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Old May 21st, 2017, 08:59 PM
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Re: Aliens custom project update, Aliens, power loader, Pred

Round Aliens vs. Predator vs. Colonial Marines

I came up with an Aliens scenario based off of the Aliens movie and the Leading Edge Game and also Alien Vs Predator video games. The basic idea is you have base (Castle) for the Colonial Marines that you must protect from the Aliens and the Aliens have a Hive base and Alien Queen that they must defend from the Colonial Marines. See pictures below for ideas, this is designed for 2 players but could be adapted easily for 3 or more. The map can be designed whatever way you want but must include random spaces that Aliens will pop up on and many glyphs (Brandars Chest and Glyph of Brandar are used supplies and ammunition) Remote sentry gun, and some traps glyphs. I have used shadow tiles numbered 1-20. At the start of the game and the end of each round you roll for Alien Attack!

1-4: no Aliens appear,
5-7: Alien Egg, place Alien Egg next to the Hive
8-14: Alien Warriors
15-19: Alien Drone
20: player chooses either Alien Warriors or Alien Drone.

You then roll the 20-sided die to place each figure on the board. If the space is occupied, re-roll.

Special Predator rule: In a two-player game after each player has taken their turn. Each player rolls for Predator Appearance if the Predator is not on the battlefield. On a roll of 18-20 place a Predator figure on the battlefield. The player that places the Predator may now take turns with him for the rest of that round. Once the Predator is on the battlefield, after each player takes their regular 1st turn, they then roll for Predator Initiative. Whoever rolls higher then uses Predator for the rest of the round. If the Predator is destroyed, at the start of the next round roll for Predator appearance. Sequence: Roll for Initiative, Player 1 takes turn, Player 2 takes turn, Roll for Predator Initiative, whoever rolls higher takes turn with Predator for the rest of the round.

Treasure Glyphs and regular Glyphs are placed evenly power side down on the map. To reveal any Glyph, you must roll six or higher. The current Glyph placement is, 2 Brandar's Chest, 5 Glyph of Brandar 2 Pit Trap, 1 Lodin= Power Loader, Dagmar (Initiative) = Predator Initiative +3, 2 Wanok= (take 1 wound), 1 Massive curse= Carter Burke takes all turns (move all order Markers to Carter Burke’s card. Treasure Glyphs: 2 Brandar Chest, 1 Potion of Healing, 4 Elixir Speed= Remote Sentry, 4 Whetstone of Poison= roll for adjacent Alien. The rules for the Glyphs are the Regular Glyphs are used like treasure ones except for Pit Trap, Wounding, Intiative and Massive Curse. Pit Trap follows regular rules. Once a Glyph is picked up, Glyphs can be passed to any adjacent figure at any time during a turn. Aliens or the Predator may not reveal or pick any Glyphs but may occupy the space they are on.

The Brandar Glyphs and Chests are special supply glyphs that are used for ammunition and base repairs. Each is worth 5 supply points. If your Castle Door or Barricades are damaged/destroyed you can rebuild with Brandar Glyphs. Regular Castle Door card is used. See Barricade card.

Your Castle must only consist of the Castle Door piece and no ladders.
Repair and Resupply rules: Each Brandar Glyph and Chest is worth 5 Repair pts and 5 Ammo markers. You may remove up to 5 wounds from the door card at the start of any turn for each Brandar or replace up to 5 battlements. A figure must be adjacent to the door or space for repairs.

The ammunition rule: At the end of every 5 rounds, you must have at least 1 Brandar Glyph or Chest which is worth 5 supply points or 5 ammo markers. You may then place 1 ammo marker on any Colonial Marine card to resupply them. Colonial marines must be inside the Castle base to be resupplied. Only Colonial Marine cards with ammo marker may attack after the 5th round. At the end of the 10th round remove all ammo markers and resupply any Colonial marines. Marines that are destroyed drop their Ammo markers like Treasure Glyphs and they may be picked up by other Marines. If they are not picked up at the end of 5 rounds they are removed from the battlefield.

Incapacitated rules: Marines become incapacitated when they receive 2 or more wounds from the Molecular Acid Blood Special Power. Incapacitated Marines may be carried by other Marines. A Marine may pick up and carry incapacitated figure when they pass through a space that has an Incapacitated marine on it. Place the incapacitated figure on the carrying figure’s army card and continue moving. Alien figures may also pick up and carry any incapacitated marines the same way. Incapacitated Marines may be returned to their
Castle Base and can be returned to full health with 2 rounds worth of rest and then being healed.

Special Aliens Water Movement Rule: Like the Heavy Snow each Regular Water Space counts as 2 for Movement for the Aliens.
So that's the basic setup and rules. I am sure I left out a bunch of stuff but you can probably figure it out or just ask.

Last edited by Drewman-chu; May 21st, 2017 at 11:14 PM.
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