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Old December 12th, 2007, 02:08 PM
aerofool aerofool is offline
Join Date: October 18, 2007
Posts: 212
aerofool Woo who?
I personally enjoy using random, face down glyph placements in most of my scenarios. It really adds to the fun, strategy and surprise!
The way we play it is like this:
To turn over the glyph you must end your turn standing on it. If your character finds the glyph of kelda it has to be used immediately and then removed from play. If the character on the glyph is a hero with wounds, remove all wounds from that character's card. If the character who finds the glyph is a squad, nothing happens aside from the glyph being removed from play... Basicly a wasted glyph.

****! I must be having a bad week!
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