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Old April 12th, 2012, 03:09 PM
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Re: Long Island Heroscape League- IslandScape Tournament Jul

IslandScape 2015!

Saturday, July 18th, 2015

Our 9th year!

"Revenge of the B Units, the Sequel!"

Saturday, July 18th, 2015

Legendary Realms Games, 1163 Old Country Rd, Plainview, NY
(The store opens at 10:00 if you'd like to get there earlier.)

10:30 - 11:30 Pre-Game brunch/gathering at Panera Bread, 1082 Old Country Rd, Plainview, NY 11803
(We will not be breaking for lunch so if you can't make it to Panera for brunch make sure and grab some lunch before hand.)

11:30 - 12:30 Set up maps, register armies, etc.

12:30 Start 1st round

12:30 - 4:30 Play 4, 1 hour rounds

5:00 Final championship games

Should be finished up by 5:30 - 6:00.

6:00? For those who can stay later our group usually gets Pizza from the shopping center next door and stays to play a variety of other games. All are welcome to join us!

No admission cost - but please consider a small prize for our prize table. It does not have to be Heroscape related and should not cost more than $20. It can even be a game purchased that day at the store. Remember: always, always, always support your local game store! Especially ours for allowing us to host the event in such a nice establishment!

Less than a week to go!

Here's the most up-to-date attendance list:

Confirmed Attending:
1. Warbanner
2. Grishnakh
3. Son of Grishnakh
4. Mogrebla
5. Sherman Davies
6. The _X-Marker
7. Rich10
8. Chas
9. Acefrehley
10. Sir Dendrick
11. OrcElfArmyofOne
12. DragonRuler
13. Taeblewalker
14. Kolakoski
15. Johngee
16. HoundsRule
17. Kathy

Maybe List:
1. Melissa


We had so much fun with last years format we've decided to do it again!

Who likes sitting down at a tournament, looking across the table, and seeing you have to play once again against Deathreavers, Major Q9, Raelin, and a whole bunch of 4th Mass.?

We want something different this year. We want to tap into little used figures and play against army builds that we haven't seen before in a tournament setting.

So, welcome to the "Revenge of the B Units, the Sequel!"

This years IslandScape will be limiting the figures you can choose to those that have a B or less Power Rating. It's our hope that this will provide a bit of a change up to the types of tournaments we've held in the past and provide for some very entertaining games. Here's the details:


• Players bring one, pre-drafted, 510 point Heroscape army which can only include figures from the below list of Classic Heroscape, Dungeons and Dragons Heroscape, SoV and C3V custom Heroscape figures.
(No Marvel, C3G, Star Wars HoSS, or other custom figures will be allowed).

• Army size is limited to 24 spaces.

• 5 round Swiss style tournament.

• The tournament is played in one hour rounds.

• Please remember to bring your dice, figures, cards, order markers, and anything else you need for your particular army.

• We will post the maps we will be using soon.


Brought to you by all of the members of the Long Island Heroscape League.

Tournament Director: WarBanner
League President: Grishnakh

Allowable Figures arranged by Power Ratings

Arashara Goshiri (200)
Arkmer (50)
Armoc Vipers (65*)
Ana Karithon (100)
Ashigaru Harquebus (60*)
Aubrien Archers (70*)
Beakface Sneaks (30*)
Brunak (110)
Calibrax the Kyrie Warrior (130)
Capuan Gladiators (70*)
Concan the Kyrie Warrior (80)
Deathstalkers (100*)
Deathwalker 8000 (130)
Deathwalker 9000 (140)
Drow Chainfighter (25*)
Ebon Armor (125)
Emirroon (80)
Emperor Andask (130)
Frost Giant of Morh (140+)
Gorillitroopers (105*)
Ice Troll Berserker (85+)
Iron Golem (100+)
Izumi Samurai (60)
James Murphy (75)
Jorhdawn (100)
Johnny "Shotgun" Sullivan (65)
Kantono Daishi (120)
Kelda the Kyrie Warrior (80)
Kira Jax (30)
Knights of Blackgaard (120*)
Kursus (55)
M-43 Resistance Fighters (65*)
Marrden Hounds (90*)
Marro Drones (50*)
Marro Hive (160)
Manauvi (110)
Microcorp Agents (100*)
Migol Ironwill (110)
Morsbane (100)
Myrddin (90)
Nakita Agents (120)
Nicholas Esenwein (140)
Ogre Warhulk (150+)
Othkurik the Black Dragon (140)
Priscus (110)
Protectors of Ullar (110*)
Siege (120)
Siiv (40)
Sir Orrick (50)
Skeletons of Annellintia (105*)
Spartacus (200)
Taelord the Kyrie Warrior (180)
Tandros Kreel (120)
Tomoe Gozen (110)
Torin (120)
Tyrian the Kyrie Warrior (110)
Ulginesh (150)
Varkanaan Blade Dancers (80*)
Venoc Vipers (40*)
Warden 816 (90)
Warriors of Ashra (50*)
Werewolf Lord (140+)
White Wyrmling (30*)
Wolves of Badru (80*)
Zaeus (130)
Zogross Hardscale (120)
Zombie Hulk (60+)
Zombies of Morindan (60*)
Zettian Guards (70)

Akumaken (110)
Air Elemental (30*)
Anubian Wolves (75*)
Ashigaru Yari (40*)
Bloodburst Thrall (30)
Blue Wyrmling (35*)
Brimstone (150)
Chardris (90)
Command Courier (35*)
Crypt Guardian (60)
Death Knights of Valkrill (60*)
Deepwyrm Drow (70*)
Earth Elemental (35*)
Eilan Sidhe (40*)
Estivara (80)
Evar Scarcarver (110)
Gorillinators (90*)
Granite Guardians (100*)
Grigor and Rogirg (170)
Iron Man (240)
Iskra Esenwein (50)
Jotun (225)
Kato Katsuro (200)
Kozuke Samurai (100)
Kumiko (80)
Kyntela Gwyn (20)
Marro Gnids (50*)
Martial la Hire (70)
Mimring (150)
Ninjas of the Northern Wind (110)
Mind Flayer Mastermind (100+)
Ornak (100)
Otonashi (10)
Quasatch Hunters (100*)
Retiarius (90)
Rhogar Dragonspine (110)
Shiori (60)
Sir Denrick (100)
Sonlen (160)
Su-Bak-Na (160)
Tagawa Samurai (120)
Tagawa Samurai Archers (65*)
Tarn Viking Warriors (50)
Valguard (110)
Wo-Sa-Ga (135)
Wyvern (100+)

Agent Carr (100)
Brandis Skyhunter (90)
Deathstrike Thrall (30*)
Dumutef Guard (25*)
Dzu-Teh (75*)
Feral Troll (90+)
Greater Ice Elemental (130+)
Gurei-Oni (100)
MacDirk Warriors (80*)
Master of the Hunt (140+)
Master Win Chiu Woo (140)
Mika Connour (110)
Sharwin Wildborn (110)
Sir Dupuis (150)
Sujoah (185)
Tomb Skeletons (40*)
Tornak (100)
Tul-Bak-Ra (130)

Cxurg'gyath (140)
Elite Onyx Vipers (100)
Erevan Sunshadow (80)
Kee-Mo-Shi (130)
Khosumet the Darklord (75)
Moriko (110)
Parmenio (90)
Preyblood Thrall (30*)
Rechets of Bogdan (50)
Runa (120)
Saylind the Kyrie Warrior (80)
Shaolin Monks (80*)
Sudema (140)

Acolarh (110)
Dünd (110)
The Einar Imperium (140*)
Empress Kiova (90)
Grok Riders (130*)
Roman Archers (55*)
Sahuagin Raider (25*)
Shades of Bleakewoode (100*)
Templar Cavalry (120*)

Deadeye Dan (60)
Deathwalker 7000 (100)
Major X17(100)
Marro Drudge (50*)
Obsidian Guards (100*)
Pelloth (100)

Hatamoto Taro (130)

IslandScape 2014!

Saturday, July 19th

Our 8th year!

"Revenge of the B Units!"


Confirmed attending:
1. Warbanner
2. Grishnakh
3. Son of Grishnakh
4. Sherman Davies
5. Big Boa
6. Rich10
7. Johngee
8. Chas
9. SirDendrick
10. Mogrebla
11. The X Marker
12. OrcElfArmyofOne
13. DragonRuler
14. Daughter of Mogrebla
15. acefrehley
16. HoundsRule


Do you have this problem? You set down at a tournament, look across the table, and see you have to play once again against Deathreavers, Major Q9, Raelin, and a whole bunch of 4th Mass.?

We want something different this year as well. We want to tap into little used figures and play against army builds that we haven't seen before in a tournament setting.

So, welcome to the "Revenge of the B Units!"

This years IslandScape will be limiting the figures you can choose to those that have a B or less Power Rating. It's our hope that this will provide a bit of a change up to the types of tournaments we've held in the past and provide for some very entertaining games. Here's the details:


Sign Up:
The store has requested that all attendees sign up through their page so that they can manage the number of people we are going to have. Sign up quickly to reserve your space! Here's the sign up page:

Saturday, July 19th

Legendary Realms Games, 1163 Old Country Rd, Plainview, NY
(The store opens at 11:00 if you'd like to get there earlier.)

10:30 - 11:30 Pre-Game brunch/gathering at Panera Bread, 1082 Old Country Rd, Plainview, NY 11803
(We will not be breaking for lunch so if you can't make it to Panera for brunch make sure and grab some lunch before hand.)

11:30 - 12:30 Set up maps, register armies, etc.

12:30 Start 1st round

12:30 - 4:30 Play 4, 1 hour rounds

5:00 Final championship games

Should be finished up by 5:30 - 6:00.

6:00? For those who can stay later our group usually gets Pizza from the shopping center next door and stays to play a variety of other games. All are welcome to join us!

No admission cost - but please consider a small prize for our prize table. It does not have to be Heroscape related and should not cost more than $20. It can even be a game purchased that day at the store. Remember: always, always, always support your local game store! Especially ours for allowing us to host the event in such a nice establishment!


Other Rules::
• Players bring one, pre-drafted, 510 point Heroscape army which can only include figures from the below list of Classic Heroscape, Dungeons and Dragons Heroscape, SoV and C3V custom Heroscape figures.
(No Marvel, C3G, Star Wars HoSS, or other custom figures will be allowed).

• Army size is limited to 24 spaces.

• 5 round Swiss style tournament.

• The tournament is played in one hour rounds.

• Please remember to bring your dice, figures, cards, order markers, and anything else you need for your particular army.

• Here's a list of the maps we will be using. If our attendance numbers grow we'll add more maps.

Underground Iceways
Lykton Dune
Frozen Quagmire
Plus our championship map, as always, will be a completely flocked, custom map supplied by Grishnakh

• There will be cake.*


Brought to you by all of the members of the Long Island Heroscape League.

Tournament Director: WarBanner
League President: Grishnakh

Allowable Figures arranged by Power Ratings

Arkmer (50)
Ana Karithon (100)
Ashigaru Harquebus (60)
Aubrien Archers (70)
Brunak (110)
Command Courier (35)
Concan the Kyrie Warrior (80)
Deathwalker 8000 (130)
Deathwalker 9000 (140)
Emirroon (80)
Fyorlag Spiders (40)
Hoplitron (35)
Ice Troll Berserker (85)
Iron Golem (100)
Izumi Samurai (60)
James Murphy (75)
Jorhdawn (100)
Johnny "Shotgun" Sullivan (65)
Kelda the Kyrie Warrior (80)
Kira Jax (30)
Kursus (55)
M-43 Resistance Fighters (65)
Marrden Hounds (90)
Marro Drones (50)
Marro Hive (160)
Martial la Hire (70)
Microcorp Agents (100)
Migol Ironwill (110)
Morgoloth (140)
Morsbane (100)
Myrddin (90)
Nakita Agents (120)
Nicholas Esenwein (140)
Ogre Warhulk (150)
Othkurik the Black Dragon (140)
Priscus (110)
Protectors of Ullar (110)
Siege (120)
Siiv (40)
Syvarris (100)
Taelord the Kyrie Warrior (180)
Tandros Kreel (120)
Torin (120)
Tyrian the Kyrie Warrior (110)
Ulginesh (150)
Varkanaan Blade Dancers (80)
Warden 816 (90)
Warriors of Ashra (50)
Werewolf Lord (140)
White Wyrmling (30)
Zaeus (130)
Zogross Hardscale (120)
Zombie Hulk (60)
Zombies of Morindan (60)
Zettian Guards (70)

Air Elemental (30)
Anubian Wolves (75)
Armoc Vipers (65)
Ashigaru Yari (40)
Blue Wyrmling (35)
Chardris (90)
Death Knights of Valkrill (60)
Deathstalkers (100)
Drow Chainfighter (25)
Earth Elemental (35)
Eilan Sidhe (40)
Estivara (80)
Evar Scarcarver (110)
Feral Troll (90)
Gorillinators (90)
Granite Guardians (100)
Iskra Esenwein (50)
Jotun (225)
Kato Katsuro (200)
Kozuke Samurai (100)
Kyntela Gwyn (20)
Marro Gnids (50)
Mimring (150)
Mind Flayer Mastermind (100)
Ornak (100)
Quasatch Hunters (100)
Retiarius (90)
Rhogar Dragonspine (110)
Sir Denrick (100)
Sonlen (160)
Su-Bak-Na (160)
Tagawa Samurai (120)
Tagawa Samurai Archers (65)
Tarn Viking Warriors (50)
Tomb Skeletons (40)
Tomoe Gozen (110)
Valguard (110)
Wolves of Badru (80)
Wo-Sa-Ga (135)
Wyvern (100)

Agent Carr (100)
Brandis Skyhunter (90)
Deathstrike Thrall (30)
Deepwyrm Drow (70)
Dumutef Guard (25)
Frost Giant of Morh (140)
Greater Ice Elemental (130)
Gurei-Oni (100)
Kumiko (80)
MacDirk Warriors (80)
Master of the Hunt (140)
Master Win Chiu Woo (140)
Mika Connour (110)
Ninjas of the Northern Wind (110)
Otonashi (10)
Sharwin Wildborn (110)
Sir Dupuis (150)
Sujoah (185)
Tornak (100)
Tul-Bak-Ra (130)

Cxurg'gyath (140)
Elite Onyx Vipers (100)
Erevan Sunshadow (80)
Kee-Mo-Shi (130)
Khosumet the Darklord (75)
Parmenio (90)
Preyblood Thrall (30)
Rechets of Bogdan (50)
Saylind the Kyrie Warrior (80)
Shaolin Monks (80)

Acolarh (110)
Dzu-Teh (75)
Dünd (110)
The Einar Imperium (140)
Empress Kiova (90)
Grok Riders (130)
Roman Archers (55)
Runa (120)
Sahuagin Raider (25)
Shades of Bleakewoode (100)
Sudema (140)
Templar Cavalry (120)

Deadeye Dan (60)
Deathwalker 7000 (100)
Major X17(100)
Marro Drudge (50)
Moriko (110)
Obsidian Guards (100)
Pelloth (100)
Shiori (60)

Hatamoto Taro (130)

*Note: As a special incentive anyone that takes Hatamoto Taro will get an extra big piece of cake!

It's back!

IslandScape 2013!

Our 7th year!

When: Saturday, July 20th

Where: Legendary Realms Games (formerly Ravenblood Games)
1163 Old Country Rd, Plainview, NY

Time: Set up maps, register armies, etc. between 12:00 and 1:00, officially start at 1:00, play 4 games between 1:00 and 5:00 with the final championship game starting at 5:00. Should be finished up by 6:00. Of course if we keep to a strict time table these time could be moved up.

(Just so you'll know the store opens at 11:00 so if you'd like to get there earlier you can. And just in case you haven't heard the Quiznos in the shopping center closed, so make sure and grab lunch before hand. My son and I have been eating at Coliseum Catering down the street a few blocks past the store.)

Admission: No admission cost - but please consider a small prize for our prize table. This does not have to be Heroscape related. It can even be a game purchased that day at the store. We definitely need to support our local game store!


• Maps will be the same ones used at GenCon this year and may also contain a small selection of BoV maps (to be determined).

• Players bring one, or two, pre-drafted 440 point Heroscape armies which can include Classic Heroscape, Dungeons and Dragons Heroscape, SoV and C3V custom Heroscape figures (no Marvel, C3G, Star Wars HoSS, or other custom figures allowed).

• Army size is limited to 16 figures.

• 5 round Swiss style tournament.

• The tournament is played in one hour rounds.

• Before each game players secretly choose which of their two armies they will be playing based on the map before them. Both players reveal their armies at the same time. Once revealed they cannot switch them. This is totally optional. You can just bring one army and stick with it for the entire day if you'd like. However, you might be facing a player who can choose which of his or her two armies to play.

• Please remember to bring your dice, figures, cards, order markers, and anything else you need for your particular army.

• The house will be supplying all of the glyphs. Each of the GenCon maps have very specific glyphs. For any BoV maps we'll pull from a random glyph pool.


That's about it. Can't tell you how much my son and I are looking forward to this. If any of you have any questions get back in touch with me.

Now go build armies! And feel free to use Duñd in all of your builds too! Mwah ha ha ha…….

Who's attending the 2013 tournament so far:

1. Grishnakh
2. Son of Grishnakh
3. WarBanner
4. Sherman Davies
5. Mogrebla
6. Rich10
7. Son of Rich10
8. The_X_Marker
9. Rob
10. SirDendrick
11. Daughter of Mogrebla
12. OrcElfArmyOne
13. OrcElfArmyTwo
14. Jim

Brought to you by all of the members of the Long Island Heroscape League.

Tournament Director: WarBanner
League President: Grishnakh


It's back!

From Last Year....

IslandScape 2012!

Our 6th year!

July 21st, Ravenblood Games, Hicksville NY

Save the Date!

Set up, register armies, etc. between 12:00 and 1:00, officially start at 1:00, play 4 games between 1:00 and 5:00 with the final championship game starting at 5:00. Should be finished up by 6:00. Of course if we keep to a strict time table these time could be moved up.

No admission cost - but please consider a small prize for our prize table. This does not have to be Heroscape related. (It can even be a low cost game purchased that day at the store.)

Maps will be based on this years GenCon maps.

5 round swiss style tournament.

Players bring one, pre-made 450 point Heroscape army (no Marvel). We are allowing C3V and SoV customs this year.

Army size is limited to 24 hexes.

The tournament is played in one hour rounds.

We'll use Reverse the Whip for rounds 4 and 5 (players will be switching armies with their opponent).

Who's attending so far:

1. Grishnakh
2. Son of Grishnakh
3. WarBanner
4. Onacara
5. Son of Onacara
6. Other Son of Onacara
7. The_X_Marker
8. Taeblewalker
9. Mogrebla
10. Sir Dendrik
11. Gurei-Ornery
12. orcelfarmyone
13. orcelfarmyone's dad
14. krysto2002
15. Melissa
16. Daughter of Mogrebla

Maybe Attending:
• Matt
• Matt's Cousin
• Legos of Bleakewoode

Brought to you by all of the members of the Long Island Heroscape League.

Tournament Director: WarBanner
League President: Grishnakh

Last edited by Grishnakh; May 24th, 2016 at 08:25 AM.
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