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Old February 11th, 2013, 01:23 PM
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Re: How to Host Your First Heroscape Tournament

I *love* the "number one goal" reality check. Terrific.

There is no local Heroscape scene that I've been able to find, but your post has inspired me to try and start one. I've got lots of questions, but will start with just a few. They are random, and not necessarily the most important issues, but I'll circle back round and get to everything eventually.

1) Regarding the #1 goal. Any recommended venues for advertising your tournaments beyond heroscapers? Do you have luck on BGG or in FLGS bulletin boards, etc?

2) Does the $5 turn anybody off that you're aware of? I live in a college town and if I were to strive to keep it VERY local, hosting it here, a certain percentage of players will be possibly cash-strapped college students. Have you experimented with an optional fee, but no-prize-for-you-if-you-don't-pay-it option?

3) FLGS may not be an option for me. One has no tables (I think?). The other recently moved and I'll have to check them out. Regarding the library option, you didn't exactly give it a ringing endorsement. "I’ve attended one of those, it works." Is there something inherently better about the FLGS? I'm pretty sure our library is going to have a cleaner facility! (I'm also considering hosting it on campus since rooms are available cheaply). Any concerns with hosting it at someone's house if they have the tables and generous space in the basement beyond the risks of inviting complete strangers to your house?

4) Recommendations for the "flow" of the tournament? People show up, check-in at a table, get registered/armies looked over (?), get name tag, then...

I'll start you off with those questions so as not to overwhelm you.

There is nothing more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. --MLK
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