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Old June 15th, 2021, 05:39 AM
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Re: Reverse the Whip Army Archetypes

The mini-steamroller was better than I thought it would be. You have so few figures and your Capuans are so precious, there’s obviously that hurdle. But a lot of people bring pretty fragile, hard OM-management builds to RtW and the mini-streamroller can really punish that. The wound glyph is a demon for it though, if I had 20pt. for Marcu that would have been so relieving (or even a 10pt. ninja at least buys me another round). I’d definitely keep my eye on it in a 480pt. setting where you add MW.

I’m also surprised with the low frequency of the Short but Good archetype. There’s not really a reason why it wouldn’t be effective, you just need to calibrate properly. I guess a lot of people are afraid to face really good stuff even if it’s in low numbers? Or once they opt for the under-points road, they don’t know how much points under to play? I think I might try this one for ScapeCon, the army I’ve currently been testing seems a little too strong...
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