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Old January 26th, 2011, 06:09 PM
dafe31 dafe31 is offline
Join Date: August 8, 2007
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Re: Base a Competitive Army Around: Jotun

I was just trying to come up with a Ullar army featuring Jotun, who just doesn't get much play around my house with his 225 point pricetag. Here's what I had in mind:

Jotun 225
Mittens 345
Armoc Vipers 410
Aubriens 480
Kyntela 500

Run the elves and their princess up to high ground for future use, and then quickly get the Vipers out into the field to start tying up any ranged threats. Then march the big man through the middle of the mayhem, going after the enemy's biggest threat. The elves and possibly Mittens should be able to take care of whatever cleanup is left.

I know that this is a 500 point thread, but we may go 550. I'm thinking Arkmer on the hilltop with the other elves, but I can't decide if I might be better off dropping Kyntela for another set of Aubriens. Either way, it'll be good to dust off Jotun.

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