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Old February 4th, 2017, 12:14 PM
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Re: Ixe's Custom Units

This is the Man-at-arms from D&D Miniatures - Harbinger:

This is the Man-at-arms from D&D Miniatures - Aberrations:

This is a Shield soldier from D&D Miniatures - War Drums:

NAME = Guild Fighters
PLANET = Toril
CLASS = Fighters
PERSONALITY = Disciplined
SIZE = Medium 5

LIFE = 1 (3 figures)
MOVE = 4


Before taking a turn with the Guild Fighters, you may first take a turn with any Fighter Hero you control. If you do not take a turn with any Fighter Hero you control, you may move and attack with up to 4 guild fighters you control.

If an opponent's figure adjacent to a Guild Fighter attacks with a normal or special attack, it must attack a figure with the Combat Challenge Special Power.

The guild fighters are a tough and sturdy fighting force that can take a punishment and hold their ground. They are skilled at keeping the focus on them, protecting the forces that truly matter. They can work almost seamlessly with their superiors to complement those within their guild or focus on massing their numbers and overwhelming the enemy.

They are a pretty defensive unit who don't quite pack a punch themselves. They have my updated version of combat challenge that always allows the opponent to attack, just not always who they want to. While their strategic bonding lets them put out a solid screen, their combat challenge can allow them to leave a few holes while still keeping key figures protected. Right now they only work with Tandros Kreel (who they don't actually protect but gives them a ranged attack) or C3V's Martial La Hire (although you must be careful he doesn't hurt them). I'd imagine they are a massive pain screening Raelin but they don't have free movement like the rats and otherwise lack significant offense or speed on their own.

As always, comments are greatly appreciated!
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