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Old November 27th, 2014, 07:50 AM
Tai-Pan Tai-Pan is offline
Join Date: December 16, 2006
Location: Germany - Gießen
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Tai-Pan is a penguin with a machine gun Tai-Pan is a penguin with a machine gun Tai-Pan is a penguin with a machine gun Tai-Pan is a penguin with a machine gun Tai-Pan is a penguin with a machine gun Tai-Pan is a penguin with a machine gun Tai-Pan is a penguin with a machine gun Tai-Pan is a penguin with a machine gun Tai-Pan is a penguin with a machine gun Tai-Pan is a penguin with a machine gun Tai-Pan is a penguin with a machine gun
Re: The Holocron of IG-88B

Do I understand Pulse Cannon correctly?

I target Vader with IG. I roll 2 dice and get 1 skull. Vader whiffs and receives 1 wound. Still during the attack, I roll 1 extra die. If it's a skull, I add another wound.

Repeat 2 more times.

I was reading it and was unsure. It almost looks like it could be something like the Combined Arbalast of the Protector's of Ullar where attacks 2 and 3 get stronger if the previous attacks wounded the target.

The wording feels a little weird either way. I think having "additional attack die" in there makes it confusing. You actually roll, after the attack is carried out, attack dice for each wound received, not additional attack dice, right? Because you're not increasing the power of the original attack in retrospect, you're dealing with after-effects.

Any help would be appreciated.


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