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Old September 1st, 2012, 05:30 PM
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Re: C3V/SoV-inclusive Power Rankings

Finally updating... sorry for the delay.

Arashara Goshiri: A ton of points to sink into such a frail figure, but if you keep her safe, Shifting Sands can be positively game-changing. B+

Command Courier: Very nice filler for a Vydar army, providing a meat shield, Order Marker flexibility, and a decent cleanup force. B

Deathstrike Thrall: Their powerful self-sacrifice attack synergizes nicely with Nicky and the Preybloods. But it does, you know, kill them. C+

Elaria the Pale: Even if her cheerleading abilities are tricky to use, she is tough to take down in cleanup. B+

Havech Eradicators: Great stats justify the price. Generally, you're better off taking a melee attack if you can find one, but the risky ranged attack gives you valuable tactical flexibility. B+

Martial La Hire: Strong stats for a low price, but tough to get into position before endgame. B

Myrddin: Effective either as a special attacker with the 4th, or as a booster for high-leverage d20 powers. B

Priscus: the adjacency requirement prevents him from being truly effective as a low-cost replacement for Spartacus, but he remains a solid gladiator hero that brings a much-needed special attack. B

Skeletons of Annellintia: Devastating with a hot d20, but can require subtle play to take advantage of the animation mechanic. B+

Skull Demons
: Obnoxiously hard to kill for common squads. Effective either as a standalone hero or as a booster for the Death Knights, who can really use the extra attack. B+.

Ulfrid Hornwrangler: A strong frontline hero with a powerful special attack that can be used to assassinate a key hero or clear a key space. And even if it backfires, at least your Axegrinders are fast. A-

Vulcanmech Incendiborgs
: If they can work their way to high ground before their markers are gone, they will often dominate the game. A-

I guess the only ones where I'm really breaking from the consensus are the Command Courier and the Skull Demon. The CC is hardly gamebreaking, but a defensive power, and free extra moves, is a nice little package. Throwing a few couriers in with Skahen makes for lots of movement synergy. And the Skull Demon is just really nice at shoring up the front line in a Valkrill army.
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