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Old March 18th, 2011, 05:12 PM
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Adrian Monk
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Re: Exhaustive List of Ways to Play

Here are a few we've done:

Jexik's Shake-up - you roll before each round, all players then play a game of either HoB, CTF, or standard Kill 'Em All (same army each round, just a different variant each time).

Capture the Flag (CTF) - either a single Glyph placed in/near the enemy's start zone--must control it unopposed at the end of a round. Or, a glyph that must be placed on a unit's Army Card and "carried" back to any space in your start zone.

T-Glyph Tourney - each round 2 T-glyphs are available. Winner keeps their T-Glyphs and goes on to play others who have a similar number of T-Glyphs. End of the day winner is whoever has the most T-Glyphs after X rounds.

Melee Fog - All LOS and Range numbers are reduced by half (rounded down).

I'll keep thinking of other events. (Do you want Team Tourneys as well?)
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