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Old May 13th, 2017, 02:15 PM
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TGRF TGRF is offline
He should definitely get that. (#4)
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Re: The Book of Valhalla Fan Art and Fiction

UPDATE: The Google Spreadsheet now includes an author ranking, based on the average of all of the ratings of an author's works. There are four levels instead of the previous three:
  • Legendary. The author averages 9+.
  • Gold. The author averages 8+.
  • Silver. The author averages 7+.
  • Bronze. The author averages 6+.
In addition, short stories will contribute to an author's rank, and multiple authors can now have the same rank. The rankings can be found under the 'Authors' tab in the Index. The previous index is still in place, and will be until I can collect all of the information it has and put it on the Google Spreadsheet.


UPDATE: All writing endeavors are temporarily on hold while I try to work out some new information about writing which has come to light.
UPDATE: Updated the status of The Moon has Wings to completed, and added a slot for it in the PM list.
UPDATE: My writing process is being rewritten. You can follow the progress in my sig. Once it is complete I can begin working on fan fiction again.
UPDATE: My novel has taken over my writing practices at the moment. I still intend to release the fan fiction I've promised, I just can't make any promises about when. I will keep you updated.
UPDATE: My newest and likely final fan fiction is under development. At the moment it spans three separate installments, in order to test my new structure for creating series.
UPDATE: I have finally deduced why the structure wasn't coming together the way it should. Unfortunately, while it means I'm now doing things the right way, it also means that I have to start over the fan fiction. However, in addition to being stronger for the change, it should allow for infinite novels (this is the whole point of the series structure), meaning I can always come back to it at any moment and write another installment.
UPDATE: I have found a new central core for my next fan fiction. It took a long time to find, but it was worth it; I've done it correctly this time. I will be able to create an infinite series, meaning I can drop by and add another installment to it at any time.

The tentative title for this series is Aquilla's War. I am currently developing the series, which, now that I have the proper core, shouldn't take too long. Once the series is developed, then the framework will be in place for me to develop the individual fictions. Theoretically, because I will have developed the series first, a large chunk of development will already be done when it comes to the individual fictions. This means I could potentially write them very quickly. Time will tell.
UPDATE: Setting tweaks have revealed that the previous title will no longer work. Development is underway.
UPDATE: A split between central goals revealed an error in the setting - the foundation of the story. I have now changed the setting, meaning I had to start over.
UPDATE: I'm reworking the central core of the story - the part that everything is based on. Because I'm still using the same theme however, this just redefines the characters and the story itself, the development of the goal and problem remains the same. So it is and is not a major overhaul.
UPDATE: I'm now working on the subcharacters and subplots. Because I've never done this before, I'm having to create the process as I go. That combined with the fact that it involves a lot of repetitive speculation means it's taking a long time. I have also recently fixed something in the main conflict which was bugging me. I was successful, but unfortunately I also discovered that the instigating event (the event that sets the whole conflict off) was not what it should be. So the event is now being redone, the character it creates reworked, and the event itself redeveloped. That will not take as long as it sounds. Hopefully.
UPDATE: I have found a title for my newest fan fiction: By Any Other Path. I am nearing completion of the development. The subplots are raising a few internal problems, but nothing I haven't seen before. In time they will work themselves out. Once that happens it's on to the outline, and then the writing. The series is coming.
UPDATE: New information has come to light, and there may be a few things I need to include into the development. This may or may not require a complete restart, depending on how central the changes are - I'm hoping not.
UPDATE (11-16-17): I am currently occupied in developing Horizon in Sight, which is Dan's tale. This will be structured like an infinite series, but I plan on ending it after three or four installments. After that, my plan is to write my final fan fiction, which will also be an infinite series, and which I do not plan on ending. Theoretically I should be able to drop by at any point and just keep adding to it. At the same time, I am also developing the world for my novels (also an infinite series). Presently that means figuring out how the magic works. You can watch the progress of all three in my sig.
UPDATE (11-16-17): Removed Code 4114, added Horizon in Sight.
UPDATE (11-23-17): Following a brief dive into the then-stuck theme of my novels, I have finally emerged victorious with a better iteration of how to show the theme. I am duly working it through at least some of the first phase - just enough to make sure it's working properly. I should get back to Horizon soon.
UPDATE: Added Significance to the index, under 'Short Fictions'.
UPDATE: Added EL's Kaya: Vendetta to the index, coming soon.
UPDATE: Added TAF's The Book of TheAverageFan and LO's Lazy Orang's Short Stories to the index.
UPDATE: Added Angi's Art to the Fan Art index.
UPDATE: Updated the status on Kaya:Vendetta and Horizon in Sight. Added The Creeping Evil to Short Stories. Added Heroscape Alignment Posters and TrueMurray's Tourney Art to Fan Art.
UPDATE: Hid Rating PM Sheet to protect identities of those supplying ratings. Also because it was severely out of date.
UPDATE: Added Lady Heroscape's Art to the art index.
UPDATE: Added the rating for Horizon in Sight to the index. Have not updated the author ratings.
UPDATE: Applied HiS's rating to the author ratings.

Last edited by TGRF; June 22nd, 2019 at 05:03 PM.
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