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Old May 19th, 2021, 12:15 PM
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Re: The Book of Nahiri, Fury in Stone

"Place" is basically supposedly more like teleport where you do not count any terrain effects, height elevations, engagements, or obstacles - essentially the same as flying or grapple arm or swing line, etc. But the PASS THROUGH STONE power mentions "move" but in most people's opinion should more act like place/fly/swing etc. Move can always be "0" spaces, debatable whether you can "place" a figure 0 spaces away.

However "PASS THROUGH STONE" seems it imply that it must move at least 1 space after the normal move to count as using power, but am not 100% on that, as the power is worded so poorly. I would say people can argue this, but essentially the argument is pointless as you can just "normal move" 1 space different from where you want to end up, and since when you start PASS THROUGH STONE you take leaving engagement attacks (similar how you do when you start to fly) it really doesn't matter either way - with once exception - cryptoliths. I am not sure if during your normal move you decide to scale a cryptolith if you can use PASS THROUGH STONE and stay on the cryptoliths - however that is also mostly a moot point UNLESS you have multiple cryptoliths next to each other where two+ figures can be adjacent on top. If you ever get this situation in a game, I say roll a die for it as again the wording on the card is so terrible I am not sure.
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