Thread: Heroscape Codex
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Old November 30th, 2018, 04:32 PM
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Re: Heroscape Codex

Originally Posted by Astroking112 View Post
Originally Posted by quozl View Post
I have recently volunteered to help out with the Heroscape Codex. If you're not familiar with it, it used to be a PDF magazine but is now regular articles periodically posted to the front page of Heroscapers.

Do you read the Codex?

If not, let me know why!
Not often. It doesn't feel like there are any news to find anymore, and I don't see much publicity for the Codex to keep it in my mind. I often forget about it entirely (despite the fact that I thought I had subscribed to it) unless I see something about it on the front page.

I also typically devote too much time to HeroScape already, so reading custom or map-making advice doesn't interest me a lot. I apologize if this isn't the majority of the articles, but for some reason all that I can really remember about reading the Codex is these kinds of things and the interviews with members of the site, neither of which are high priorities for me to spend my free-time reading.

I think that a more consistent and varied presence on the front page could easily convince me to read more often, especially if we start seeing things like sneak peeks/interviews on upcoming C3V releases, stuff with Craig Van Ness and Soaring Rhino, or even on occasional site updates.

Something else that I would be greatly interested in reading would be Strategy Guides, much like we used to see for the Books of classic units. I would love to read articles in that old format talking specifically about C3V-inclusive stuff (it could even double as drumming up interest for the most recent units), and if these could be linked to the relevant Books after release, it could stand as some new long-standing content for people to read and get interested in the Codex by.

I apologize if any of the above is already being carried out, as I haven't seen these things as a relative outsider to the Codex. If they are, then I think that it is more of a problem of appearance and getting the Codex (all parts of it) out there to the community. I certainly wouldn't complain about more front-page activity.
It was our original plan to post regularly on the front page. That idea didn't last for a few reasons, primarily the fact that we only had three or four articles to showcase, and that the other admins did not coordinate with Xotli about when they were about to post on the front page. We got ninja'd out of position once or twice without warning, and we had to delay or scrap the post because Xotli didn't want to ninja back (and I agreed with him). You don't want a new C3G announcement up there for a few hours before it gets pushed down. Because of this, we decided to reserve the front page for major announcements.

As for new content: that largely relies on the contributors. Getting someone who wants to write for us and has the knowledge and time to do so is incredibly difficult. All of your suggestions sound like great ones... it just rests in the hands of those willing and able to write the articles.

We were doing Strategy Guides, but our contributor, Dysole, has been unable to write for some time now, and we've been unable to find a replacement. Narrowing down the pool even further, the format she was writing in is restricted by the USR. If I remember their terms, you have to be a member of their group to use the format, and have the article checked over by the group before we ever see it. So that has greatly limited our ability to find a replacement.

As for articles with CVN and Soaring Rhino - that would be great. Again, we would need a contributor if it were to become a regular thing, but a simple interview would be easy enough. Up until this point, the Codex has been limited to HSers, and content and contributors found on that site (with the exception of the recent Hyground interview). Reaching out to CVN is something we could definitely look into. No promises, but I'll put it forward in the Codex forum.

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