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Old October 23rd, 2021, 05:45 PM
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Re: The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Workshop

Originally Posted by toyhandle View Post
I don't see how the card fails to function as was written previously. Is there a reason or rule about flip cards, or is it just "that's the way its been done"?
From an art perspective...using a different figure requires two sets of cards for targets and the mini version of the cards. So at that's two cards.

While it may not be a rule written down, the intent of the flip cards is for figures that have two sets of powers/personalities/etc but in the same physical same mini. This has been the case for all the designed flip cards which I believe has only been one.

So you just need to be ok with knowing that you don't have all the information and just take the word of the Heroes that have already spoken.

I say this will full respect as I think I understand you a little since you seem to be a lot like my son actually, but the folks on this site, in our conversations, we don't always use the precise wording that you are needing at that moment. So my phrasing of "usually" was not meant as a "well in the first 10 flip designs we used the same figure 9 times so Usually..."

So sorry if my wording confused you there.

But 100% of all Flip cards have been using the same figure. And I know for certain that at some point several of us were contemplating when it should be appropriate to use a flip card and one of the comments was "same figure". I thought it was in Killer Frosts thread since I'm 99% sure I said it to Bats. And he asked me specifically at some point since he knew I've been fully invested in the show if Snow and Frost were justifiable as a single figure. But knowing how detailed you are...if it were in that thread you would have seen it. So I'm guessing it happened in a workshop thread.

Would I want it to be everything I love...sure...but that's just not realistic so I'm going to focus on finding things that will make me unhappy and work on fixing those.
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