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Old November 7th, 2006, 10:12 AM
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Euryon Euryon is offline
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Join Date: May 10, 2006
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Euryon is surprisingly tart
Some things to consider;

Range - This is incredibly important. If you can weaken an opponents force before he can weaken you, you have an advantage. In traditional warfare, this is known as skirmishing. It won't often win the battle (though it can), but it can steep the odds in your favour.

Mobility - Bonding is key. If I can move and attack with 5 units versus your squad of 3, I have 2 extra attacks and 2 extra chances to wipe you out. More movement also allows you to capture key positions (glyphs, high ground, choke points, etc)

Synergy - As Nether mentioned. Essentially, if you want the Venoc Warlord, I recommend the Vipers too to take advantage of his scout movement and frenzy enhancements. If you like Finn, get a squad that bonds with him. If you like Soldiers, get Marcus to help their move.

Maximised potential - Try and fill out those points as much as you can. Being 20 points short - ie, 380 in a 400 army, is the worst position you can be in. Whilst the costing system isnt totally perfect (Kravs are cheap, Taelord is expensive); it generally works well. At 20 points short, youre at a cost disadvantage to a 400 pointer, and youre the closest you can be to filling the gap (with a swog or dumuteff) without actually being able to.

Research - As mentioned, check the various threads in this forum. I studied a lot of combo's and came up with some of my own based on my particular style. I've found a core 300points I like, and I mix and match that last 100 depending ont he situation.

Versatility - Make sure your "chosen" army can handle many situations. Play them against populatr tourney armies (orc swarm, Q9 and soulborgs, Agent army, etc). Try it on hilly maps and flat maps. Try different Order Marker combos. Get to know the army; know what it can and cant do, and put it in "can" situations, and shield it from "cant" ones.

On my command, fix bayonets.
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