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Old June 28th, 2021, 10:45 PM
Blue Trails Blue Trails is offline
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Re: [Pod 0] Honored Soul-Guides (Lantern Geists) - Playtesti

Originally Posted by Astroking112 View Post
Thanks for the playtest, Blue Trails! It was a super interesting read, and I think that you're spot-on with your analysis that the MacDirks are likely one of the recipients who benefit the most from Last Will.

Moving Soul-Guides via Gilbert is a neat complementary synergy that I had missed. I think that it would be worthwhile for us to compile synergy charts for the OPs once figures enter playtesting.
I'm glad I could help. For what it's worth, I would appreciate any synergy listing this project can provide; as an outsider, I spend little time with these units compared to the members working to produce them, and I wouldn't want to overlook anything important while playtesting. As an example, I almost missed the synergy with Sir Gilbert, myself, as I can't remember the last time I've seen Gilbert played alongside any Unique Jandar-following squad.

Hmm. I'm not sure that this would significantly improve their non-bonding uses competitively, given that if the revived hero does die early, then you're left with a bunch of Order Markers on the Soul-Guides. Unless, of course, your suggestion was that they can move the markers there from any card, or do something along these lines:

After revealing an Order Marker on an Army Card you control, instead of taking a turn normally, you may take a turn with the Honored Soul-Guides' revived hero.
That sort of an idea is interesting, and it certainly would help to even out their combos in the tournament format if you don't have to worry about allocating OMs to the revived hero. I think that it's also significantly stronger in scenarios, and it might necessitate a price bump as a result.
If I had articulated my power suggestion more effectively, it would have read something like this:
Before revealing an Order Marker on this Army Card, you may move that Order Marker to the Army Card of a figure you control that was targeted by the Honored Soul-Guides' Last Will power this round and reveal it there, instead.
My intention was to create a mild effect appropriate for a 50-point unit with two solid powers; in the event of the Soul-Guides' resurrected hero's early destruction, their player can take a couple turns with the remaining Soul-Guide as a consolation instead of losing a round's worth of board control. I think your second interpretation is a nice way to incentivize reviving non-bonding figures, though, and I wouldn't mind a fitting price increase because I would already pay more than 50 points for them in certain bonding armies. However, I would prefer to actually move Order Markers to the revived hero's Army Card so that non-bonding figures such as van Nessing with Order Marker-based powers aren't denied full benefit; if you only bring back a hero for a single round, you might as well be able to use all of its special powers during that round.
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