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Old September 26th, 2012, 10:46 PM
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Online Heroscape Season 3 - Congrats to FOUDZING!

Many thanks to our sponsor, Auggie's Games.

We are pleased to announce the next season of online play. You can see the past results of season 1 and season 2.

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Finals will be played on Blackroot.
The Foudzing v. kevindola pool of armies is:
* 3xDeathreavers, Krav Maga, Fen Hydra, Brunak, Finn
* 3xGladiatrons, 2xBlastatrons, Raelin, 2xBlack Wyrmling, 1xRed Wyrmling
* Zelrig, Fen Hydra, 10th Regiment of the Foot x3
* Cyprien Esenwein, Iron Golem, Phantom Knights x 4
kevindola won the die roll and gets his choice of either first or second army selection.

(as of last organizer review--updated several times a week)

Games are played using the online Heroscape interface. An explanatory video is below:
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A Skype account, or other online voice chat app, improves the playing experience considerably.

The format for this event is:
  • Choose two 530 point armies, which cannot share any figures. These will be the two armies you bring to every game.
  • Before each game, there will be a dice-off, done by the tournament organizers. The winner of the dice-off chooses first army choice or second army choice.
  • Whoever has first army choice may choose any of the four armies (either of their two or either of their opponent's two). The other player may then choose from any of the other three armies.
The event will last five weeks, with one round being played each week (i.e. each player will have one game each week). If there are two 5-0 players at the end of the five weeks, those two players (and only those two players) will play a final round.

One map will be used for each week/round of the event. The maps for this event will be:
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If there is a finals round, it will be played on one of the five maps above, chosen at random.

Specifics on game setup and gameplay:
Power glyphs will be placed, power side up, on maps before the game begins.

There will be a roll-off before each game by the tournament organizers to determine who has choice of first or second pick. The sequence is as follows:
  1. Player who wins the predetermined roll-off decides whether they want to pick armies first or second, and PMs their opponent with their choice.
  2. Player who picks first PMs their opponent with their army pick.
  3. Player who picks second PMs their opponent with their army pick, goes into the online interface, and places their entire army in the startzone of their choice.
  4. Player who picks first goes into the online interface, and places their entire army in the other startzone.
Once a round is announced, you will have one week to complete your game. Please attempt to schedule a time to play your game with your opponent.

If after 72 hours (3 days) you have not been able to reach your opponent via PM, please fill out the missing opponent report to notify the organizers of the situation.

If you cannot come to an agreement with your opponent on a time to schedule the game during that week, then please fill out the scheduling conflict report.

If a game is not completed on time and the tournament organizers are not notified of an issue, both players will be given a loss.
Reporting Game Results (and dropping out)
The winner of the game must use the game result form to report results.

If you do not want to continue in the tournament into the next round, please PM an organizer to let them know.
The tournament referees are Awesomeunleashed, Bengi, dok, Filthy the Clown, Kinseth, and Xorlof. These players may make rulings on in-game disputes (line of sight, figures fitting on a space, dice rolled too soon/too late, etc) in games where they are not playing. If there is a dispute and one of these players is online, they may issue an on-the-spot ruling. If you have a dispute you cannot resolve, and none of the referees are present, you may stop the game and PM the tournament referees for a ruling.

NOTE: if a ruling is made late in the week and there is not enough time to schedule completion of the game, the tournament referees may issue a forfeit loss to the player who was ruled against.
Players in the event:
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Prize notes:
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Last edited by Xorlof; November 21st, 2012 at 08:38 PM. Reason: Congrats to our winner!
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