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Old June 6th, 2015, 06:42 PM
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Re: Captain Stupdendous' Custom Units

Originally Posted by Ixe View Post
Ulrick is severely overpriced if all he does is give an attack boost to different heroes. You'd be better marching Finn into lava or just drafting Taelord for 30 points more the vast majority of the time. Sure a high attack on Zetacron is nice but it is only one attack. A squad based army will overwhelm the soulborg as it can only shoot once a turn. I like that Ulrick has the flexibility to help your figures, but his main merit is being able to steal your opponent's to use them against their own army while putting them into different compromised positions for their turn.
The difference between dumping Ulrick onto Zetacron or Migol at the beginning of the game and marching Finn into lava or drafting Taelord is that Ulrick's usefulness continues after Zetacron or Migol dies. Generally, drafting Taelord or Finn JUST for their fantastic synergies with Migol or Zetacron isn't going to be worth it in the long run, just because the benefit derived from Finn's spirit is lost, or in Taelord's case, significantly diminished, once Zetacron/Migol dies. With Ulrick, however, there's no reason not to just drop him onto Zetacron with your first order marker and enjoy having a unit with 8 range and the equivalent of 6 attack (actually slightly better than 6) until Zetacron dies. After Zetacron dies, you can then still use Ulfrick to possess your opponent's figures and use them against his own army. I just don't see the point to doing that until AFTER Migol or Zetacron has already died. I hope I'm wrong though; if it turns out that most of the time this is a subpar strategy I would much rather see Ulfrick used primarily as an offensive unit possessing your opponent's figures.
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