Nilfheim : Ice Shard Breath Special Attack (attacks 3 times, cannot attack the same figure more than once)
Zelrig : Majestic Fires Special Attack (affects figures adjacent to target / Common Squads roll 2 less defense dice)
Agent Skahen : Double Attack (attacks 2 times)
Brandis Skyhunter : Archer's Glory (if destroys an opponent's non-adjacent Unique Hero, take another turn)
Sharwin Wildborn : Arcane Bolt Special Attack (potential multiple adjacent attacks)
Heirloom : Force Orb Special Attack (affects figures adjacent to target)
Blue Wyrmling : Fledgling Lightning Breath Special Attack (attacks 2 different figures)
White Wyrmling : Fledgling Ice Shards Special Attack (attacks 2 different figures)
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