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Old June 27th, 2013, 02:05 PM
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Re: Arch-vile's Customs: revising Pavin Nahz

Okay, one SoV nomination down, and it's revising time! Thanks to the SoV judges for the great feedback. I won't be able to please everyone, but hopefully I can make something work.
Spoiler Alert!

Summary of the reviews: Caps thought squad and common hero figures should be able to move as well. Nyys did not like that huge figures could move. Superfrog wanted a small/medium restriction. Super Bogue thought it was a theme break that figures across the battlefield could be moved by a single shot.

Lots of people had concerns that Pavin would be too powerful. I started testing Pavin at 60 points, and since dropping to 45 he has still come off on the weaker end. Movement is only so helpful. Adding a clear sight or space restriction to Cover Shot movement only serves to weaken an already weak unit.

I'm going to add a "small, medium, or large" restriction to Cover Shot movement, but I still don't want to include squads and common heroes to the power. I could be persuaded, but I'll give my reasons against adding them. Worrisome combinations with Pavin Nahz if all figures can be moved with Cover Shot:
Spoiler Alert!

Range 8. Attack 1. Choose a non-adjacent figure to attack. After attacking an opponent's figure with Cover Shot Special Attack, you may move 3 other non-flying small, medium, or large Unique Heroes you control up to 4 spaces each. Figures moved with Cover Shot Special Attack never take leaving engagement attacks.
So far, this is what I've got. I really don't want to lose large figures from the power, since Zetacron, the Vark heroes, Skull Demons, Deathwalkers, and the Majors are all fun heroes in a hero-only Pavin build. It is odd for them to move, yes, but no theme is perfect in Heroscape and including these heroes makes for more fun gameplay. Thoughts?
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