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Old July 30th, 2016, 01:27 PM
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Re: if you can't go to GenCon - a game from there

@Hendal , I've never had the opportunity to go to Gencon. Growing up I always thought that comic con would have miniatures stuff in it. But when I finally got to go to comic con in Salt Lake a couple years back it was a nightmare, I didn't even get into the venue for 2 of my 3 day pass because it was oversold and not planned well by the venue. When I got in, to my dismay there were absolutely no miniature or gaming booths that had anything to do with miniatures wargaming and such. My wife, kid, and kid brother were so irritated by mid day 3 that I said I'd never do one again. I'm not sure I understand fully what you are doing here, and that may be why you have a lack of participants. What I'm thinking is, your getting people to ask for some games that you may be able to get(up to 50 bucks), then you will draw their name out and pick it up for them? I'm not entirely sure what they even have at Gen Con, in the category of games. I already have quite a miniature game collection and I'm not really greedy in any way. I already have Rum and Bones 1, and Season 2 coming on kickstarter. All of the Zombicide game boxes except angry neighbors and the main boxes of Zombicide: Black Plague. Also I am into Imperial assault with all of their expansions. I hear about a bunch of really neat games in the what board game are you playing thread, but already have too many to enjoy. Very cool thing you are doing here though. Very generous.

Check out my ebay where you can find my custom dice trays and dicetowers:
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