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Old April 15th, 2015, 06:20 AM
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Re: The Book of Asterios

Well, as the main author of Asterios' bio, this is what I can tell you :

Originally, Asterios was from Earth, at the time I wrote the bio (at that time, Asterios also had a power allowing to loot his horns ornaments once he died, hence the reference in the bio). The lore of Heroscape made us originates him from Feylund, and the sake of design simplicity made us drop the looting power.
The bio stayed like it was. We liked it this way.

Also, if a mythical being from Feylund can inspire Earth's myths (like Sudema, Asterios, ...), how can one be sure that Theseus is really a greek hero ? Perhaps he was from Feylund too, but was adopted by greeks that made him one of them when the myth arised on Earth. It is good for one's pride if the heroes have the same nationnality, right ? In the same way, we know for sure that Asterios is from Feylund (who with a sane mind would believe such a creature really existed on Earth, right ?), but the myth says that the minotaur is the (step-)son of Minos, King of Crete. Doesn't that prove that the myth is a distorded view of the reality ?

Does this argument convince you ?
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