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Old July 6th, 2007, 11:32 AM
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Originally Posted by GreyOwl
Tiberius, thanks for the great feedback! Here are my comments:

Human Torch - I can include wording to say Supernova doesn't affect him, but I assumed that was implied by his "Fire Resistant" ability. But if that's not too clear, I can add it in explicitly. I like the idea of bumping his Range up to 6, and then possibly raising his point cost to 160-170 ? Does that sound about right?

Invisible Woman - I like your suggestion for the Force Field. It's more concise and effective. As for invisibility, I'd like it to have some effect against adjacent figures, but just not as much. I'm thinking that if you roll 10 or higher, non-adjacent figures don't have line of sight and adjacent figures don't count one of the skulls they roll. How does that sound? Also, the way she currently is, Invisible Woman has virtually no capability to attack (except a fairly weak Attack 3 and Range 1). In the comics, she can be quite powerful, but I'm not clear how to incorporate that. When we playtested her, she didn't deal out much damage at all, but she was very tough to kill.

Mr. Fantastic - I think your "Find the Weakness" is better than what I came up with. How about replacing "Genius" with "When Mr. Fantastic attacks, first roll the 20-sided die. If you roll 12 or higher, the target figure may only roll 1 Defense die"?

The Thing - I actually thought of adding a toss ability as well. I'm just wondering what that would do to his point cost. As it currently stands, he's in the realm of Iron Man, which is probably correct depending on what armor Iron Man is using. I really didn't want to push his point cost where it approached the Thanos range. If I were to add a throw ability (or perhaps a toned-down version of it), what do you think the point cost should be?

By the way, maybe we should move this discussion to my Superhero Customs thread? I kind of feel bad that I inadvertantly hijacked this Silver Surfer thread... (sorry, elwy32!)
You are absolutely correct, I forgot completely about his fire resistance. Doh! Never mind, I think raising the range and the point cost would be great for him. That should do.

Yeah, invisible woman is probably good. You could add a special attack for her if you want, range 6, attack 3 that acts as a cyberclaw if it inflicts at least one damage. Now we are running out of room on the card.

The thing, I dont think Toss is very expensive, it has a D20 roll associated with it and only a chance of wounding. I would add it for maybe 30 points. As he was, he was just a different version of Brunak.

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