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Old September 5th, 2020, 03:10 AM
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How do you use Marro well?

Brief back story really quickly, started playing Heroscape in 2007 with RotV and my friend got SotM a couple of months later when it released. I had various other units as well, enough to make a full marro army but whenever either of us used marro we would get wiped. 12 years later after a long hiatus I am rebuilding my collection from nothing and I have to say, either I am still as bad as a 13 year old with no knowledge or the marro aren't very good.

Before making this thread I looked for one addressing this and maybe I missed it but I saw nothing. Today, for instance, I was playing a themed game; Jandar Nordic/Heroic units vs marro. 710 points on Sir Heroscapes Arroyo map and NGS shackled not only my Nilfheim but Thorgrim in consecutive turns and it still wasn't a close game. Oppenent had hive, 2x stingers, warriors, NGS, KMS, and SBN and it wasn't really even a competitive game.

Now I have drones x2 and Me-Burq-Sa in the mail and maybe those are the missing links but does anyone have some insight as to why the marro always seem weak?
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