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Old June 9th, 2016, 07:18 AM
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Re: What Board Game Are You Currently Playing?

Played a game of Age of Conan yesterday, with the new Adventures In Hyboria Expansion for over seven hours! Its a long game with some fiddly rules, although the expansion does improve it in interesting ways. The score was satisfyingly close with an exciting finish. Sherman Davies won (41) , I came in second (32), another pal from Brooklyn (29) and Taeblewalker (26).

We're playing with a rules mix that includes most of the expansion, but not its Options or the Kickstarter Edition extras. When we started playing with it all we got overwhelmed with new rules, although none are complex. There is a learning curve, and we're still figuring things out in this, the fourth play of the new version for some of us.

UPS says Mare Nostrum Empires should be here Friday, and I'll be running a game of it next Wednesday. Like Conan, its been a long time coming, and is also a Kickstarter design. The first guy to receive it says he really likes the Summary Sheets, so that sounds good.

Richard Borg just made some rules clarifications call for The Great War Tank Expansion. So I've updated the FAQ in the bgg Files section. I just played Scenario 30: Cambrai (St. Quentin Canal), a very interesting scenario which features Waterways and Bridges for the first time. It was so good that even though I'm just solitairing, I couldn't put it away without playing it a second time. Each side won one game so far: Germans and British!
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