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Old October 8th, 2008, 05:43 PM
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Re: Burning Love Map

Responses: AE dropped, but were useless so I didn't mention them. And I meant 3 10th reg.

More playing has been done. I'm going to list positives first, and I'll try and keep it brief

  1. The lava heights make getting height risky, which keeps ranged units on their toes.
  2. The lava patches near the glyphs are excellent for keeping the enemy away. The attack's low ground is great, unfortunately...*see section 2 on negatives*
  3. The Hive makes a great block of los where it is. It's not over powering, but it does it's job
  4. Starting zones are separated just enough so the player against Zelrig has a chance of fleeing.
  1. The molten lava makes multiple areas untouchable, which really ups the power of ranged units. Not to mention figure maneuvering at the beginning is tedious because of it.
  2. *see section 2 on positives* this also makes the defence glyph neigh unassailable. The height, plus the power of the glyph do enough. The lava keeping melee units from taking this glyph over powers it.
  3. The sand height does not get used due to the low swamp near it.
  4. Wound and initiative glyphs do not play an important role in this map. The middle is no man's land.
  5. It's a little boring. A good map yes, but not one I would like to play a lot. It lacks the sheer fun Flash Fire, Fire Isles, Ember Canyon road, Mole hills, or ruins of pine tree marsh has
If I was a BoV judge, I'd give it a no.
Just to be clear, when I say boring, I don't mean it's not fun to play, I just mean it's not at the same level as the BoV ones. It's still a good map, but not a great one.
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