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Old January 3rd, 2017, 02:31 AM
RedReVenge RedReVenge is offline
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Re: [Competitive] 10-0 with Arlinn (600 pts)

Originally Posted by Kajoq View Post
Seems like a solid list! The deck is focused and doesn't have much in the way of potentially dead draws. Bountiful Havest is probably a little more symmetric than you'd really like since you have a number of enchants yourself, but sometimes you need something to break through Unsummon no matter what.

As far as bad matchups, Have you tried it against @capsocrates ' Sorin and the Auto-Wounders squad? (Sorin, Avacyn, Eldrazi Ruiner)
I feel like Caps is on to something there with that being a 'meta' squad that everything needs to be able to at have a reasonable matchup against to be considered truly competitive.
I have not played against that list yet. I definitely plan to play against the auto-wound list for my next game. I think the key to playing this list is the Kessig Rangers. Twin Flame + Titanic Growth on a Kessig figure. This allows him to roll 6 dice (7 with height advantage). You also get to shoot with him twice! On average you should do 3 wounds per volley (this turns to 6 wounds due to twinflame) and after his second volley, a total of 12 wounds!

Eldrazi Monster gets +5 Defense against ranged attacks. So on average it should save ~2 wounds per volley. 12 - 4 wounds = 8 wounds dealt (dead Eldrazi). This also doesn't factor in the other Ranger that gets to shoot.

If you are having trouble drawing the card combo, then just stall the game with Arlin's movement [7]. Once you draw Twinflame + Titanic Growth, plan to set up the combo. I forgot to mention that Snare the Skies is a perfect card that gives our Rangers Range 7. This is extremely powerful and typically surprises the opponent!

Note: My playgroup plays with 3 Master sets of terrain + a few expansions.
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