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Old August 27th, 2015, 03:29 PM
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General J General J is offline
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The Heroscape Tabletop Simulator Mod needs YOUR help.

I and others have been making Heroscape mods for Tabletop Simulator.

Here is the main mod by Dissonance and jawa64

And here is mine which is composed of HD versions of the unit card images.

I saw a lot of untapped potential in the Autodesk 123D Libraries, so I worked with some models, cleaned them up, and made them game-ready for Tabletop.

So far I have done:
Fyorlag Spiders
Brave Arrow
Major Q9
Greenscale Warriors
10th Reg. of Foot
Marro Stingers
& Zetacron.

This is where I've hit a wall, and I'll explain.

Tabletop Simulator needs two things to import models. It needs to be in .obj format, and it needs one texture image file.

This is the problem. Most texture files on the 123D models have multi-layer textures that overlap one another. I can resolve this most of the time, but if the texture is really complicated, and most of the time it is, I'm out of luck.

Where you come in.

I need help gathering as many 3D Heroscape models as possible. Everything Wave 4 and up. However, what would be the most useful is if someone could help me squash these texture layers into a single image so they can properly be imported into TTS.

What I can contribute:

I can consolidate the entire Autodesk 123D library of Heroscape figures. I can go in and clean them up, remove background geometry, scale them down, reduce the polycount, and overall just make them ready to ship for TTS and increase the workflow of anyone who wants .objs of those figures without clutter.

I can also release the models I have edited to those that need them, such as people who work on Hexscape and the like, for as far as I know I'm the only one with those specific models (besides the teased Wave 4 image in the HexScape thread.)

If you want to help, have any ideas, or just want to talk, post here or email me @

Last edited by lefton4ya; November 5th, 2015 at 04:13 PM.
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