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Old January 19th, 2022, 05:23 PM
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Re: The C3G Cave - Hangout

I love his costume, but not sure I dig them making so many changes to the character.

For one, Moon Knight isn't British. He wasn't a bumbling nut job. He was a Marine and in the CIA, then was a mercenary. He got betrayed and left for dead , and woke up in an Egyptian temple.

He didn't get his multiple personalities until later. He became a rich playboy type and drove a cab to gain information about crime, as he had a lot of regular people in the city helping him with info. His issues with personalities was in keeping track of who he was between being a mercenary, playboy, cabbie and Moon Knight.

Anyway, I just worry about them going away from source material too much. Seeing the trailer has kind of curbed my excitement for this series.

Hand of fate is moving and the finger points to you
...Iron Maiden - The Wicker Man


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