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Old June 10th, 2018, 12:15 AM
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flameslayer93 flameslayer93 is offline
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The OP isn't updated to allow player reports yet, so I'll just give a go here. I'll keep my eyes open for when the Google Docs page is ready to roll.

We played the following armies:

Heracles, Buccaneers of Tortugax4, Feral Troll

Gothlok, Me-Burq-Sa, Nerak the Glacian Swog Rider, Death Chasers of Theskx4, Mezzodemon Warmongersx2

I sent my Deathchasers down both sides of the map (with a couple siting in the Blossom itself as reinforcements) and had Gothlok/Nerak help support the Valda half of the map. Kevin focused a good bit on the Valda part of the map and we fought for control of Valda for much of first 2 or 3 rounds; he had control of Valda for a few precious rounds and I had Dagmar for much of the game myself. While Gothlok didn't do much for damage, rolling nothing on his charge most of the time, his Aura was nice for helping punch through the "beefy" defense of the Pirates. I did eventually get Valda for myself, but only after losing a ton of Death Chasers. Don't worry, kevin lost a bunch of pirates too.

Eventually Hercules punched Gothlok's lights out, but MBS decided to nail him with a bunch of damage. Once with a Paralyzing Stare and again with a whiff of the Defense Dice. Deathchasers tried slashing the Troll up, but Hercules got the majority of em. Then he killed the Marro Cavalier after two attacks (MBS actually survived an attack!). Mezzos got to work on cleanup and actually managed to catch Hercules off guard for the vic.

Good game kevindola! You were a fantastic opponent.

Special Notes:
Gothlok got 3 Charges in, and netted a total of 1 symbol. :facepalm:

On a round where Kevin actually had Dagmar, he lost inititative, preventing a bunch of nice +1 die attacks against my Death Chasers. That was pretty big right there.

My customs.
NE Ohio Tourney - TBA
SW Ohio Tourney - NHSD 550 points
AotV - Colliding the minis of AotP with the world of HS.
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